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Pure Thai Sativas

Donald Mallard

el duck
Here is a few of the super Laos haze. And a few highland thai in pots. The fab pot is the super Laos. Btw does anyone have any info on the super Laos haze? Seems to be quite a bit of conflicting stories. Your plants look really good randy. Thanks
im pretty sure it was just the laos we got from a guy in thailand crossed with original haze ,
should be pretty vigorous plants , long flowering too id bet ...

i sent bushy the laos , it was sent to me from a guy living in thailand in a province next door to laos ..
That sounds good to me lol. I grabbed a few packs as I don’t believe you can go wrong with either parent in the cross. They definitely lean heavier towards the Laos in smell. Least while they’re still pups anyways. They have that kind of wet leather musk mixed with some earthiness.

Kinda funny, my older highland Thai has an almost identical smell. Maybe more musk but the wet leather is still dominant.


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Well-known member

To explain my comment on the "Middle Mekong" strains, I don't put much importance on the difference between Thai strains on one side of the Mekong as compared to Laos strains just across the river. I doubt the climate or soil is significantly different. The ethnic groups seem to span the border/river. I believe the strains are closely related. I think the Thai Stick high is very distinctive, compared to Mexican, Colombian, or many others. I don't mean that it is distinctive from Laos, Cambodian, or Sumatran. I don't have experience with S. Indian, so it also may be similar. I also did not intend "Middle Mekong" to mean that Mango Thai is significantly different. I've never had that. I'd like to try it though. :biggrin: I believe I would prefer all these "Middle Mekong" strains to almost all other strains in the world. I think careful breeding, luck, timing of harvest, fortunate weather conditions, and curing could make any of these the new best after a few generations.

That being said, my Neville's Haze freak pheno had that Thai Stick high, and must have been a manifestation of the Golden Thai or Laos genetics that Sam passed onto the Haze brothers. I did mention many times that the Neville's Haze freak pheno was the only thing I grew that I thought was better than the Thai Stick I was getting back in the day. (B.T.W. EB, I grew that indoors!) This matches Sam's and Donald's assessment of the Golden Thai being the best. I do believe Donald wrote that the Super Laos was the best he's had since the Golden Thai. His Super Laos cured a beautiful golden color! Hmm... Makes one think.

I'm so blessed to have seeds from that Neville's Haze freak pheno AND the Super Laos. I can't wait to bring them together in the next few years in what I've been blending from previous Thai, Cambodian, Burmese, and possibly Laos crosses.

Middle Mekong: I'm also self justifying my intention to post pictures of my mostly Thai (Laos) strains on this thread. LOL I know it's titled "Pure Thai Sativas", but given that strains don't respect borders, I think this is the best place for them. Others have done the same, and in my opinion, it made this thread special. (thanks Samson4, Bushy, Donald, EB, and others) As always, I tend to give more detail on my "The Search for Trip Weed" thread. If you think I'm verbose here... Hahahaha

I'll give it a rest now,


Thers something that throws a spanner in this theory...sam has never seen or had a thai that didnt hermie an has said so himself an didnt even think it was possible to find hermie free thais...wat evers in nevil's nevillies haze and the males he used particularly haze-a and his very first one was highly stable.


Well-known member
Thers something that throws a spanner in this theory...sam has never seen or had a thai that didnt hermie an has said so himself an didnt even think it was possible to find hermie free thais...wat evers in nevil's nevillies haze and the males he used particularly haze-a and his very first one was highly stable.
I know Sam has incredible extensive experience, but no singular person knows everything. I grew pure Thai that had no hermies. Well, the truth is all I really know is that the guy I got it from sent the bud from Thailand. The high was the same as the high I was getting from Thai Sticks over about a 10 year period, from the same guy who was living in Thailand, b.t.w. Plus, Neville's Haze is definitely not pure Thai. I only found one plant out of 10 seeds that even reminded me of Thai. However, the high from that one plant was distinctly Thai but with an extra psilocybin kick that reminded me of Mexican from the late 60s and very early 70s. Mexican weed was the first weed I ever smoked. The Neville's Haze and Laos were both quite golden colored plants.

I'll admit though, what I posted was heavy with conjecture about the Golden Thai, Neville's Haze, and Super Laos. What I do know is the Thai high, which I've only experienced in bud sent from Thailand, Sumatra, possibly Laos, and that one Neville's Haze plant out of 10 that I grew.

Recently, I got a description of the high from Super Laos from Wally. He noted the smooth increase in intensity until the peak. The Neville's Haze I found made me thunderstruck. It came on as suddenly as an acid trip. One second feeling normal, and the next... on a different plane. To me, the Super Laos sounds more like the fat red string Buddha Bud, which I consider a cleaner, smoother, not quite as potent version of the skinny Thai Sticks I was used to smoking.


