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'Pot Cops,' 'Weed Country' Examine Marijuana


Moon-grass farmer
Is $500 what y'all get for that nice looking bud I've seen on the show? We posted together Bugjar. $1K for a pound? that right?

I've heard that prices for outdoor have dipped as low as 1k-1500 in NorCal but a native would have to chime in on that.

$500/lb maybe if its scentless/tasteless BC beaster and you're getting a shipping container full.

But damn that's absurd. I hope if any of you OD farmers get offers like that you stand your ground and get what's deserved.

I thought it was a joke.... just like the rest of the show - even though I did watch every episode. It was entertaining in a way, but so many things wrong with it.


the max amount I have ever seen anyone pay was 1,600 and that was for exceptionally well grown and trimmed og with literally no shake

most everything else has been sitting around 1,200-1,300 regardless of how it looks

that is consistent in my circle at least from Eugene down to Sacramento.

I am lucky I don't have to deal with any money ever being a 1 patient legal grow but there is a large amount of side work up here that keeps me in the loop

Hank Hemp

Active member
I am shocked, shocked I say. $1600 a Lb? For excellent c99xblberry, by wally duck, indoor 1k HPS. Excellent weed I've gotten $4000 several times. I would have thought y'all got close to that. I've seen NorCal weed around here go for $3000 a pound. Gee's y'all ain't got it so great after all do you? A grand for all that outdoor work.


Why again are grower's not taking their produce direct to patient/market?

Do you have the time to divy out hundreds of lbs into 1/8ths and wait god knows how long to get your money back?? Didnt think so...

For the country, things move at a very fast pace out here, growers need to get paid on the spot in order to keep the business going steady or risk failure.

We do need brokers and dispensary owners(retailers), just not money hungry city folk who dont know shit about what it takes to grow on this level and came from the beast coast to make a quick buck in the cali weed game.


Game Bred
Who gives a shit who they are,where they are from or what their motivations are?
Are they offering an amount you are willing to sell for?
If yes good. If not good bye.
Fuck your.moral highground and righteous indignation. Leave that shit for teenage girls and be a goddamn professional ffs.


Well-known member
Do you have the time to divy out hundreds of lbs into 1/8ths and wait god knows how long to get your money back?? Didnt think so...

For the country, things move at a very fast pace out here, growers need to get paid on the spot in order to keep the business going steady or risk failure.

We do need brokers and dispensary owners(retailers), just not money hungry city folk who dont know shit about what it takes to grow on this level and came from the beast coast to make a quick buck in the cali weed game.

Then I rest my case. :tiphat:
That was my point exactly when I refuted the statement that people like Shotwell (aka brokers) are the problem...and growers should be getting the bulk of the money because of "all the hard work they put in". That's a ridiculous statement.

Shotwell is providing a service to growers that they cannot do without (who seemingly deserve the bulk of the money according to many on here).
Brokers are throwing up the capital, transport, risk, etc, etc. They deserve to get paid for that. It is in their best interest to negotiate a deal in favor of their bottom line.

I agree with the other poster.. the $500 offer from Shotwell could only have implied fresh/wet herb. The shit was still in the ground. I highly doubt he was planning to wait around for harvest/trim/dry. No.. he wanted it as is..and made an offer for it.

So I ask you. What is a fair price for a lb of wet/untrimmed/uncured weed that gets taken from the grower without any trimming/transport risk, etc on his part?

Do you have the time to divy out hundreds of lbs into 1/8ths and wait god knows how long to get your money back?? Didnt think so...

No I dont.. that is why I use a broker like Shotwell and appreciate the service they provide to me (distribution outlets, liquidity and fast cash). I don't employ his services and then mother fuck and hate on the guy for doing his job.

My response was directed more to Hank talking about growers deserving the bulk of the money because they do the bulk of the work. Cultivation is one step of the "work". Divy out hundreds of pounds into 1/8ths and deal with each and everyone one of those customers doesn't pertain to the "bulk of the work" <- it certainly takes more capital, involvement, risk, etc then some grower up in the hills tending to his plot.

That is all I'm saying... again.. Shotwell wouldn't have been one of the "largest dispensaries" in his city if he hadn't been needed/wanted and had something to offer both the grower's and end users.. Period.

