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Potency Vs. The Ceiling

Potency Vs. The Ceiling

  • Potency

    Votes: 16 35.6%
  • Tolerance

    Votes: 29 64.4%

  • Total voters


you also have to not be in a blind rush in your life to actually feel the effects properly. sit/lie down, relax, even daydream a little.

i suppose that when we talked these things like potency or so... that we all know how to smoke... that we know a lot of set and settings... and other subjective influences around ourselves...

hey alaskind, very nice g13bb there, beautiful huge outdoor bush!

toms haze:)


yet i have to find ceiling to this:wave:
organicsquirrel- Hello, Im aware that a lot of people here dont share the same experiences with different highs..... so many variables. I also used to just chalk it up to people remembering the way it felt before the tolerance factor reared its head.... Ive personally never had the bell ringing , paralizing effects that some describe. But I also trust that I havent smoked it all,and Im open to the idea of herb that is different than Ive had. I also have some faith in the people here, that its not all just a pissing match. Id love to try some of the haze's that have a rep for ALWAYS taking you as high as you want to be. I dont know about you, but I learn a lot more with an open mind...:wave:

I have an open mind but some people have no perspective besides their own. I have a hard time believing the mersch you got from 1000 miles away that was mishandled by 20 stoners was so much better than anything else. I would love to get as high as I did the first years of smoking (well, not all the time). I believe that there is more potent weed out there and certainly a big difference between strains. I also believe that swapping strains makes a big difference.

In the end I'm really not trying to argue or be a jerk but you gotta admit that tolerances can greatly influence perceived potency. I checked this thread because I was interested in different peoples' experience with potent weed, not that people get really high when they first start smoking. There are a lot of old stoner reminisce (?word?) threads and some of the stories are really cool I think it's fun to remember back to when you and your friends first started smoking, just understand that tolerances grow over your lifetime.

And to stay a little on topic, I have experience with a few local cuts, my LUI 13, and a premature burnt up original haze/skunk. The lui 13 weren't perfect but I do really enjoy the high, it lasts for a LONG time. It's not as potent (like straight snap) in the head as the locals but I can keep smoking it and get more burnt (always until its sleepy sleep time). Of course if I don't smoke for 12 hours or so it's a lot stronger. This strain seems to help my stomach pain the most. The haze/skunk that I totally neglected and dried to a crisp about 4-5 weeks before being ready and after being exposed to 82f-86f temps for a period of 2-3 weeks (stupid slow flower times!) Has a really fun and exciting high, I was very impressed. I immediately took a decent cut I had of it and stuck it in my flowering spot and I plan on riding that bitch out and pampering her for however many months it takes. Even as I continue to smoke it there is a sharp contrast to the lui 13, and I have lately been mixing both to good effect. I'm going to be starting cheese x ssch and I will report on the potency and ceiling when they are done!


Active member
variety is the *spice*

been smoking 21 years, only within the last 2 years been growing.....always poor, buying 3.5 ata time, streeeeetching the shit out of it everytime.....smoking daily i could make it last 3-4 weeks... i was good. now i have 6-7 strains to choose from everyday, some with multi phenos....still smoking daily, smoking a little more than then, but not near as much quantity as all career smokers i know of. took a rip off of a 1.5' new bong filled with acapulco gold the other day...(i smoke out of bats and tiny bongs all the time)....hadnt been that high in three years....

my tolerance is high....cant not be....but i think since i smoke low qauntity/high freq i can play with my tolerance pretty well. plus, if you rotate yer stash in small blocks; 3 strains for this week, 3 for next...............*spice*


Active member
organic- I like your style....I also agree that tolerance is a HUGE factor....Im still looking for the holy grail - a strain that has the ability to take me higher- always.Thats what I started this thread for.Really looking forward to hearing about your sk/hz...Ive also had g-13 crosses that were bottomless......

FIRE- Man that haze looks deadly.....YEEEAAAH!

