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Purple Indica X Sour Diesel IBL


Active member
schrooomy420 said:
I was fortunate enough to have gotten some samples of the 4 plants. From just the nuggets it seems very PI dominant in structure taste, smell etc... Also in the high. This stuff is very very stoney. Granted I don't have the tollerance that I used to have, but this stuff just puts me out.

Since you "don't smoke anymore", did you eat it? Is that why it put you out?

Hindu Killer

Active member
How long has it been since we've seen some PIxSD pictures? Some of us are still holding on...smile! Didnt you have some of these in flowering? Second round of cuts or something? Need more info please!

Just sampled some DCxBM and am pretty stoned. Rock on HE!
I really must give you, and everyone who puts the effort into making legendary crosses a lot of credit. I love how you get IBL looking calyxes but with the leaf formations of the PI. Absolutely amazing.
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Cannabis Creeper
hey guys sorry for the delays.. i have put the rest of teh clones in flower .. they are about 3-4 weeks in.. i didnt keep any of the clones around.. i still have alot of teh seeds to go through.. all of the plants turned purple or piurple tinted.. i get some more pics later this week..

HinduKiller-- yeah i been slacking with the pics.. the second round has been harvested and smoked..

killabrown-- hope you get some great plants out of them man.. throw up some pics when you get back.. i like to see someone else's growing them..

Dr.. thanks man..

Here are some pics of them in flower... i get some better ones this weekend.. Keep IT Green and Stay Safe.. HE



If your willing to get rid of some seeds give me a pm.
By the way your plants are F ing gorgeous.


Cannabis Creeper
ExcelAtIt said:
I hope that this turns out nice as hell. Your plants look fantastic. Do the clones have a def? Is that why it was purple or was it just coming out more with the age of the plant? I have noticed some plants grow out of the purpling, some into it.... Also, what is the yeild and growth time of the clones compared to the seeds. It makes me think seeds would be better.

no they were well dialed in the second round..didnt feed them enough the first time from seed.. all the PIxSD plants turned purple in one way or the other..some had purple leaves,and some had purple/green buds.. the 2 that favored the PI mother were more colorful..

the clones finished about a week sooner than the original seed plant.. can not really tell a difference about the yield..Keep It Green and Stay Safe..HE
