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Quitting Cigs Day 2


Morning of day 4, and I am not going CRAZY today, like the last few. I have been smoking 1-2 real blunts (dutches), and 4-5 joints in 'golden wraps' (tobacco paper) daily. I smoked about 2 packk of newports daily for 12-13 yrs. I know that the tobacco in the weed is not 'cold turkey', but if I didn't do that for at least the first 2 days, I would have gone and bought a pack.

Coughing actually feels good now. I know that I have shit lung capacity, but it feels so good to take a deep breath, and not have a TIGHTNESS from my neck to my stomach. It actually feels good to cough from smoking weed now. Coffee definetly makes the cravings worse. I am not a soda guy, but I bought 2 12 packs knowing that I wouldn't ba able to drink coffee like I do and quit. I am glad that I decided it was time.


Active member
cold turkey is NOT the only way to quit, although i DO believe it's the best way. the reality is that sooner or later, you have to take your last puff of tobacco, including the blunt leaf. nicotine addiction has this in common with other addictions ... there is no such thing as just one . hang in there, quitters, it does get better with time.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
WTG on all trying to quit.......

I despise cigarette smoke w/a disdain for smokers as well.
Dirty habit, well filthy actually, and smokers treat the world
as if it were there personal ashtray, flicking countless still
lit butts out their car windows, onto sidewalks, littering the
shit out of beaches, sickens me to see it occur every single
second of every single day, & btw I prefer not to hear the "I
stub mine out & stick the filter in my pocket" bullshit story
ever again my life. Countless wildfires have been proven that
they were started by a lit cig being tossed carelessly aside.
You can be sure that MANY other fires were caused and yet
not proven to be started by a lit butt. Homes destroyed, lives
displaced, the death of 1000's of critters from insects to deer,
bear, and mountain lion all because some fuckin' stroke smoked.
Hundreds, fuck that, THOUSANDS of acres easily destroyed in
each of those fires. The world is my ashtray attitude.

I own my own home & I keep it fairly neat for a bachelor, no
smoking cigs inside so friends step out for a butt, every now
and again I'll see one of them flicking a butt onto the ground
outside when there is a 55gallon garbage drum just a few feet
away. Usually the next time I stop by their home I'll let him/her
catch me pissing on their car tire when they answer the door.
"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING!?" is the usual response to
what they see me doing, but let me assure you they usually do
NOT make the mistake of treating my land like an ashtray EVER
again after I explain myself, & I'll end it like this, "Next time you'll
be picking up my turds, like the cig butt I had to bend over for."

No, I'm not perfect, by FAR not perfect but none of my daily
habits taxes or effects my surroundings like those litterbuggin'
cig smokers. We the non-smoker of the world do not want nor
intend to clean up behind you.......

I was riding my Harley (in 81) one day when the driver ahead of me
rolled down his window and dumped his ashtray, given the breeze
of his car and that we were in a 30mph zone I was only a few car
lengths behind him, I was blasted by airborne ash & treated to the
sight of 40-50 cig filters being deposited in my neighborhood, I got
him at the next traffic light and cussed him out, he denied it & I got
off my bike & pointed to his now 100% clean ashtray. BAM! One size
10 steel-toed RedWing boot creased his door the other creased a
fender....... btw this wasn't the first time I'd seen a cig smoker dump
a full ashtray on a roadside or in a parking lot, it was however the
mistake of that one idiot to dump that shit on me. When I got home I
needed only to shower to rid myself of the experience, while the other
guy got busy getting estimates from body shops.......

I've been a cook on and off for many yrs. Each time I started a new
job if some dishwashing was involved I made it perfectly clear to my
new boss "I don't even touch ashtrays never mind cleaning them." It
cost me two jobs but those are my terms, nope, not even if I'm paid
well will I clean up behind a cig smoker.

