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Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
What is happening to eddy lepp is an act of tyranny. The drug laws are making our government tyrannical. We actually have the right to rebel against these people. IT IS TIME FOR MASSIVE PUBLIC SMOKE OUTS DAILY TILL THEY FREE EDDY LEPP!!!!!!!!!!! Lets start organizing. I dont even no where to begin since I live in texas, but I want to push for the idea. I will fly or road trip up to join in, and help!!!. Maybe we can combine it with the 4th of july smoke out. Or do it from July 4th and on, until the government gives in.

KEEP IT PEACEFUL! Martin Luther King Jr. (one of the non-hypocritical ministers) needs to be our at the center of our thoughts. Gandhi, as well.

ITS TIME TO FORCE LEGALIZATION!!!!!!!!! this is more of a civil rights issue than anything else, and if we dont act while obama is in office we are fucked.

FREE EDDY LEPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!


It's time for a lotta things to happen.The problem is that way to many people are self serving & have a lot of hate one another.btw.. Gandhi...[edited] the massive amount of damage he's done.I've heard it said and i belive it..The road to Hell is paved with good intentions.
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Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
It's time for a lotta things to happen.The problem is that way to many people are self serving & hate one another.btw.. Gandhi can burn for the massive amount of damage he's done.The road to Hell is paved with good intentions.

It is time for people to come together Like in the 60's

We need the million man burn a joint march. Sponsored by Mc Donald's, and Snickers. That way we will have snacks. :)

What did Gandhi do that was bad? inform me.


i am down ,this is bullshit the way we are treated and placed in cages with killers just cause we smoke a plant.i have been busted as well for growing ,though i did not have as many plants as sir eddy lepp. our government as been on a power trip since the end of the 60's.we need to stand up and make our voices be heard as one.take it easy and may our good vibes go out to eddy and his family


It is time for people to come together Like in the 60's

We need the million man burn a joint march. Sponsored by Mc Donald's, and Snickers. That way we will have snacks. :)
i agree! :D

okay...let me first say i guess that's a little harsh what i said,but Thanks to Gandhi there's now a country called Pakistan & I'm sure things couldn't have been that bad under British control,even though i do like it that India got their independence.

I'm just not a fan of total Pacifism,that leads to tyrants and all kinds of other problems,there needs to be a balance (if possible) :smile:

Blue Dot

our government as been on a power trip since the end of the 60's.

note how this corresponds to when nixon created the DEA?

The DEA and it's war has been such an abject failure.
They have so much invested in it's time to start the process of dismantling it, piece by piece.

I see some of the pieces starting so if we can just keep the momentum going, I think we can end up back in the sixties (pre DEA) in a little while.

What this country needs now is a 60's revival, haight asbury style.
I am in the process of Starting, or Re-establishing a NORML group in New Mexico. I am really hoping to organize some public smoke outs and protests. This state has gone down hill, the cops are crazy out here, and most smokers are totally under the radar.

It sickens me that Eddy Lepp was given a Ten year sentence for taking part in producing medical marijuana. Federal Law is bullshit, and so is prohibition. Lets just hope that smokers are willing to come out and stand up for their freedom.


Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
If every weed smoker in America literally stood up and lit a joint at the same time, in massive public gatherings, The legalization process would begin the next day.

There is one other possibility that will force legalization in america, and that is, massive U.S. citizen life loss, in a short period of time, due to drug cartel wars. Lets hope the government does not wait for that to happen over and over again. We already have too much drug violence as is.

It really is time to stand up and organize a massive protest. I think the 4th of july protest already in progress will be a great place to begin. The Seattle hemp fest would be another. I think The best thing to do is network all of the head organizers of pot protest organizations (like norml) and Festivals (like seatle hempfest), and convince them all to combine there resources. With the combined creativity and funds, and power of spreading the word, a great american protest for civil rights can take place. Obama is open minded enough to listen to something like that.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
note how this corresponds to when nixon created the DEA?

The DEA and it's war has been such an abject failure.
They have so much invested in it's time to start the process of dismantling it, piece by piece.

I see some of the pieces starting so if we can just keep the momentum going, I think we can end up back in the sixties (pre DEA) in a little while.

What this country needs now is a 60's revival, haight asbury style.

lets do it in portland, it is the perfect place. hippy friendly, affordable, park inspired city. protester friendly. republicans are scarred of it.


Original Editor of ICMagazine
Eddy loves this idea.

He is doing this daily already...but we live in a small county in Northern California where nobody is watching except the choir.

This is a tragedy for Eddy and his family and church, but also a travesty of justice that Americans should realize is not a good thing.

Thanks to Hash Zeppelin for believing in Eddy and his cause to help sick and dying people with medical marijuana.
Thanks to Gandhi there's now a country called Pakistan

So, what's wrong with Pakistan existing? Sure, Gandhi didn't get that whole thing completely correct, but who could have -especially under the circumstances with Britain dividing and conquering the populace?

I'm sure things couldn't have been that bad under British control

Why are you so sure about that? India was basically an apartheid state at that point much as was Hong Kong. The Congo suffered under Belgian rule, South Africa was run by the Dutch/Afrikaners, Syria by the French, Vietnam also by the French... All these European colonial powers ruled by subjugating the majority population. Things were BAD.

I'm just not a fan of total Pacifism,that leads to tyrants and all kinds of other problems,there needs to be a balance (if possible) :smile:

I'm with you on the point that total pacifism prolongs tyranny. However, pascifist resistance could only exist if that tyranny was there first. Rather than blame on the very people who revolt against their masters (by any means), it is the the oppressors that we should scorn. The same goes in our fight for reasonable cannabis laws. It is up to US to fight the power. The Federal Government is the obvious enemy that deserves our targeted derision.


you know what blue i was thinking about that after my last post.i do think we are making small moves to improve our lives and to free the plant from these power tripping governments.


that is so true it way overdue.we need to pick a place in the us to have one big cannabis freedom party and do it every year.i mean i know they have them now in some places but we need to do a BIG one.i am sure its been said.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
hahha I thought this thread got earased, I couldnt find it. It got moved to the front page. Sorry for the pissed off letter mr. mod.

I have expanded this idea to the million man/woman smoke out march!

Thanks for front paging this, I feel stupid for not looking on the front page before I pm'ed the mods thinking they canned it.

I have already started writing letters. I just wrote Time mag, and high times mag. You all do the same!


sounds like a good plan to me bro ,i have some buddies who i am sure i could get to write in as well


Registered Non-Conformist
Unforch, Eddy may have went too far... I fear he will, by necessity, become a Martyr. Because he is going to do some time, regardless.... Really, one cannot grow (anywhere near) so many plants in plain view, and expect no come-uppance.... NorCal is actually not so pot-friendly these days, no matter what High Times mag says.....

But, I wish him the best. Of Course....