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Trust me.. I'm A Professional..
Dude its rubbing alcohol, you can get it at the supermarket. Expect to pay a few dollars a bottle.

as stated, the super market is a good place to start BUT - not all super markets carry 91% ISO. The higher the rubbing alcohol you can find, the better.


Thank You

Thank You

as stated, the super market is a good place to start BUT - not all super markets carry 91% ISO. The higher the rubbing alcohol you can find, the better.
I just have never bought any before & any advice is helpfull. Where would be a good place to get 90% & higher ISO maby like a gallons worth?


Don't forget that the Tutorial is in post #95, or just follow the link in my sig, I'll try and throw up some recent pics later this evening.


Yo, Caligreen! How's my favorite ICMager doing! :wave:

I just got home from work, we'll see if I've got time to whip up a batch here. If not I'll definitely have some fresh pics up tommorow.


thanks again Shmike

thanks again Shmike

Yo, Caligreen! How's my favorite ICMager doing! :wave:

I just got home from work, we'll see if I've got time to whip up a batch here. If not I'll definitely have some fresh pics up tommorow.

Hey shmike, i thought you said any time on the comp. is waist? ;) anyway, i read the thread and it is high-grade bro. Will be doing this as soon as crop comes in and will reup this thread with props to ya.
ALSO, can relate to the CPS you have(clean pipe syndrome) as im afflicted with same 'disease'...BUT that little hint you gave with the salt in with the alchol cleaned all my glass LIKE NEW! Is it just the abrasive action, or a chemical one?
Anyway, you gave me a couple of great insights, thanks...and im addicted to this qwick hash by just looking at your pics, havnt even tried it yet ;)
See ya soon.


Hahaha, Fuck, I haven't been on here in like 3-4 months! The threads get bumped, I have to tend to them. But I haven't surfed the forum in over a year now.

I don't know what it is, dirty pipes are just nasty! Won't use 'em.

White rice works awesome for big pieces, like bongs or large bubblers. More weight to the grains, gets the job done better and quicker.

Yeah, it's an abrasive thing, think: liquid sandpaper.
mayan said:
I really like QWISO. What sets me back a bit is how difficult it is to manage (at least what I've scraped up has generally been a "glop" that is hard to work with AND smoking it in a pipe with a screen generally results in it melting and forming further inaccessible glop on the bottom of my pipe. It just doesn't make a lot of sense (sinse?) for me to put it on top of a bud or in a joint...seems counter-intuitive and defeats the purpose of getting that pure hash thang going. But, I read and learn. THanks for a great thread and great photos.
Thanks mayan, I'm glad you found the tutorial helpful. Another trick for handling oil is to wet your fingers/hands before handling oil, it won't stick to your wet skin as well, thanks to it being hydrophobic.
PastorJ said:
I just have never bought any before & any advice is helpfull. Where would be a good place to get 90% & higher ISO maby like a gallons worth?
Try your local hydroponic supplier, if not a chemical supplier, tell them you use it for your camera equipment a lot and it's cheaper bulk, or something.

(You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to soulfly22583 again.)













Thanks Shmike,

I just tried making Qwiso for the 1st time. Amber glass. I doubted the quick wash worked so I threw some more trim in the jar, on top of the 1st wash waste, and soaked for maybe 3min. Very light green tinge to that batch of infused iso.

Just like youall said, as soon as I scraped across the pan and saw clear amber building up, I knew I probably overdid the 2nd. It came up on the blade OK, but turned brittle VERY quickly. Shattered off the blade, luckly I saw where most of it went. Maybe the 60f ambient in my garage had something to do with it

Full Melt Blast To The Head!

The 2nd batch still turned to glass, but was darker. HaHa haven't tried it yet. Scoopin' up the wee shards o' amber to taste first!

Totalled almost 2g.


Lemme go take some pics

Be right back,


Ok, so here's the Qwiso

This is the trim I used.

Just harvested 2 tiny OG's

and 3 small Purple Kush

(is there any other size?), but most of this stuff is Swiss Bliss by Paradise Seeds.

I had to chop these girls early, at 46 days. Saw some PM signs and hustled the susceptible plants out of the room. The buds are good, covered in clear trichs.

My naked eye thought that there was still lot's o' trich head left

But a closer view reveals all the heads are gone.

Thanks for the tutorials, found some 99% iso at the Safeway.

Much Respect,


That batch looks like a beauty, Rip, awesome! I'm glad you found the tutorial helpful, enjoy man!


Yea shmiiike! Dank lookin nugget too....I should whip some of this up today, if I get some cash for some BHO I will for sure. Peace


Few pics of a current run.....any one else use bubble bags to filter out the leaf & small particles?....first time trying this way so ill give a run down of what I did....and yes I use plastic 5 gal bucket, Iso come in plastic bottles.