Sure the dude is a little cocky, but all the hate directed to him on here sounds like a bunch of entitled growers. Who's greedy again? It is a two way street.
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Wendull C.

Active member
I used a broker once to go hunting on the quick. Now I have my own people who treat me fairly. Now with 99 ten pounders? You might need some help.


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
'Pot Cops' started tonight. About to watch the second showing tonight (1st episode).

pray for me that i don't get pissed and throw something at my TV, lol !!!


Well-known member
Pot Cops was interesting. Almost flipped my tv off the wall as well.

Stupid ignorant pigs is all I have to say. Pretty clear who the real terrorists are.

Focus on keeping the national forests safe from environmentally destructive cartels... leave everyone else alone.


FF- You must make a living off of others hard work... If you had ever even done an outdoor of modest size you would never say a dispo deserves to make more than a grower just because they hire some 21yr old chick to sit and waste her time for minimum wage to sell 'patients' overpriced low quality product in honor of making a fast buck. Its not like disp owners actually do anything besides maybe invest some of their money(which was likely made illegally in the first place). Real growers invest far more time, money, risk, knowledge, responsibility, commitment, personal sacrifice than anyone else involved in the industry period. With out them, you have no product to make your money off of or any weed to smoke, youre damn right they deserve the bulk of the money they run the show.

middle men are the skid mark of the industry, never met one yet that had made a good name for himself.


Well-known member
lol... yea. I live off of others hard work. :muahaha:

I've worked my ass off for everything I've got and put in full days non-stop working for myself and others. You know nothing of my work ethic.

you would never say a dispo deserves to make more than a grower just because they hire some 21yr old chick to sit and waste her time for minimum wage to sell 'patients' overpriced low quality product
overpriced and low quality. Sounds like a problem that might have originated back at the grower.. lol. That doesnt even make sense to your argument at hand. :spanky:

With out them, you have no product to make your money off of or any weed to smoke, youre damn right they deserve the bulk of the money they run the show.
Goes both ways dude..

And without someone to divy out those hundreds of pounds in 1/8ths that you've got no time for, you're "modest outdoor grow" is nothing more then a bunch of person smoke, and a lot of extra of it. Unless of course you can find the time to become dealer on top of all that massive work you put in... and you don't remember.

Yea, the grower deserves a large chunk for his labor, but so do the other people critical in supplying the people. Your idea of markets/business is seriously flawed.

middle men are the skid mark of the industry, never met one yet that had made a good name for himself.
Because growers choose to sell their low quality for less then other growers and brokers want to buy it? You lost me holmes. Maybe the farmers that deserve so much for all their hard work should brush up on their business skills and negotiate better compensation for their crop.

Why again are they letting their work go so cheap for a price they don't think it's fair? Oh.. supply/demand factors at hand?

Sounds like market forces are sorting things out correctly. It's how markets work my friend. Too many mother fuckers chilling out in med-ville running all kinds of "modest" growers. Brokers, who don't need your weed (because everyone and their mother has a modest laborious grow) are putting in their bids. The growers are accepting such bids and bitching about it. Maybe if a modest cannabis grower in med-ville isnt happy with what he gets for all of his "hard work" he should find another means of income. Sucks.. but that's business. Otherwise move markets or remain a personal grower.

Ultimately the growers cumulatively set their prices. Not happy? Blame yourself and other growers.
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I think it is fair to assume everyone here has done some grinding weather it was hustling or slanging tacos. we all work

farmers work harder than most can muster, out door ganja farmers work twice as hard at least and carry the kind of risk and stress that would make most people get out of the game.

They are the hardest working farmers in the country I swear...

the reality is that the market in nor cal and oregon are pretty jacked up but that is what happens in areas where the market is saturated.

It has nothing to do with "buisness skills". go to the midwest and try to sell corn for 5$ an ear and see how much corn you are sitting on come wintertime

I can also consider myself very fortunate to be surrounded by people who are ethical and kind in all aspects of business and life.


Well-known member
^exactly. But you don't mother fuck and hate on the guy who offers you X for your corn, and then proceeds to sit out in the sun all day on his tailgate slinging ears of corn a few at a time. He's not the skid mark as Z-ro would put it of the corn game. You need that guy just as much as he needs you.. if not even more so.

