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Quitting Cigs Day 2



I find if I don't have caffeine my craving for tobacco is not really there... i guess because I sleep better so I don't need the stimulant from tobacco as much. I just don't feel like smoking it. But I'll smoke a blunt if it was offered.

twisted treez

well i want a cig like crazy and have a whole pack in the freezer I just opened it up for some ice and saw them but i didnt smoke one, as bad as i wanted too. is it ok to smoke a black and mild?

punishing yourself now? dont glorify it, that wont help.


Smokes, lets go
well whoever said i would have the dream was right, i dreamed all i remember is i lit a cig took one hit then hit it again like it was a joint and filled up my lungs with it as much as i could i put it out and woke up....



Domesticator of Cannabis
NorCalFor20 said:
well whoever said i would have the dream was right, i dreamed all i remember is i lit a cig took one hit then hit it again like it was a joint and filled up my lungs with it as much as i could i put it out and woke up....

I still dream about smoking well first I dream of a girl or two than a cigarette.


I have this book called the health benefits of tobacco. Its kinda interesting...

In it he mainly praises the benefits of cigars..
But he also says that you can smoke up to 10 cigarettes a day and be okay and you would probably still receive benefit.

And I guess I believe him. Reason is... and this may be a bad reason...but the two oldest woman who lived, Fulla Nayak and Jeanne Calment (calmont?) both smoked cigarettes. They lived till like 124 and 125.

Actually Jeanne Calment only stopped smoking when she was like 117, when she was a bit too blind to see the cigarette. She had too much pride. But I guess a year later she finally started smoking again, something to the effect that life was just too boring without it.

Fulla Nayak supposedly loved bidis... and also smoked a ganja cigar a day.

I've recently "quit" smoking. I usually would only smoke 1-3 cigs a day. Its only been a few weeks. But I'm sorta thinking I'm going to go back.

The reason is I really like caffeine. And I have realized that in order for me to enjoy caffeine I pretty much need to smoke...otherwise caffeine merely stays in my blood stream.

The other thing is just the life factor. Its just nice to space out your day with smokes.

I think if I start smoking again I'll start once again rolling my own, and use american spirit tobacco.

Maybe with life its just not worth it to stress about smoking cigarettes...especially if your only smoking say.. a handful of cigarettes a day.

Personally though, I'm not sure I want to start again. I've pretty much eliminated caffiene, haven't smoked in awhile. I was hoping that I could just start sleeping more and get on a good rythmn doing that... But that is proving itself to be harder than I thought.

I really ascribe to the "ideology" of being somehow a "clean" type of a person. Like, not smoking cigarettes.. I guess its just looked down on here in America more and more...

But I think there is practicality, and then Ideology... I don't know though. Right now, it sorta feels "good" to be considered "clean" ... in that I haven't smoked in awhile..and yadda yadda yadda. But is this feeling of being "clean" greater than the fun and freedom and etc etc that I get out of allowing myself to smoke? I don't know...

I think alot of it really does have to do with freedom. Its like, when you allow yourself to smoke, its almost like allowing your dog to go off the leash at a park. Your giving yourself that freedom... which feels good. Is it worth it? I don't know...

Edit: after writing this I just rolled 2 cigarettes. I'm going to drink this here espresso and have a few smokes before going to work. See how long this lasts. haha oh well not enough sleep last night thats my excuse. I think though, with smoking...if your not enjoying your smoke, then you shouldn't be smoking. If your sitting there wondering how bad it is for you, then its probably going to -be- bad for you...

Edit again a few hours later: I had a bit of espresso and then a cigarette. It felt really weird and made me feel wigged out. I guess I'm not used to the stimulation. I think I would rather just get lots of sleep and exercise in the morning as my "base-line" feeling... I really like the natural high energy feeling in many ways over chemical type stimulation.
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Smokes, lets go
yea i smoked part of a cigarette yesterday and it was nasty and made me feel weird so back to no cigs for me.... im glad i quit. i might smoke one every once in a while when i get stressed out


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
NorCalFor20 said:
i might smoke one every once in a while when i get stressed out
I won't say this can't be done. I've known a very few people who could get away with it but, you're playing with fire. The hardest part is the first day, followed by the first week, followed by the first month. You've cleared the first hurdle and you're halfway through the second. My fingers are crossed for you.


