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question about micro scrubbers


Hi everyone. Some of you all might remember me. Well, started a new grow in pc case consisting of one skunk red hair and one chronic seed i found. I'm on month two, going dwc. I just wanted to ask if anyone knew anything about reducing smell. I'm currently using ona-blocker, but from what I hear I can use something called a micro scrubber but I don't know anything about micro scrubbers. I've also heard that there are lightbulbs that reduce smell, can anyone contest to that? Just need some good advice for reducing smell on a micro set up.:ying:


Hi everyone. Some of you all might remember me. Well, started a new grow in pc case consisting of one skunk red hair and one chronic seed i found. I'm on month two, going dwc. I just wanted to ask if anyone knew anything about reducing smell. I'm currently using ona-blocker, but from what I hear I can use something called a micro scrubber but I don't know anything about micro scrubbers. I've also heard that there are lightbulbs that reduce smell, can anyone contest to that? Just need some good advice for reducing smell on a micro set up.:ying:
theres alot of threads on this problem;). As far as the bulbs, Ive seen them at target there called "Eco-Friendly CFL". There suppose to clean the air yes, but they were quite pricey:(


I don't mind spending the extra money on lightbulbs, but if I'm gonna do it just gotta be sure it's going to help. When I search micro scrubbers, I never find information on which one to buy and how to use it. I'll check out your tutorial link and see if that helps.

mad librettist

Active member
I've got a very effective design for enclosed units that sits on top. No tubes. Diy. You can just scrub or make it big enough to cool.

Show us the grow!
I just built this little scrubber using a $10 jar of activated carbon picked up at a local fish store. hacked apart the plastic jar and made vent holes and used the panty-hoes like material that the carbon came in to hold it all in. It is working 100%, not a single odor anymore after my small cabinet was stinking up the entire side of the house a week ago. There is just an 80mm case fan pulling the air through it, although I think a 120mm would be more effective.



thanks, you guys always come thru and help make things clear. I'll post some pics soon.
Do any of you know if an ionizer placed next to the exaust fans on my pc case setup could also help reduce smell?


Grow like nobody is watching
Hi mindvoice welcome back man. I just looked up the light bulbs and it seems they do get decent reports for light smell removal, but alas, you need smell removal when the lights are off too. I would throw one in the ceiling fixture though. Good luck.


Scrub Ninja, my homie! My best pal! I figured I won't buy the special light bulbs, but I did get that vaportek thing with a back up cartridge tho.

That canna butter has been good to me as well as the grinder Scrub, and lets not forget Mr. Cooper, lol. I wanted to post some pics but I need a decent camera. I'll let you guys have a look eventually tho. Both my baby plants came to be female, I'm currently tying them down to the netting, some b. e. a. utiful pistils. Every night I'm dreaming about my pistils blooming, I really wanna show you. My first grow ended up being a hermi but this time my skunk red hair turned to be female and my lucky chronic seed as well. The lucky chronic seed plant is more bushy then the skunk red hair so I'm assuming it has more cannabanoids than psychoactive, but I'm sure even if one is more indica and the skunk more sativa they are both still gonna be fire chronic. Wish I could share my first successful grow with you guys and let you all take a hit once harvesting time comes along, but you kno how it is, we can't share locations, gotta stay stealthy like ol' mari jane.

Check out the documentary "hemp revolution"

One last question for the experts: I'm using 4 flouresents (might have mispelled that) for my micro pc grow, would it be the right thing to put aluminum tape on the top of the bulbs to help reflect more of that light downward? I read it somewhere to do that, but I just wanted you guys' opinion on that.

You guys rock as much as this link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SsYl_LG9YUU



Grow like nobody is watching
My brother from another mother! :good: Good to hear, mate. I have my butter process down perfect now. Barely any bud taste. When you say fluoro's, do you mean the long tubes like t-8 and t-5 etc? If so then yeah, that is do-able for those lights, seems to work. Rock on! :tiphat:


These aren't the best pics everyone, camera sucks, so sorry bout that. Will work on getting better photos, for both you and I. Basically both my plants are flowering and have pistils, so they've shown themselves to be female. One plant is obviously more bushy than the other but it's about 2-3 weeks ahead, so yeah, I had to replant the skunk because the first skunk was stunted. You don't know how proud I am. I've been imagining a scrog for a while and as a novice to growing I think I'm doing the plant justice, checking ph everyday, re-tucking leaves and tying down the stems and also clipping stems but not to much and not to close to where the stems connect. I cut in the middle and let them yellow themselves off. I don't wanna clip to many leaves because the plants need the leaves for photosynthesis. started off with 5.7 ph but have allowed the ph to raise up to 6.5 At this point I have also increased the nutrients, once pistils showed I went from a 1/4 micro and two 1/4's bloom, to now 1/2 micro and two 1/2's bloom. I've also been putting in the hydrogen peroxide. Been switching between spring water and distilled water. Lastly, I have a total of two air pumps and three airs tones, I'm not allowing any light leaks into the water reservoir to prevent algae growth. Reservoir and plant are staying in position. I cut a little door hole to refill nutrients and water which I seal with tape after using.

again sorry about the photo quality. The plants looks much more beautiful in real time. Has trichs and everything. The bottom leaves have a little deficiency but the top ones are perfect healthy green with trichs. At first I was using 5.7 ph I actually think I should've left it from the start on 6.0 - 6.5, what ph do you guys usually go with?