That's all I'm saying...all I ever said in this thread.

For what its worth I don't sell weed to the end user. I don't broker weed. I'm 100% grower who is happy with what I get for my excess produce wholesale. I gladly take less for those services and let it go cheap to those that can distribute it.. so that they can earn their living as well. We're on the same team.
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I've been a broker in norcal for way over 10 years. If you've never met one with a good rep then your dealing with kids. People in the hills respect people who keep their word and come back season after season. Most of the growers DO NOT WANT TO ASSOCIATE with anyone other than family or close friends. Most are hermits who never leave their property. Don't let the TV show fool you, if you kknow people who have 100s of lbs then I garauntee they don't want to know they guy buying an oz.

Now that I think more about the comments of how I live off other peoples hard work, makes me think that the commenters have no clue about how business in this world actually gets handled. I guess a restraunt lives off other peoples hard work, even though they have to sell a thousand hamburgers a week to make a profit. You dont hear the rancher bitching about it how cheap he sold those cows. Know your fucking position in life. The rancher needs restaraunts or butchers to get his cows to market. Its called an economy
"Pot Cops"'made me want to punch my TV!! Those fuckers are such assholes. I live in NorCal but I'm glad I don't live in humboldt. Watching this show does show how big the buearacy is for marijuana eradication. It's hard to imagine they let it go and legalize. In fairness though some of these outdoor people have really gone way to big. You can see how it looks ridicous to the voting public. Some of those air shots, dudes had like 10 greenhouses and a fucking vineyard of well over 99 plants.


Well-known member
I just love how the pigs act like its such a huge deal if the crops are being sold as opposed to just used. Really shows you their true character. Thieving fuck clowns. Love when that big dude essentially called the cop a child molester. Takes a certain American to hate on another American who is simply trying to provide for his own.

"We really don't care about your weed, but god be damned if you try to feed your family off of it". Then you might as well be an All American White Man Cartel kingpen.

I'd love to see everyone of these ignorant fucks, broke/homeless/unemployed. Take away these fuckers assault rifles and make them get a real job and then lets hear what kinda tune they sing while they are trying to make ends meat


Active member
^^ yah,trimming for growers hahaha!!!

FUCKNARD COPS got the best of potcops show........
THAT WAS SO COOL when the dude calls out the pigz like a child molester!!!!!
BALLZ to the WALLZ,but i would say the dude had a bit to much for personal??

Those people growing the thousands didnt look to clean or rich but i hated seeing
him getting hauled off an his girl cryin......

i know how that feels,its the worst terrorist shock you'll ever experience.

The only other good part is when the cops say,"we only consentrate on the bigger ones"
as they are flying over hundreds of grows hahaha!!!
and "we cant keep up with it" haaaaaaaaa fuckin ha.

CALI needs to step up an LEGALIZE,you aint gettin shit for lb's anyhow why not!
Hope they have another show.....more about the MED SIDE an how many people it helps...


Well-known member
It's a predatory planet FF.

Even though we have an option to act humane, the beast in us still seems to rule on all levels.

Quote: We're all in the same game, just different levels.
Dealing with the same hell, just different devils.


^exactly. But you don't mother fuck and hate on the guy who offers you X for your corn, and then proceeds to sit out in the sun all day on his tailgate slinging ears of corn a few at a time. He's not the skid mark as Z-ro would put it of the corn game. You need that guy just as much as he needs you.. if not even more so.

That's all I'm saying...all I ever said in this thread.

For what its worth I don't sell weed to the end user. I don't broker weed. I'm 100% grower who is happy with what I get for my excess produce wholesale. I gladly take less for those services and let it go cheap to those that can distribute it.. so that they can earn their living as well. We're on the same team.

I really just think dude is an asshole and not really knowing somebody and asking for 500$ a pound is BALLBREAKING. This is an industry that has some wiggle room as far as negotiation but that isn't right

I would have personally sent the dude packing. would I have cursed him in person? maybe but probably not. and you must not know many ranchers brother because they bitch all the time.

I really hope legalization comes along because at this point people here couldn't be making any less and they would be able to feed their families without having to deal with all the bullshit

I fucking dream of the day when I can go to the farmers market and snag my produce and clones or herb or anything related.