Having smoked for the past 12 years from a handful of cigs a day to about a pack a day within the first 2 years, and having tried quitting more than ten different times (all with the aid of nicotine replacement therapy) over the past 5 years - and finally I feel I have enough understanding and courage to overcome this extreme evil created by mankind... the only way to do it, as it's been stated so clearly and logically in this thread - is cold turkey. You have to mentally ready, or else the pain and suffering is gonna pull you right back in for more and more gratification, until the major life-threatening suffering takes over your life and makes you regret wasting your entire life on something as pitiful and disgracefully disgusting as some brown shit wrapped in poison paper. Smoke the cannabis and then you will understand the REAL meaning of freedom and a God given herb that's more aromatic and tasty than many other natural products discovered! Oh and btw, to those who associate nicotine with caffeine, ouch, hurry up and get out of that double trap quick - caffeine rots the liver and kidneys (so does nicotine), stains teeth to a beautiful urine colored hue (both) and provide (consumed together chronically) the highest source of tension and anxiety a human can subject themselves too... go figure why our society is so strung out and lost, way too many bad chemicals out there, everywhere... stay away and enjoy life to the maximum, good luck to all!


I love checking this counter every now and then to see how much I'm saving etc. (It helps me justify spending lots of money on seeds/paraphenalia)

Saibai - Free and Healing for Seven Months, Twenty Eight Days, 23 Hours and 59 Minutes, while extending my life expectancy 12 Days and 14 Hours, by avoiding the use of 3630 nicotine delivery devices that would have cost me 64,160.97YEN.

Google for quit counter, theres a few out there, all free downloads.


Active member
Saibai said:
I love checking this counter every now and then to see how much I'm saving etc. (It helps me justify spending lots of money on seeds/paraphenalia)

Google for quit counter, theres a few out there, all free downloads.

omedetoo gozaimasu Saibai.

When I was in japan,
I must have second hand smoked a pack a day.

I never got used to seeing a 13 year old ko-gyaru chain smoking as she fed her tamagochi.



cant stop wont stop
great thread
good luck norcal its fuckin tough..
between this and BOG's thread it really makes me think..
ive smoked for over 10 years now and as much as i fucking love cigs (most the time)
im soooo fuckin sick of them.
as of now i set my date tuesday the 15th im fucking done.. cold turkey.. in my many attempts ive found quiting at the beginning of the day works best.. as opposed to trying to quit say after work or something..
fuck cigarettes. and now im abou tto have one..


Smokes, lets go
enjoy them while you can after you quit a few days and try to go back and smoke one its not the same- or it wasn't for me anyway- it will make you feel sketchy and weird, not enjoyable anymore I can see myself enjoyign an occassional cigarette once in a while {less than one or one a day} but i couldn't see myself smoking as much i did before...even tho it was only a half a pack now that i look at it 10 cigs in a day is a lot of smoke. Not smoking has made my lungs feel better and allowed me to breathe easier i think but it could be a placebo, its been straight weed for me the past 6-7 days besides half a cig day before yesterday and it wasn't all that great haha.


Active member
good thing you are deciding to quit smoking. smoking cigs is played out.

i smoekd for bout 5 years and knew i didnt want to smoek anymore. was easy as hell to quit. TO this day i don't know how i quit so easily.. didn't even crave them. I jsut finally decided i didn't want them and it was all i needed to quit.

Just suck it up and the shit will get easy.. all a fucknig head game. fuck those greedy ass cig companies.


3 years for me - cold turkey...

My mother-in-law asked me to - I adore her, so I did.