Na, this will be all for personal consumption. In your opinion, How many grams of bud do you think this could produce Scrub? So far it's 8 weeks old & 6 weeks old. I was thinking to give some away to a few friends, but only if there's enough to hold me over for a while. It would save me alot of money to not have to buy herb and I hate the paranoia of putting myself at risk when buying herb. I was planning on double harvesting but I don't know exactly how to do that. I was also thinking to clone both, since I finally found two female plants. The bushy one was a chronic seed I found, what a lucky seed, imagine it's journey. Must of originated from some grow room with males in it. Either way it gave me a really great plant. The skunk seed I payed for and so far it seems alot more fragile and thin, but it's doing it's thing. I guess it's bushy based on the genetics, I'm not too sure what's prefferable, a bushy plant or a thin one.


Grow like nobody is watching
I actually meant flip to 12/12 lol. I forgot the word had another meaning!

You said you're using 4 lights - are they 23w I would guess? Can't remember your exact size but I think if you really got things dialled in you could aim for 1.5 oz maybe. It's still early days and it will be less on the first run :) Maybe half an ounce or less if things don't come together so well.

Double harvesting and a scrog screen don't go together. Nothing terrible but it's going to suck trying to cut one plant's buds out without accidentally chopping the others. All you really see is a thick flat mash of stems and leaves, very hard to trace where they go.

Back when I used to grow lots I would often pollinate a lower branch of a tree with a great male but then forget all about it in the mad rush that comes at havest so it's not impossible to find great seeds in a bag.

Cloning is a great idea but only if you have another cab for that. In your case I'd look into revegging them. Once you harvest just leave a gram or two worth of buds and any leaves, and flip back to veg hours. Eventually it grows again and can be used for cuts or vegged and flowered, etc. There's finer points to follow but that sums it up.

Best 'o luck


oh lol. Flip. Yeah, By the third week, I had the lights flipped to 12/12. I started with 24 hours light, but once they sprouted and had a few branches I then switched to 20 hours light 4 dar, then every night I kept adding half an hour to the dark cycle untill it hit 12/12. I wanted to somewhat mimic the seasons. I wish the pictures could be better quality, the bushy plant has red hairs showing with the pistils by now.

I can't believe that durring my first grow I had problems identifying the sex because it was male, but it was actually really easy identifyng the female. This is my first time really seeing pistils. I'll do like you said, re-vegging. But I gotta do my research cus I still have some to learn. I don't want to harvest too early as I'm allready feeling overzealous about that. I also have to see about drying and curing. Re-vegging shouldn't be too complicated.

I let the plants grow all the way to the top of the pc case so they can be hit with the lights as closely as possible. There are a few bud sites below the cage netting but they obviously get alot less light. Should still be worthy so I'm keeping them there.

Oh one more question, I'm so far at 8 weeks, how many weeks do grows like mine usually go for. I don't know if a big grow room is approached differently then my small pc case. I guess you keep it for as long as it takes for buds to fully develop right? I'm worried about being able to fit the whole plant in there, lol.

The lights I'm using are 4 cfl 100w (only pulling 23w each [energystar]) soft white. 2700 degrees K

two plants 1.5 oz would be wonderful. If people wanna guess how many grams the two will collectively produce I'll let you know the results at the end.


Grow like nobody is watching
I then switched to 20 hours dark 4 light

Sorry chief, I just wanted to check - that's a misprint right? You would have done 20 hours light, 4 hours dark I think? Anyways, when you flip it before it's sexually mature (like hitting puberty for us) it won't flower straight away, so what I would do is remember the date that it started showing pistils (white hairs). Then I would rewind about a week and a half, and I would call that the approximate date of flower (the equivalent to the date when a sexually mature plant is flipped to 12/12). Hope that makes sense. Anyway, then you look at the flowering time using that date as the approximate start. You still don't know the flower time I think cos it's from bagged weed? So just kinda guess it using the level of sativa/indica you can see in the plant or what you know the strain to be.

If it had skinny leaves and was a tall stretchy plant, you might allow months, but yours looks neither here nor there, so I dunno, 8 weeks-ish or more?

So from a week and a half before the pistils showed, add 8 weeks, and that is the closest you will probably get to a date that is very hard to guess. Mark it on the calendar and tell me how accurate it is when harvest comes :) Peace.


oh yeah, I meant to type 20 hrs light and 4 dark.

The skinny one (skunk red hair) I actually purchased, but I had to plant it twice because the first one was stunted. The bushy one was bag seed yeah, but that is the one and only time in years that I found a seed from buying chronic. But yeah who know what it is. So far that mystery bushy one has red hairs showing as well as pistils, which makes me happy. The room smells reeks of weeeeed though. I wonder if when the buds show themselves some more if the smell will leak out of the bedroom. I ordered that vaportek but still waiting for it in the mail.

Thanks for helping me with the time figure. I'm guessing around MAY 11th it should be close to harvesting with what you said about counting a week before I saw the pistils 8 weeks forward. I marked it on the calendar, will be sure to let you know how close you were. So may 11th is the prediction for harvest.

I'm also growing tomato and pepper, both are flowering, tomato gave me some good eating as well. I'm gonna try my hand at sweet potato. strawberries died because of the cold.

Do you have an EC meter Scrub? Do you think with DWC one would be necessary? I've been scrapping by without one, but don't know if I should make it a priority.

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