Ion-Nice to hear that growing your own has eased the pressure for your wallet....Id have to agree that multiple strains in your stash is key...different highs to fit the hour...:)


I think the biggest factor that everyone is missing is what gets me off may not get you off.
Everyone and I mean everyone, is wired differently.
Also consider if you smoke a lot of 'regular weed' most of it has what in it? Indica. And that indy is going to effect the way you feel/perceive a pure sativa simply because it's in your system still.
Stop smoking for a few weeks, clean that system out completely then smoke a PURE Sativa or O.Haze and see how high you get.

I also think that alot of folks need to also realize that a LOT of folks on these boards are young. They have grown up smoking these hybrids that have been crossed with indicas. Back when some of us started smoking, myself included, we were smoking pure sativa's. There IS a big difference. So the highs you remember will not match what I had simply because of a different time period and genetics.

But in reality who really cares. As long as YOU enjoy what your smoking that's all that matters.

popcorn anyone?



Active member
Hello jd- Ive never had Hog....whats the taste like? Its indy dom. right?

Highland Oaxacan Gold...definitely not indy dom :wave: taste and smell both strike me as spearmint with an odd touch of camphor and pine...tastes like "old school pot" if you've ever talked to any geriatric stoners who miss the gold old minty/pine weed :tiphat:


Active member
this thread was playing on the holodeck whilst driving around yesterday under the influence of ....SSH!!.....coulda been leda uno..

the more i think this the more i believe the subjectivity of it all is HUGE.

-basic conceptions of what YOUR reality is

this is what many years of study/research in psych/perennial philosophy does for ya......endless thoughts going down rabbitholes.....oh i digress.

AWARENESS. the bottom line, people. are you really aware that you're sober? are you aware that yer high?........my def. of cannabis abuse is getting stoned to wipe the holodeck in your head of the static. habitually. consistently. for that reason. that said, there are times when i'll mix a coupla strains and rip it just to forget that i have a holodeck.....to get as far away from it all/myself as possible........but, i find that if i take a second to be aware of the fact that im sober and ina coupla minutes i'll be cannabis-infused, you track the high very well....even with my tolerance its a great fucking ride everytime.

always keep in mind folks, we really dont know shit. the brain takes in millions of bits of info every second from the five senses. we can process only 100,000s of those bits each second.

toke accordingly;)


ICMag Donor
i tend to rate herb in different ways. potency, ceiling, and quality of high. chemd is potent but the high is not real interesting. my carolina blue clone has no ceiling nor tolerance bulid up. most of the blueberry crosses i have run have a nice interesting high.


love machine
ICMag Donor
nice way to describe it Phill,

as for me, i am a heavy smoker, i could blast all day out of the water pipe and be just fine, usually have a pack of rolled ready joints as my daily smokes, i dont feel a damn thing from these

but for many people, these herbs are very potent for them,, one or 2 hit could send them to sleep

now whenever i get a chance to hang out with my old pops, half a joint of his stuff would get me stoned, red eyes, muchies and giggle like a girl, i could never get a name or a seed from him all i know is his friend grew em in Clear Lake, 400/oz no quantity break

this stuff is light golden brown, small tiny nugs grown outdoor, smell close to pine cedars, very harsh when smoke but the high is deadly for a lot of people.

there are still potent pots out there, just gotta find em.



Active member
I wish your friend would devulge som info, redspaggetti.....sounds great... some of the best outdoo Ive had came from near there....( i used to live in Willitts .... hehee ..... its a small world :)

these were grown in Mendo....


, The Ghost of
This is the 1st time Ive purposefully posted to a "dead thread". I gotta go w/ potency. Id much rather smoke 1/2 a doob and catch my groove than have to toast up 2.
Id love to find something w/ no ceiling; its been over 20 yrs since i had any shit like that!

Now, find me some potent and nearly ceilingless smoke, and Ill be 1 happy camper - sleeping on the same clouds I walk upon. :) cheers ...if anybodys out there...
The longest I was ever stoned was Alcapulco Gold.Cieling...? hard to say. The gold I was wondering if I was ever going to come down.Felt like an hour before full effect. Lasted about six hours.And even then was still stoned. You think I'm pulling your chain I'm not kidding. For those who have had it know what I'm talking about.
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