& BTW, I spoke the truth above, one angle of it perhaps but the
truth none the less. So instead of some bad reps I'm sure I'll get
from this why not just pick my post apart and explain how wrong
I am, try to convince me that careless smokers haven't been the
cause of many of those fires. NO, I am not blaming YOU the reader
here, but it is the habit of any smoker I know to discard that butt
wherever they are w/o even a second thought, so small I guess
they think we don't care or notice. WRONG.

I know everyone will deny littering. It is a dirty habit, when you're
done with that cig you have a filthy ashe at one end & something
that you've drooled on for 10mins at the other end & if there isn't
an ashtray literally within reach that POS will likely wind up on the
ground. It'd be hard to convince me that you ALWAYS smoke w/in
reach of an ashtray or that you're willing to pocket those butts til
you can find an appropriate place to dump them, sorry if you feel
slighted or picked on but being 50+ yrs old I've seen enough to say
what I have with the confidence of not lying or exaggerating the
truth. No smokers don't litter every cig they smoke, but they don't
ever even give a second thought to tossing that cig before it gets
them anymore dirty.

I'm gonna be the proud owner of
a garage fulla lil' red toyota trucks.......
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Today I sorta got back on the caffeine and tobacco thing...
And I don't know if it was because I drank probably a bit too much wine last night and didn't get much sleep...I know that a small energy drink last night didn't help on that either..

But it seemed the tobacco and caffeine just made me feel tense and competitive and aggressive. hard to know if it was the lack of sleep... I only drank a few sips of coffee and a glass of iced tea.

But I can say...that after pretty much getting off stimulants now for a few weeks... and realizing what its like to just feel naturally calm...and naturally have energy (which comes from good sleep and exercise)...

I think I prefer not having stimulants in my life.

Although I do like alcohol and I'm sure I'd smoke weed. I also am not sure how much of my aggressive feelings were from the caffeine or from the tobacco...I think probably the caffeine but either way.. time to take a nap.


lives on planet 4:20
any real addiction is hard to brake.....but smoking is even tougher because of the nicotine cravings

try not coming to the icmag forum for a week......if you are here every day....and you will understand what an addiction is....lmfao

but when you are chemically addicted in addition.....its way harder to quit

in the end it comes down to the question of what is more important to you....your health...or your comfortable feelings after smoking that cigarrete and getting that nicotine craving downsized for an hour or two?

if you smoke nicotine filled cigarettes on a regular basis your health is not important to you.....period

in fact if you do anything to compromise your health....anything....then health is a value below that thing you are doing that causes your health damage

this is a simple fact...that many ignore or don't admit to themselves for some reason


I think its just pleasurable to smoke a cigarette. And sadly, I think pleasure can be hard to come by in this modern world...

Pleasure in my opinion is anti-stress... And stress is rampant nowadays.

I guess I'm just going to smoke. I feel like its probably worse to stuff yourself with food all day long, then smoke a handful of cigarettes. Undigested food putrifies and ferments in your tract...producing a TON of toxins...which your liver then has to work on filtering out. So in a sense, what do you do when your stressed? Maybe cigarettes are the lesser evil...

To each his own. Sure its not healthy. But neither is smoking anything.


Exercise, meditation and yoga are all great anti-stress techniques that don't require "consuming" a substance and help boost confidence, stamina and positive outlook, which over the long term will help you cope with even the most distressed days... If you are looking for something to consume to help de-stress, try a cup of high quality indian or persian tea with some honey :) - very mood elevating, any time of the day... good luck to all, don't keep poisoning yourself, and the rest of the world, please... peace


Dragor, you make a good point. I'm going to meditate right now I really need to... peace


lives on planet 4:20
ECR.....if you are not ready to give up smoking....nothing will help...maybe when the time and place is right...you will quit

but maybe you never will....and will have to suffer consenquences....because smoking tobacco has serious health effects for most people

I hope one day you will quit tobacco....its much better living without them


Smokes, lets go
hey guys just wanted to say smoke free still and i don't really have anymore cravings. I smoke 1 cigarette before i go to sleep but that is it. its been 18 days without regular tobacco and my lungs feel 200% better! everyone that smokes should defanatly quit!


