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Organic LED Grower
Cat de carcotasi sunteti ... comentati pe seama omului, pe cand el s-a dus acolo sa "stam acta" ca sa nu ne intrerupa astia netul.

Merg pe varianta b). (cel putin de doua ori)


pure dynamite
ce trist trebuie sa fii cand nici cu o arma nu poti face lumea sa te bage in seama. :laughing:

poate totusi civilizatii aia au inteles ca nu are rost sa il provoace cat flutura arma intr-un local plin si au asteptat momentul sa-l prinda sau sosirea politiei? ma gandesc ca daca sareau toti pe el instant cand a intrat cu arma se putea lasa cu morti.. si atunci varianta lor a functionat.


pure dynamite
si inca una dura:

GM food banned in Monsanto canteen
Monsanto, the biggest promoter of genetically modified food, was hoist with its own petar when it was disclosed that it has a staff canteen in which GM produce is banned.

Monsanto, the biggest promoter of genetically modified food, was hoist with its own petar when it was disclosed that it has a staff canteen in which GM produce is banned.

The firm running the canteen at Monsanto's pharmaceuticals factory at High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, serves only GM-free meals, Friends of the Earth said. In a notice in the canteen, Sutcliffe Catering, owned by the Granada Group, said it had taken the decision "to remove, as far as practicable, GM soya and maize from all food products served in our restaurant. We have taken the above steps to ensure that you, the customer, can feel confident in the food we serve."

Monsanto confirmed the position. "Yes, this is the case, and it is because we believe in choice," said the company's spokesman, Tony Coombes. But employees at Monsanto's agribusiness plant at Cambridge were happy to eat GM produce, he said. "The notice in the restaurant there says some products may contain GMOs [genetically modified organisms] - because our staff are happy to eat food sprayed with fewer chemicals."

Monsanto says crops engineered to be tolerant of its own weedkillers need less pesticide, but critics say that though the dosage may be less, the impact on the environment of these pesticides is much greater. Adrian Bebb, Friends of the Earth's food campaigner, said: "The public has made its concerns about GM ingredients very clear - now it appears that even Monsanto's own catering firm has no confidence in this new technology."



pure dynamite
si totusi nu e ok sa te ocupi cu asa ceva cand esti acolo sa iti faci treaba. ti-ar place sa stii ca libertatea ta sta in mainile la un militar spart?
eu zic ca avea tot timpul din lume sa fumeze cand era acasa, in afara slujbei. sau de ce nu, sa isi gaseasca o slujba sau un loc de munca care sa ii permita sa vina la munca cu 50 gr. de iarba si sa nu aiba probleme.

si daca nu ma insel, tocmai pt. ca e militar in misiune, o sa primeasca o pedeapsa mai mare. probabil ca nu s-a gandit la asta, planul era sa nu fie prins, ma gandesc. :D


Active member
Pentru mine sau pentru tara nu a luptat in mod direct.

In schimb pentru imputitii aia de americani care nu ii mai satura dracu de bogatii luate de la altii si de putere.... care culmea tot dn cauza lor sunt aceste legi absurde cu Cannabisul.

Iar de a fumat sau nu acolo, asta numai el si colegii lui stiu. Probabil sau daca nu, in mod sigur acolo se gaseste sa cumperi ca painea calda fel de fel. Si in afara de asta omul le avea puse undeva in spatiu privat, geanta. Nu a iesit cu un joint si se plimba prin aeroport sau ceva. Pur si simplu se ducea acasa unde avea ocazia sa se relaxeze dupa un razboi...

Atata timp cat el nu era pe campul de lupta spart sau ceva nu vad unde e problema.

Si sa nu uitam totusi de documentare in care este putin explicata toata treaba asta cu Cannabisul.

Hai ce dracu ca doar toti am fumat destul si nu suntem incepatori. Nu imi zi mie ca daca fumezi cateva fumuri deacu esti gata mort si nu mai poti face nimic, eventual sa te care colegii in spate.

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