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question about 400w vert potential.



I could see 18 clones each in 3" rockwool cubes set in 10x20 prop trays around the outside of a 4x4 tent happening. One each side for sure and a little bigger plant set in each corner in a smartpot would give you 76 plants with a single level, or a tray in each corner for a second tier would give you 144 plants.

sort of half assed what I mean here


love machine
ICMag Donor
Hi redspaghetti

No I can't say that I'm experienced with vertical or SOG. I'm not trying to claim experience that is not mine.

I'm just trying to wrap my head around what one Q is trying to do here. Marlo's having success placing his well trained plants around a few 400's to maximize the number of budsites exposed to light. But Q doesn't want to grow "bushes" like Marlo. Q wants to put 3" clones into 12/12 immediately in a SOG. How does light penetrate sideways into a Sea OF Green?

You are discussing arranging two tiers of plants around the bulb in a coliseum or stadium arrangement. Now the plants further away are elevated so as not to have their light blocked by those closer to the bulb. Would you still call this SOG?

well unless you run both set up collesium/. stadium with vertical you will understand, its very hard to wrap your head around vertical when it comes to lumens/on squarefootage ... its a whole different balls game, just ask DHF ...

now i havent seen anyone did sog. scrog verical with a smaller bulb but i saw a lot of sog and scrog vertical, and they do turn out well it really base on the experiences of the grower ... Ie Marlo, Aero head ect... but different strokes for different folks i think one Q wants to try something new .... and thats never a bad thing ;)

i think he is going to use a smaller space ie. 4x4 ... this shouldnt be a problem as i understand that one Q wants single cola nug on each clone,,, this is do able and no lights will be block if you set it up right and yes it will be a sea of green ..

its hard to understand vertical only if you complicate it ...

cheers bro

Crusader Rabbit

Active member
Thanks for your comments red. When I saw Ravi Singh use the term "VSOG" it clicked for me. Duh. I'm watching the suggestions here with great interest.

much respect

one Q

No crazy PVC Pipe systems. I want shelves and planters.

I was thinking window planters, 20"x6" or 30"x6" then just water each row/planter

I o I
.I I

Something like this. So that the plants from the lower tier covers the planter of the upper tier. No wasted light, rows of lollypops.
Try to keep the plants at about 15" that will mean the bulb will need to cover 30" from TOP of the top cola to the bottom of the cola on the bottom tier.

Make sense? Hope so.
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one Q

Red! thanks for posting up. I may have to do a stadium style instead tho, only 2 or 3 sides of the bulb.
Looks like ~4' wide and 2.5' deep. what do you think.
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Active member
hey One

i really dig your idea. ive done somethin similar once, with 150hps,4 sides, 4pots and 16 plants. unfortunatley didnt finish that grow, but things were lokin promising.

heres a couple shots with 2 plants in same cab. Not SOG, but LSTed colas aroun bulb so it looks almost the same.

But i found out that with only 1 light source is hard to cover the plants from bottom to top with strong light. i know that 400w bulb has better coverage, but how about 2x250 instead?? especially, since you are leaning towards stadium type grow, would be nice to have a light source for every level of it.

In my new cab i have 2x150 plants are about 20" tall.






I apologise for big pic, but loks like i dont know how to attach thumbnail

one Q

propoline! I remember watching you build that thing and pull that first run a while back... that was such a great thread for me. that was Mandala gear right?


Active member
Bro, if I was you and doing a 400, I'd run 60 plants - 15 columns (hell, you could do 16 because you could reach into yours, which obviously I can't do with mine) of 2" PVC with 60 2" wyes - probably run you ~$200-$300 bucks to setup up, take you a few hours - boom bam, you're done.

Basically what I have (mine is 4" PVC) but a smaller version - easy peasie bro.

Check out some Cage grows to see what a 400 VSOG can do - Disciple over at cannabis - world dot org had a nice grow you should prolly peep.

Luv ya Rig mate, exellent work!


Active member
one Q, glad you like that grow, its Mandala gear, you remember corectly. I stil have quite few their goods to try out.I didnt grow anything inside for almost a year now. my outdoor buds last me till now, but Ill have to turn ON my cab sometime soon, or elese Ill be potles through summer.

pine boy thanks :)

one Q

is it worth doing vert if you cant go 360? lets say you can do 270 but your mising out on 1/4 of the bulb...

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