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Quitting Cigs Day 2


cant stop wont stop
hell yeah man 1 cig a day aint too bad.. im gonna tryin out do ya tho. my goal is none.
here it is tuesday and im wrapping up my first day of being cig free in 10 years.
i fuckin worked all day and the few brakes i get were kinda rough but let me tell ya gettin home and crackin that beer open.. it just felt empty.

fuck it tho its really for the better and i cant wait to get to 18 days and more to come.


Smokes, lets go
good deal man, im glad i started this thread! Today I had no cigs at all, tomorrow should be the same way. Good to know that other people are quitting too.

Dr. G

Active member
ive been off ciggs for almost 2 years now

a good way to make sure you dont keep smoking is to have a pack a basic menthol ultra light 100s around or just a few but you have to be well into your like 6th mth of not smoking

and if your ever wasted and you "need" a cigg bust out one of those and after 2 drags youll remember why you quit and prolly puke and not want another for a long time

good luck to you all its not too hard i was smoking a pack or more a day and quit cold turkey

oh and if you feel li,e you got the flu or a cold for the next mth or 2 dont worry itll happen you get a sore throat and all that jazz
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Been ~ a week with no cigs, and I am happier than a pig in a Dunkin Donuts...

Last week I probably smoked about 2x's what I usually smoke (herb), but no butts... I have been smoking 1-2 lil blunts a day. Can't just roll a blunt every time I get a craving, but I think that the first few days, they saved my ass, lol.

I don't recommend having any tobacco around for a while, cause I did roll a lil cig with the dutch tobacco.... I 'enjoyed' it for about 60 seconds... Then I was pissed, cause I WANT to quit.

Another 'golden Wrap', barletta???



Active member
nice going, gang . stay the course and dont get sucked into the "just one" lie . you will never regret quitting cigs. i hope this thread is made into a "sticky".


Active member
I quit 6 months ago, using gum. It takes at least 1 month to begin to break the habit and oral fixation. I was kinda drunk a few days ago and was alone, and actually lit up a half smoked american spirit... dangerous move for sure, but I found that I did not enjoy the act of smoking at all anymore, and the next day I could feel tightness in my lungs.
I still enjoy nicotine though... but atleast my health is improving.


lives on planet 4:20
as I wrote in a few other posts in here....I have been a non-smoker for about 14 years straight...after smoking for around 13 years at 1.5 packs of red marlboro's every day

the first few times that I tried quitting didnt work very well....i tried smoking less....then after a few days I would chain smoke.....then I tried gum....threw that nasty shit out....on the first day....and smoked some more

then I was reading an article about addictions in some magazine and it said that most studies show that people quit most addictions *cold turkey*

I figure I would give it a try....what happened next was I suffered from *nicotine cravings* for about two weeks....then they got weaker and weaker and in about one month I could go the whole day without wanting to kill someone.....before this everyday was a bitch....a real bitch

the most important reason I wanted to quit was my health....I could not take a full breath and all day long it felt like I had to cough some shit out of my throat....I hated it....so I decided I would quit once and for all

after quiting my apetite shot through the roof.....and since I dont have the best metabolism I gained weight (fat mostly of course) and my wife would catch me in the bathroom eating all kinds of junk food that I would hide in my pockets and go eat in the bathroom.....lol

after gaining around 20 pounds of fat.....I started eating right....and exercising with weights and doing cardio regularly....after a few years I got myself down to about 10% body fat....which is where I can see a clear six pack on my abs (not bragging...just most ppl dont know what 10% body fat looks like on a human being)

currently my only addiction is coffee ..... which I love to drink in the office every morning.....cannabis I only smoke once in a while...about once a month...and 24/7 when on vacation in holland...lol

I have no desire to give up coffee....i just like drinking it....and I don't care if there are some sideffects....otherwise I don't drink alcohol of any kind...ever...or do any drugs...etc

so I am happy for anyone who quits smoking ciggaretes.....because your health is much more important and I wish you all luck with becoming non-smokers (tobacco-wise)

you will be very happy after quiting smoking tobacco....for sure...its more than worth it !!!
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cant stop wont stop
hell yeah good to see so many supporters of this and so many who've quit this nasty habbit.

im on day 3, not a single cigarette. i think some of the harderst times are the ritualistic cigs i.e. going on break from work, finishin an amazing meal, toking some straight nugs or just being drunk.. i know i have quit and im done but as soon as these situations occur its like your mind just expects you to smoke.

alls i gotta say when im drinkin, sunflower seeds HELP ALOT
Where are all of you????

I came here to see how all the quitting was going and feel as though I am being cheated out of an ending. :nono:

I was catching up on the thread and noticed that a few others jumped on the boat to quit. That is soooo great for you all. I hope it is going well.

I still thank myself everytime I do not cough up black crap or when I do active things and my lungs feel open. It just keeps getting better over the years.

Keep up the hard work all and please keep us up updated. Thanks :joint:


lives on planet 4:20
anyone smoking cigs can quit *cold turkey*....the only question is....are you willing to suffer those nicotine cravings that effect every person differently....but in the end if you suffer and don't smoke eventually they will pass

and once they pass you will understand that being a non-smoker (tobacco) is the best way to live

I smoke cannabis once a week, usually on Sundays...two nice joints with hash...one around 8am the second at noon.....and don't drink any alcohol or smoke cigarretes for 14 years....and if cannabis has any negative effects...I won't smoke it either

but so far so good....lmao (with cannabis I mean)


Active member
I wish you all well I honestly believe that they are addictive. The thread has kept me on the straight and narrow. Thank you.
Feel good that this thread is keeping others away from the world of tobacco.



Being a slave to smokes is the worst. Being smoke free for last 6 months is the best! Freezing Turkey

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