Registered Med User
if u been 18 days without REAL tobacco, what kind of cigarettes do u smoke before bed? My bad if I missed it.


Stoner4Life said:
WTG on all trying to quit.......

I despise cigarette smoke w/a disdain for smokers as well.
Dirty habit, well filthy actually, and smokers treat the world
as if it were there personal ashtray, flicking countless still
lit butts out their car windows, onto sidewalks, littering the
shit out of beaches, sickens me to see it occur every single
second of every single day, & btw I prefer not to hear the "I
stub mine out & stick the filter in my pocket" bullshit story
ever again my life. Countless wildfires have been proven that
they were started by a lit cig being tossed carelessly aside.
You can be sure that MANY other fires were caused and yet
not proven to be started by a lit butt. Homes destroyed, lives
displaced, the death of 1000's of critters from insects to deer,
bear, and mountain lion all because some fuckin' stroke smoked.
Hundreds, fuck that, THOUSANDS of acres easily destroyed in
each of those fires. The world is my ashtray attitude.

I own my own home & I keep it fairly neat for a bachelor, no
smoking cigs inside so friends step out for a butt, every now
and again I'll see one of them flicking a butt onto the ground
outside when there is a 55gallon garbage drum just a few feet
away. Usually the next time I stop by their home I'll let him/her
catch me pissing on their car tire when they answer the door.
"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING!?" is the usual response to
what they see me doing, but let me assure you they usually do
NOT make the mistake of treating my land like an ashtray EVER
again after I explain myself, & I'll end it like this, "Next time you'll
be picking up my turds, like the cig butt I had to bend over for."

No, I'm not perfect, by FAR not perfect but none of my daily
habits taxes or effects my surroundings like those litterbuggin'
cig smokers. We the non-smoker of the world do not want nor
intend to clean up behind you.......
Well said, I completely agree.

twisted treez


I was riding my Harley (in 81) one day when the driver ahead of me
rolled down his window and dumped his ashtray, given the breeze
of his car and that we were in a 30mph zone I was only a few car
lengths behind him, I was blasted by airborne ash & treated to the
sight of 40-50 cig filters being deposited in my neighborhood, I got
him at the next traffic light and cussed him out, he denied it & I got
off my bike & pointed to his now 100% clean ashtray. BAM! One size
10 steel-toed RedWing boot creased his door the other creased a
fender....... btw this wasn't the first time I'd seen a cig smoker dump
a full ashtray on a roadside or in a parking lot, it was however the
mistake of that one idiot to dump that shit on me. When I got home I
needed only to shower to rid myself of the experience, while the other
guy got busy getting estimates from body shops.......

that was funny and fucked up , damn its sucks to be the butt of the joke ,, sorry


Smokes, lets go
GET MO said:
if u been 18 days without REAL tobacco, what kind of cigarettes do u smoke before bed? My bad if I missed it.

you didn't miss anything? i just smoke one b4 i go to sleep compared to smoking 10-15 a day. If I don't have any weed I have to smoke b4 I go to sleep or I wll be up all night... hopefully when this is done I will never have that problem again.

according to the quit calculator I have not smoked 180 cigarettes, that is about a carton, in almost 3 weeks. And I have saved 60 dollars.
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Active member
one of the symptoms of nicotine withdrawal is a disrupted sleep pattern. it fades away within a week or 2 for most people once the nicotine is completely out of the system.


Registered Med User
I didnt notice, probly cuz I drank myself to sleep everynight back when I was quitn...


lives on planet 4:20
norcalfor20......good job bro....one cig a day is better than what many have accomplished....keep going and quit totally...laters


you need an incentive to quit or a new hobby to occupy your mind if it's really bad. i would prefer to quit now but my life is somewhat boring at the minute so i smoke for something to do.

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