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Purple Indica X Sour Diesel IBL

Hindu Killer

Active member
PI is a awesome looking plant for sure. MSM has some shots in his threads. Those finished in good time HE. Be interested in the stone!


Cannabis Creeper
i have to tae some nug pics.. but teh smoke it all good.. i have some people doing some testing on it now and hope they do a smoke report .. Keep It Green and Stay Safe.. HE


Hey brother... those are looking tasty. Those first ones look PI dominant and the second half look like a nice mix between diesel and PI... maybe slightly more PI. What do you think? I gotta taste some of that shit. Cant wait to see them this winter too :rasta:


Active member
I was fortunate enough to have gotten some samples of the 4 plants. From just the nuggets it seems very PI dominant in structure taste, smell etc... Also in the high. This stuff is very very stoney. Granted I don't have the tollerance that I used to have, but this stuff just puts me out.


New member
Sick buds man K+. killer trim job. Are they dense nugs, they look like they mightbe, but they also look light, sorta decieving. Nice size though!


Cannabis Creeper
thanks all..

Hindu-- i still here just busy..getting everything ready for another round of bean making.. :asskick:

Steelers-- they are PI dom.. but teh c and d plants are diesel in structure..

schrooomy-- thanks for the compliment.. i sure the next round will be alot better..

OFS-- thanks man

ultrahobo-- plants a and b are tight nugs.. the other 2 plants were like the diesel not as dense, but not airy either..

i will try and get some shots of them in flower again. . they are about 3-4 weeks in got about another 4-6 weeks.. Keep It Green and Stay Safe.. HE


Active member
Wow killer buds Hieagle, good to hear they came out PI dom. So it looks like the cross was a success. Good luck on your next run. Take care :wave:


Cannabis Creeper
Piffington said:
Wow killer buds Hieagle, good to hear they came out PI dom. So it looks like the cross was a success. Good luck on your next run. Take care :wave:

i wouldnt say success.. but a great effort.. hope the next ones does better.. they all had a couple of nanners(light leak) on them.. but in all i only found 15 seeds in all of them.. so i guess it wasnt that bad.. and thanks for stooping in.. Keep It Green and Stay Safe.. HE


Cannabis Creeper
i get some updated pics of teh clones in flower teh second round.. they are at 4 weeks now just 6 more to go.. im taking all of them to 10-11 weeks this round... Keep IT Green and Stay Safe.. HE