Well-known member
I agre bliss, the nevils isnt pure thai...but wat he claimed that the true power of the haze seems to come from wat ever thai is buried in his haze seem to be spot on..an its from the original nevils that was put together by the man himself that ive smoked some the most powerful herb ever.


Well-known member
Hi DS, TB,

Are there any good NH cuts out there on the market, or good S1’s maybe? I have some crosses but would love to put a straight NH with the legendary power into my library. Most would say hunting through the MNS gear these days likely wouldn’t put up a winner.

Peace and thanks!

Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
Thers something that throws a spanner in this theory...sam has never seen or had a thai that didnt hermie an has said so himself an didnt even think it was possible to find hermie free thais...wat evers in nevil's nevillies haze and the males he used particularly haze-a and his very first one was highly stable.

G `day DS

Sam went to NE Thailand { Isaan } with a Thai guide .

That leaves a lot of territory unexplored .

Haven`t heard Sam talk about Thai Sticks from his journey only golden Thai .


Well-known member
I agre bliss, the nevils isnt pure thai...but wat he claimed that the true power of the haze seems to come from wat ever thai is buried in his haze seem to be spot on..an its from the original nevils that was put together by the man himself that ive smoked some the most powerful herb ever.
Hi DS,
Can you post a link to a quote from Nev saying the true power of Haze came from Thai?
We are so lucky to have his words archived on MNS, now that he is no longer here to share his experiences with us.
I don't remember reading that one.



Well-known member
Raho you'l have to go wer he was last on the public forums for that info..might have to search abit but its ther...its one ov the reasons that he wanted to put wat he called a pure super thai to the last bits he had left of his 97 nevils.

F2F you'l have to look for the last seeds of the last mating nevil did himself of the hazes in 1997..not many left..tho ive seen one or two about.

Thanks for that E.B.

I dont want to take this thread off topic so....
.I managed to see a pure thai someone had quite a while back, an iv never seen anything like it ever again..I didnt get to see hempys thai78 but il try to describe wat it saw..been trying to work out wat it actually is..its the typical bambo type light browny white trunk, huge internode spaces, I saw it towars the finish an it looked like most of the leaves had droped off..but its bud structure was the weirdest ive ever seen..they wer like tree buds goldy silvery..just like huge calaxes very few, exactly like the few buding tips you see on a tree...very hard tight like huge buding gold roses.The gold colour aginst the whitish stem made it look very exotic...the typical sativa beading type but huge stems and branches with huge but very few beaded calaxes on the tips and internodal sections..the smell..the only way I could describe it was like a huge rotting rubish tip..ther wer no hermie parts on it at all...been trying to find out what it was ever since..I lost contact with the person who had it..im hoping it rings a bell with someone.
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Well-known member
“ F2F you'l have to look for the last seeds of the last mating nevil did himself of the hazes in 1997..not many left..tho ive seen one or two about.”

Thanks Darkstorm. Man, the rare get rarer in this Ganga world! Jeje



The Haze Whisperer
I ran a Thai grow thread in Icmag years ago to prove to Sam what i posted on Thais and pure sativas was fact.That being no sativa pure i ever grew become hermaphrodite after sexing.Yes you got some pure sativas expressing hermaphrodites but you only see them show at sexing. Once a plant was sexed as a male or female it stayed that way.The only time i saw hermaphrodite traits in strains after sex was from dutch lines.My theory on this is the introduction of afghan in the breeding.


Well-known member
Hi DS,
I've read all Nev's posts on MrNiceForums. I was there when he was posting them.

The reason I ask for your reference is because I see a LOT of people posting "Nev said this" and "Nev said that" these days, and an alarming % of the time, he never said what they are claiming.
Even when people get the quote right, a lot of the time people misinterpret what Nev was saying, usually because they completely miss the context.

Because of this, I believe it is reasonable to expect people to post the link to the Nev quote they are referring to if they want to invoke his legacy, or to wrap their statement in disclaimers like "I seem to remember he said something like" or similar, so that they don't come across as absolute. Lots of newbies read this stuff and one person's error can quickly become part of a hundred people's "legendary history."

If people don't post the link to the quote from Nevil that supports what they say and I don't remember it myself, these days I assume it is 90% BS.
Nothing personal mate, just the way things are now that people don't have to worry about Nevil coming back and correcting them.

Raho you'l have to go wer he was last on the public forums for that info..might have to search abit but its ther...its one ov the reasons that he wanted to put wat he called a pure super thai to the last bits he had left of his 97 nevils.

