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Pure Thai Sativas


Well-known member
Has anyone seen a plant like this?

Best weed I ever smoked was a special freaky Neville's Haze that had a similar no-bud structure, but had far fewer no-bud sites. I am currently growing a plant that is mostly Thai that has a similar look, but is forming up into buds, sort of:


The buds are really just long skinny un-branched stretched out fox-tails that are stretching more and exposing more stem between calyxes every day. It is on week 23 right not, with no signs of stopping.


From farther away:


The Meao Thai that is in Destroyer from Cannabiogen occasionally shows a willow like phenotype where the calyes similar to yours hang down like a weeping willow tree. It is really something.


Yours are looking very good to me. Nice job!

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Well-known member

Hi Elmer, I tend to think that ganja, both sativa and indica arrived in SE Asia well before the 16th century and more likely from India than Central Asia (as cited in the quote above). It's easy to see if looking at a map of the region how proximal Se Asian countries are from India, and how easy it is to traverse around the Bay of Bengal through Bangladesh, Burma and into Thailand.

If we look at the multitude of Hindu temples in Cambodia such as Angkor Wat from the 11th century or even earlier examples such as the 6th century Bhagavati temple in Nga Trang in Vietnam, and not forgetting the Buddhist influence (which is also Indian) from even earlier times, we see that the cross current of cultural influence from India to SE Asia has occurred since time immemorial. Also have a look at the sativa above by Studio Robin - looks indistinguishable from a Keralan to me.

I'll give you a quick example of an erroneous conclusion from the cited paper: Among the scant references is this footnote - "Kali is a word of Hindi origin, meaning "bud" (personal communication with Dr. Vera Rubin)." This is rubbish, the sanskrit word Kali means dark or black colored and refers to the skin of the Goddess. Kali is the alter ego of the Goddess Shakti, both of whom originate from Shiva's wife Parvati who was separated into her dark and light natures - Kali and Shakti - by Shiva.

Most people think that the ideas contained in academic papers are all evidence based and virtually set in stone. As someone with a former career in academia myself, I can tell you that non-evidentiary conjecture or creative writing forms the basis of a lot of superficially well regarded dissertations. This is understandable given the scarcity of peer reviewers in the field of cannabis history, as in who is going to review his paper? Sam and Rob?


Active member
Best weed I ever smoked was a special freaky Neville's Haze that had a similar no-bud structure, but had far fewer no-bud sites. I am currently growing a plant that is mostly Thai that has a similar look, but is forming up into buds, sort of:

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The buds are really just long skinny un-branched stretched out fox-tails that are stretching more and exposing more stem between calyxes every day. It is on week 23 right not, with no signs of stopping.

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From farther away:

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The Meao Thai that is in Destroyer from Cannabiogen occasionally shows a willow like phenotype where the calyes similar to yours hang down like a willow tree. It is really something.


Yours are looking very good to me. Nice job!


Had a Boi verde that like to grow like that. clear up high...


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Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
G`day Bushie

A closer read talks about 13th century introduction into culture . And references to wild cannabis .
Also the vernacular is derived from Gunja . Kancha , Kancha sin , Kan Xa.

While it is known with certainty that hemp grows wild in central Asia, it is less clear when it was introduced into the above mentioned countries: Was it in the thirteenth or fourteenth century, by the Arabian conquerors; or by the Spanish and Portuguese who set up commercial activities in the region in the sixteenth century? For the inhabitants, it would be the Indians who brought in the plant. In Vietnam, one of the names of the species is gai ariclô, or Indian grass-cloth plant, and as we shall see the Sanskrit name is widespread throughout the peninsula.

In these four countries of Southeast Asia the vernacular name is directly derivable from the Sanskrit guñja:
Thailand: kancha: or kanhcha:; there would also be kanhcha:(thai), kanhcha:thet (foreign), and kanhcha:cin (Chinese). In the absence of plant samples, I cannot say what these different names correspond to botanically.
Cambodia: kanhcha:.
Laos: kan xa.
Vietnam: can xa or gai dndô.