But not weed - I don't like the old bag THAT much...


I like to show the other side of the coin...

From the research I've done, it appears that nicotine increases the metabolism rate of caffeine.

Which, can be a good thing...ESPECIALLY for all of us people out there that are slow caffeine metabolizers.

So in some ways, I'd have to say...that on a long-term basis... some of us tobacco users, unless we limit caffeine in different ways, really might end up worse off psychologically...because caffeine is cursing through our bloodstream 24/7...and building up...which screws with sleep big time.

You always hear about coffeeshops of oldtimes, where they would just drink coffee and smoke at the same time. There's a reason those two go together...

Basically from what I know...you really want to flush out the caffeine out of your system, so when it comes time to sleep...you'll get deeper sleep. I don't think tobacco has the same anti-sleep properties as caffeine. Classifying tobacco as a stimulant only, doesn't really give it justice. Its more than that...

I think one of my next experiments will be to go on a bit of caffeine 5 or 6 days out of the week..and take one day off. Then I will figure out how much tobacco I need to smoke a day until I reach a good baseline where I'm dreaming good everynight.

I notice with caffeine in my bloodstream, its like my dreams are in fast-forward...so fast that I actually can't pick up on the images.. as caffeine leaves my bloodstream, its like the images slow down...and i start actually participating in my dreams..and being there. Like last night I had awesome dreams, although they were still a bit more sped up then when I don't drink caffeine at all. Its interesting.

I don't know how marijuana impacts dreams... But I know caffeine is a big culprit. Things like alcohol can delay the metabolism of caffeine.... I wonder if marijuana delays it too, becuase the liver is busy detoxing the marijuana. Or maybe its just mainly detoxing the burnt products? Thats an experiment.

Sorry this is long..but I think its very important to consider. NorCal, you might be a fast caffeine metabolizer, or not... I don't know. Do you dream everynight though? Do you really feel like you were DEEP in your dream?
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twisted treez

^^^^dude your trippin and last time you posted he tried a cigg,^^^^^
norcal just stop trying them


Smokes, lets go
lol no it had nothing to do with him i just got done doing the deed, and i had to smoke one i have never had sex without a cig after so i just had to, but i figure if thats the only time i smoke em then no big deal i might get laied once a week lol so yea im still going good peeps

i agree about the connection between caffeine and nicotine, i think that caffiene makes you crave nicotine worse...i am quitting caffiene too, no more coke except on occassions....
Yep, like I said it has been over 3 years for me but I think caffine was and is still the hardest part. The "morning coffee" without a smoke was almost more than I could take at first. It's too bad that you broke down and had one... sex is a hard one too.. I bring a packed bowl of weed to bed with us now. :laughing: I have to ask though.. if you say it made you feel scetchy, wierd and unenjoyable after not smoking for a few days.. then why do you want to have one once in a while? Not trying to start with you only want to empathize with the excuses that one will try to make to continue the habit. Best Wishes with the next try.....


Just want to mention that I found cravings worse when first quitting with coffee too, more so than when I drank alcohol.
Now that I've quit, I find that I drink a lot less coffee (The whole coffee and cigarettes combo, when I smoked I wanted a coffee and when I had a coffee I wanted to smoke))...which is a nice side-effect. Now I just have a coffee in the morning at home and one mid-morning at work - usually none, maybe just one on the weekend.
I always used to have a cigarette after smoking weed, actually that was how I started cigarettes, that took a while to get over too.

I guess we all have our triggers for habits. For me, I would be ready to bite someones head off if I didn't get my morning coffee or two and cigarettes as soon as I got up...
Norcal.....Great thread!!!! I myself have been trying to quit, been smoking cigs for about 8 years, but started smoking in my early 20's.....I do notice that if I don't smoke a cig after puffing, the high seems to be alot more intense and sometimes psycedelic....It seems the cigs "mellowed" my high....Anyone else notice this? Well keep it up Norcal, your definitly bringing me some inspiration!!