3 buckets, one with enough 91 Iso to cover the trim, one bucket with the smashed trim, one with a 220, 120, & 20 bubble bags.

pour the iso on the leaf and very quickly put the lid on and shake for 10sec...pop off the lid and pour into the bubble bags

pull the 220 immediatley & give a quick squeeze....time from pouring to doing the quick squeeze is right around 30sec......almost impossible to do any faster

pull the 120 immediatley after the 220

pull the 20 immediatley after the 120.....takes about 3 mins tops to pull all the bags

I do another run of the 220, 120 for edibles, & this time I saved the 20 which turned out to be tan kief looking hash(havent tried it yet, but there is no smell to it, & under a scope there is tric heads everywhere)

in the Iso I can still see sediment, that got through the 20, but well see how it turns out

evap the Iso with a fan for a few days

will update the "real" hash when it dries out


Reason the 20 hash looks alittle green in some pictures is because of a MH bulb and plants behind the glass jar




Also any tips on "whipping" would be appreciated, like heat source, temp, tools, time.


:deadhorse lmao

I am guessing that Shmike and I are thinking the same thing....ISO hash is so awesome becuase you dont need bubble bags at all. If you dont have bags then you should use the ISO technique. But bro, if ya got bags just use the bags to make bubble hash. The bags special micron size is doing nothing at all for the filtration of heads like it was designed to. You are simply using the bags to collect the plant material, which is what the coffee filters are for.

In your case though, you must be making a lot so perhaps you need a large bucket and the large bubble bag screen to filter a lot at once. Basically, I think you should leave your bubble bags for bubble hash, and find something else to filter out your plant material with. BUT, The only advantage to not using you bubble bags though would be less time in use so they would last longer....

Your not doing anything wrong, just kind of defeating the purpose of why we use ISO.



Thank You sooo much for your help

:deadhorse lmao

I am guessing that Shmike and I are thinking the same thing....ISO hash is so awesome becuase you dont need bubble bags at all. If you dont have bags then you should use the ISO technique. But bro, if ya got bags just use the bags to make bubble hash. The bags special micron size is doing nothing at all for the filtration of heads like it was designed to. You are simply using the bags to collect the plant material, which is what the coffee filters are for.

In your case though, you must be making a lot so perhaps you need a large bucket and the large bubble bag screen to filter a lot at once. Basically, I think you should leave your bubble bags for bubble hash, and find something else to filter out your plant material with. BUT, The only advantage to not using you bubble bags though would be less time in use so they would last longer....

Your not doing anything wrong, just kind of defeating the purpose of why we use ISO.

sorry I do to much at a time to be dicking around with coffee filters, & little pop can strainers.....Im trying to figure out a way to do bigger qwiso runs with bubble bags to get the material out quicker.....if you guys want to sit on your high horses & not help out then keep your childish comments to yourself.

just bash everyone who comes in here so no one will ever post pictures....go play some xbox and beat off to your 1g of amber.





Hahaha, what a reaction. Sorry you do too much at a time? I've done 18 pounds in one wash before. I buy my alcohol in barrels.

You want to do it bigger? Get a bigger strainer, you can pick one up at almost any kitchen supply store. And if you can't find coffee filters big enough, try to find a lab supply store to find large sheets of filter paper.

But don't bring the bubble bags into this, I'm not too too sure, but the alcohol might damage the screens, I don't know. Just save them for making cold water extracts. That's all my :wallbash: smilie was about, I just cringed thinking of your ruined set of bags from being doused in iso. Why aren't you using them instead?!

The bitch of it is, getting it all purged. It took me a solid week, everyday, with 10 Salton hot plates, and a shitload of 16" x 8" pyrex dishes, to purge off 100L+ of alcohol.

As far as buddering goes, just heat it up until it melts, I always use boiling water, and then just whip it until it looks milky and then let it sit.

It's not bashing, it's putting people on the right track. Some people just can't take criticism. And as a matter of fact I will go play some Xbox, right after I finish applying the oil to my air filter for my STI.

Thanks for the neg rep, never had one before.

EDIT: Fuck this place, you come on here bitching because you didn't get what you wanted, talking like your some special mother fucker because you think you do it on a grandiose scale. FUCK YOU, READ THE TUTORIAL. As for me, this is officially it, no more, I stopped in a week ago after a year or so since my last visit and this is what I get. My life doesn't revolve around pot, and I'd rather spend my time doing something more productive than sitting on a computer.

You're a fucking pussy, I jump out of planes for fun on my weekends bitch.