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Pot Size LR2?

I got some LR2s at about day 16 that are out growing their pots so im going to transplant them. space is an issue but i dont want to harm the plants. What size pots can I get away with? would 18/20 cm pots be ok or are they also going to be out grown?


2 liter bottles with the tops cut off work perfectly well. autos prefer to go deep than spread out so as long as you have a decent depth for the taproot you should be ok


Active member
Someone talked about raised transplanting being good for autos. It is very low stress and doesn't stunt the limited growing times. Just cut the bottom off of your container and set the whole container on top of the dirt in the new container.


New member
I think lowlife recommends 5L pots for their autos. But what lowrdr mentioned with the 2L bottles will work just fine, just remember to cover the clear plastic up with something so you won't get light on the roots.


Active member
Hey Grouch, you had success with the raised transplant?

Haven't had the chance to try it yet. I tried a regular transplant the first time I grew autos and the growth stopped for about a week. I figured it would help with the deep pot preferences of the autos without disrupting the limited growth time.


i think its mdanzig that has done a few tests with raised transplanting. it does seem very effective! im sure there are a few bits n pieces on this site if you try a search.

i used 4.5 litre pots and didnt notice any real difference in end product than with 2 litre bottles, just means you fit less into your available space.


Doing what we do because we are who we are
where is the pvc pipe idea you speak of shroomy?

it is an idea i put forward a few months ago in regards to the roots digging deep as apposed to spreading around the pot

cut a couple lengths a meter long presto perfect pot for autos but then someone mentioned it may be toxic...

cyber echo

I have to agree with lowrdr.
However, I wouldn't recommend it if u are using soil. I'd imagine it'd be a pain in the ass working with a buffer area so small. If you are using cocopeat(+perlite) though, pH and ec wont be much of a problem, and ur gonna see some big plants.
Not to mention, the plastic in the bottles is food-grade plastic, not something to expect from ur typical pot plastic.
Its also easy to cut open incase u want to transplant. Or u can just cut the bottom and use a raised-style transplant.

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