These names seem to be quite old, except in Vietnam where cari xa has become popular since the massive introduction of drugs in the last few years. Previously, the term gai eifidô or dai dfidô were used. Names given to the seed and the kernel, which were frequently used in medicine, underwent some Chinese influence as well: dai ma tzir or dai ma hôt (seed); dai ma nhein (kernel); dai or gai (Vietnamese name designating the grass-cloth plant); ma, a term encountered in several Chinese plant names, e.g., ta ma (cannabis), tchou ma (Boehmeria), and pi ma (Ricinus); tk (Chinese word to denote seed); hôt (Vietnamese word to denote seed); and nhein (Vietnamese word to denote the kernel).
Interpreting the information as its written is a skill not even ex academics get right all of the time ?

Thanks for sharin

EB .


Well-known member
My contention (sorry for the verbosity) is that those dates seem too recent. That's why I mentioned Shiva and Buddha. Sadhus - oriental and caucasoid - have been passing chilims of Buddha in that neck of the woods for millenia. They've been riding around on buffalo and elephants and smoking that shit before any European docked their boat there.

@TB - perhaps waldgeist's indoor #6 had better light indoor than outdoors at his latitude this late in autumn.on the other hand , interesting contrast between your monster indoor GN Thai x NH21/MM and mine...


Thought I better contribute something other than just talking shit..
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Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
G`day Bushie

Seems the Arabic folks introduced the water pipe to the places they went .

Charas is more often smoked in a chillum ? Ganja in water pipes .

You know of Timur the Lame ? His realm had very wide boundaries .From Europe to India and the Middle East .
Too many wars waged , and too many libraries razed,to know the definitive answers .

I don`t go with the Oceania theory . Because the South Pacific doesn`t have Cannabis . The straight of Java is a line of delineation . On one side there are Monkeys , Tigers and Rhinos . The other Marsupials and Mammals .

The interesting question for me is when did ganja arrive in PNG ??

Thanks for sharin

EB .


Well-known member
...interesting contrast between your monster indoor GN Thai x NH21/MM and mine...

Interesting contrast all right... your plant was a living work of art, while mine is a gnarled hunchback indoor freak show. Then again, I may yet get to smoke mine, and I can only gaze at the beauty of the natural expression of that strain's genes through your photographs.

Studio Robin

New member
"The buds are really just long skinny un-branched stretched out fox-tails that are stretching more and exposing more stem between calyxes every day. It is on week 23 right not, with no signs of stopping."

I think that's what is going on. stretched out fox tails with big calyxes.

So here's another question: If we all love these girls for their clear up high, should they be harvested prior to any amber trichomes?


Dr. Narrowleaf
G`day Bushie

A closer read talks about 13th century introduction into culture . And references to wild cannabis .
Also the vernacular is derived from Gunja . Kancha , Kancha sin , Kan Xa.

Interpreting the information as its written is a skill not even ex academics get right all of the time ?

Thanks for sharin

EB .

Interesting discussion.

In my view cannabis has been in SE Asia for millenia, and probably spread from the agricultural centres in the north, from what is now China. So food stuff and fibers. The oldest archaeological evidence of cannabis in Taiwan goes back 10 000 years.

Drug type cannabis on the other hand could have arrived from India and mixed with the older layer of Chinese hemp.

It's is believed that the use of cannabis spread to India from Central Asia with the Indo-Aryan conquerors who shaped the cultural landscape of India around 4000 years ago. Indian influence in coastal SE Asia was massive during the following centuries.

There was also a migration from eastern India to Papua and Australia around four millenia ago, evidenced by genetics and the arrival of the dingo. link

Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
G`day Thule

Yes I saw archetype Dingoes in Nth East Thailand !
Freaked me out . At home a Dingo is a dangerous wild animal . In Isaan they are stray Soi [street] Dogs .
Yellow dogs in Indonesia as well .

Thanks for sharin

EB .


Active member
we all love these girls for their clear up high, should they be harvested prior to any amber trichomes?

That is entirely your own choice , do you want a High high or a like to sit down stoned high ?


Im curious to compare notes - at what day and node did most of your best stud Thai males show?
Going back through hundreds of pages of my notes most males (the best) showed around 45 days from seed 18/6 and at the 9th node.

Great and informative thread!!

Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
"The buds are really just long skinny un-branched stretched out fox-tails that are stretching more and exposing more stem between calyxes every day. It is on week 23 right not, with no signs of stopping."

I think that's what is going on. stretched out fox tails with big calyxes.

So here's another question: If we all love these girls for their clear up high, should they be harvested prior to any amber trichomes?

G`day SR

If its been flowering 3-4 months then it should be a mix of amber , cloudy and clear .
The early calyxes should have amber, the fresh clear resin .
That`s what makes the character of the high more interesting in my opinion . Lots of different cannabinoids with different effects in the one small package.

@ Thai Bliss
Cooler night temps might tame that foxtailing I reckon . My winter crops indoors . Have less fox tails than in Spring/ Summer .Cooler lights off temps . Bigger diff in day night temp for the plants .
It can get pretty cool in the hills in Thailand at night time during mid / late flower .

Thanks for sharin

EB .


Well-known member
Hi guys here's an old Thai line that has been kept by an old grower in my parts and is supposed to be rather unstable. It is called 13 finger Thai and characterized by it's vigor and mutant growth patterns...stem rub is floral and citrus





Well-known member
@ Thai Bliss
Cooler night temps might tame that foxtailing I reckon . My winter crops indoors . Have less fox tails than in Spring/ Summer .Cooler lights off temps . Bigger diff in day night temp for the plants .
It can get pretty cool in the hills in Thailand at night time during mid / late flower .

Thanks for sharin

EB .

Thanks EB, I've noticed the same thing on other strains. Things are turning cold here, with our first really hard pipe busting type of freeze tonight. I hope it helps it to think it's time to finish up.

Bushweed - Nice looking plants already. Cool leaf expressions.


Active member
Was untying some string that was on a branch and some how knocked a bud off.

Let it dry and rolled a joint. First time I ever smoked thai and I like it. Very energetic and uplifting high. I hope that this thai will have that 'psychedelic' high I have heard so much about once it matures in January.


To improve the taste and smokability of any dry tropical bud remove every single leaf and stem, even the very tiny stems then smoke it. It will take some time to remove them all, but it's definitely worth it. It won't make shit-brick into sweet Cali bud, but the smoke will be way less harsher and will taste better.

Another way is to remove each seed bract individually and then you can smoke a bowl or joint full of them...this will taste much better and hit harder than the same bud. A dabbing tool could be good for doing this. hold the bud over the preparation area and bend each bract back so it snaps off and falls down onto the prep area and any resin heads that are knocked off will also fall down and not be lost, so hold the bud as close as possible to the surface of the prep area, mixing bowl, table top, stash box etc when you are doing this.

I'm surprised that no one has mentioned this, it's a great way to smoke, there's a much greater percentage of resin on the bracts than the rest of the bud, so it hits hard too and there's way less tar and less smoke to get higher...smoking bracts only is, in many ways in-between smoking bud and dry sift . I like smoking bud sometimes and other times prefer smoking dry sift....but smoking 100% seed bracts is another way to get high too! It helps to squash the bracts together in the bowl so they burns better.

I always do either of the above when I come across bud that is harsh but with a nice high
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and after removing most of the seed bracts from the bud, the remaining bud stems and leaves can be dry sifted as there's still plenty of resin on them. Make sure the buds are dry so the bracts get snapped off easier. Thais are a perfect strain for doing this as the bracts are usually spaced more apart than other strains and that makes Thai bracts easier to knock off. Wider spaces between each seed bract ensures that the plant thrives in a high humidity environment, in which a vast majority of other strains would get bud rot.
Also, Thais usually aren't the best tasting strains around, but smoking just the resin encrusted seedless/swollen seed bracts would be an improvement.

Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
Thanks EB, I've noticed the same thing on other strains. Things are turning cold here, with our first really hard pipe busting type of freeze tonight. I hope it helps it to think it's time to finish up.

Bushweed - Nice looking plants already. Cool leaf expressions.

G`day TB

Days cooler than the nights could be the answer ?


Night vs day temps
http://www.ggspro.com/new/pdfs/upda...retch Through the Morning Temperature Dip.pdf

Thermoperiodic Stem Elongation Involves Transcriptional Regulation of Gibberellin Deactivation in Peahttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1183420/

Thanks for sharin


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