F2F you'l have to look for the last seeds of the last mating nevil did himself of the hazes in 1997..not many left..tho ive seen one or two about.

Thanks for that E.B.

I dont want to take this thread off topic so....
.I managed to see a pure thai someone had quite a while back, an iv never seen anything like it ever again..I didnt get to see hempys thai78 but il try to describe wat it saw..been trying to work out wat it actually is..its the typical bambo type light browny white trunk, huge internode spaces, I saw it towars the finish an it looked like most of the leaves had droped off..but its bud structure was the weirdest ive ever seen..they wer like tree buds goldy silvery..just like huge calaxes very few, exactly like the few buding tips you see on a tree...very hard tight like huge buding gold roses.The gold colour aginst the whitish stem made it look very exotic...the typical sativa beading type but huge stems and branches with huge but very few beaded calaxes on the tips and internodal sections..the smell..the only way I could describe it was like a huge rotting rubish tip..ther wer no hermie parts on it at all...been trying to find out what it was ever since..I lost contact with the person who had it..im hoping it rings a bell with someone.
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Active member

Ripe Lao ganja landraces, February, southern Laos (just south of 17 degrees North)

A lot of the best of the year's "Thai" comes from here, i.e. golden seedless ganja


Active member
G `day DS

Sam went to NE Thailand { Isaan } with a Thai guide .

That leaves a lot of territory unexplored .

Haven`t heard Sam talk about Thai Sticks from his journey only golden Thai .

I couldn't really get my head around what Sam was saying about his observations in northern Isan (specifically, Sakon Nakhon to Nakhon Phanom)

iirc, he was talking about an "ancient language" spoken there that was older than Thai or something

I know that area quite well - been visiting it for over two decades, and used to do business with communities outside Sakon Nakhon for several years with my Lao ex

outside the big towns, what you hear spoken is Lao

the main exception to that in my experience is another language, Phu Thai, which is spoken by... you guessed it... the Phu Thai...

there are a lot of Phu Thai communities in northern and eastern Isan and the neighbouring bits of Laos

no idea what "ancient language" Sam meant - there are Austronesian minorities like the Khmu, but they're not known for growing ganja

the Lao and Phu Thai certainly are known for growing ganja

n.b. Sam talked about "golden Lao" not golden Thai.... people also raved about "the Golden Voice", a name given to good ganja from Lao by Americans

some Phu Thai folk music:




Active member
Lao seeds from the main "Thai" production region, i.e. Bolikhamsai, Central Laos

These are from the February harvest, sown in September

leaves on a village plant in northern Laos - n.b. the chillis... ganja, basil, and chilli are some of the main garden plants in Laos... also mint, papaya, and aubergine (egg plant)


I know Sam has incredible extensive experience, but no singular person knows everything. I grew pure Thai that had no hermies. Well, the truth is all I really know is that the guy I got it from sent the bud from Thailand. The high was the same as the high I was getting from Thai Sticks over about a 10 year period, from the same guy who was living in Thailand, b.t.w. Plus, Neville's Haze is definitely not pure Thai. I only found one plant out of 10 seeds that even reminded me of Thai. However, the high from that one plant was distinctly Thai but with an extra psilocybin kick that reminded me of Mexican from the late 60s and very early 70s. Mexican weed was the first weed I ever smoked. The Neville's Haze and Laos were both quite golden colored plants.
View Image

I'll admit though, what I posted was heavy with conjecture about the Golden Thai, Neville's Haze, and Super Laos. What I do know is the Thai high, which I've only experienced in bud sent from Thailand, Sumatra, possibly Laos, and that one Neville's Haze plant out of 10 that I grew.

Recently, I got a description of the high from Super Laos from Wally. He noted the smooth increase in intensity until the peak. The Neville's Haze I found made me thunderstruck. It came on as suddenly as an acid trip. One second feeling normal, and the next... on a different plane. To me, the Super Laos sounds more like the fat red string Buddha Bud, which I consider a cleaner, smoother, not quite as potent version of the skinny Thai Sticks I was used to smoking.

Nevilles Haze lineage is:
(Nl5xOriginal haze)x(O.haze X Thai )
few thai dom,few NL dom and mostly O haze dom.



Well-known member
Nevilles Haze lineage is:
(Nl5xOriginal haze)x(O.haze X Thai )
few thai dom,few NL dom and mostly O haze dom.


Oh now im gona get people to cross thai haze to nl5haze..we can perhaps make Neville haze...oh I forgot someone els already did this...and posted pictures on this site...I wonder what happened there..dont even look like Neville's haze...

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