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'Pot Cops,' 'Weed Country' Examine Marijuana


As far as I see it. Shows like this show taxpayer where their money is being spent. While services for those taxpayers are cut because of lack of funds.


Active member
Show was as phony as a $3 bill. All episodes are available on Discovery online, by the way. No commercials. Shotwell was a joke, but the pigs pretending to be out to save the country were the low points of the show. These cowards, all covered in military gear and masks on their faces are truly the scum of the earth, going after peaceful, harmless hippies and pretending it's dangerous. They don't have the balls to go after tweakers, or dangerous criminals. Just a bunch of gutless cowards playing G.I. Joe.
Hopefully, they will get theirs some day. They truly live up to their name of "pigs". The money being wasted to outfit these assclowns is a disgrace, and they are milking it for every cent they can get. Have to agree with that one pig though, who said the country is going to shit. It's happening because of guys like him.


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
Show was as phony as a $3 bill. All episodes are available on Discovery online, by the way. No commercials. Shotwell was a joke, but the pigs pretending to be out to save the country were the low points of the show. These cowards, all covered in military gear and masks on their faces are truly the scum of the earth, going after peaceful, harmless hippies and pretending it's dangerous. They don't have the balls to go after tweakers, or dangerous criminals. Just a bunch of gutless cowards playing G.I. Joe.
Hopefully, they will get theirs some day. They truly live up to their name of "pigs". The money being wasted to outfit these assclowns is a disgrace, and they are milking it for every cent they can get.
Have to agree with that one pig though, who said the country is going to shit. It's happening because of guys like him.

agree, fucking pussies. most of them fat and out of shape, all camo'd up thinking they are fucking rambo and saving society.

karma is gonna be a bitch for a bunch of unemployeed LEO's in the future.

get in the fucking unemployment line losers.


Active member
SEEN 4 episodes in a ROW.........

One word combined if you will.......

and the cops are hero's?
yah right......


Well-known member
Quote Iamoregone: That boutin guy is a knucklehead and threw his bro under the bus. Unquote.

I donno the details on that, but the way he appears to me[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] I[/FONT]I did not think this Mike Boutin is such a bad guy.
He seems pretty dedicated to the cause imo.
Here's a link to his radio show. Bit overwhelming but surely good stuff imho.


Hank Hemp

Active member
I just watched the first 5 minutes of the last SHOW and that's what it is. Shitwell was going off on some rant about who knows what cops, growers, he's got no reefer. I couldn't listen to him. That said if the weed becomes legal, OK, how does it get around the shitwells out there? That is who does the least and reaps the most. As a limited Med you could get around him but for recreational use, how? I'm not from CA. I'd just like to grow a year's worth of smoke in the garden out back.


Well-known member
@Iamoregone, You prolly know more on him then I do.

In this first episode it was funny to hear this cop say: I'm gonna bust GROWERS !!!

Like he was trying to pronounce the word 'growers' on a way one would do when arresting child molesters and serial killers.
Like as if there would be something bad about them 'dirty lawless, immoral' growers!!!

To me it was like when in court they tried convincing me that selling FLOWERS now all of a sudden was a bad thing, lol.


OK, I dislike shotwell's character as much as anyone else here, but when they were talking about how they hate middlemen I was hoping he would pipe up and make them look stupid. I know he was keeping his mouth shut because he wanted their product, but that just sounded so ignorant to me. If there is no utility in having a middle man, they would not exist, period. There are middle men in just about every industry, and they are there for a reason. They provide a real service and real value. There are situations where using a middle man for YOU in YOUR SPECIFIC SITUATION might not be a good option, but don't make it sound like they are all leeches. They are making money because they are providing utility. That simple.


dood it pisses me off that the guy who lost his club or whatever.. they were talking about how they were moving LBS for 400 a zip .. and how they cared so much for the health of their patients.. well what about the patients that NEED it and can't afford it? Fucking assholes...No excuse to ever sell weed at that price
The only good things that came from the show was that nate morris made a great medicine for the seizure patients. It was also cool that the charges against Shotwell were dropped. A win for the small guys in my opinion..


agree, fucking pussies. most of them fat and out of shape, all camo'd up thinking they are fucking rambo and saving society. karma is gonna be a bitch for a bunch of unemployeed LEO's in the future. get in the fucking unemployment line losers.

Enh, yes and no. It may be different on the west coast, but anywhere I've lived, the cops who do SWAT and other specialty teams are regular cops. That sort of duty is extra, i.e., overtime pay. So it sweetens the pot for them, no pun intended. Their agencies get more funding because they have a special team now that needs special equipment and training and overtime pay.

Bottom line, they won't be unemployed, they'll just have to do actual public service instead of "police work."

Example: I was working out late at night in the gym in my apartment complex. Had the light off in the gym area, could see enough by the streetlight through the window. Saw a guy with a hoodie pulled up look in the door window. He couldn't see me in the back there with the light behind him. He picked the lock, beelined through the tanning beds, women's john and women's locker room.

Meanwhile I locked myself in and called 911. Took the cops over 45 minutes to get there, because they're short staffed. Had there been some woman in a tanning bed, the deed would be done and he'd have been long gone, even if she got on the phone immediately.

I know for a fact there are three different SWAT teams operating in that area. Almost all they do is serve "high value warrants." That means they're using your house for a training exercise.

They won't be unemployed, they'll just be serving us instead of their masters.



dood it pisses me off that the guy who lost his club or whatever.. they were talking about how they were moving LBS for 400 a zip .. and how they cared so much for the health of their patients.. well what about the patients that NEED it and can't afford it? Fucking assholes...No excuse to ever sell weed at that price

Where I live we pay $480-$520/oz. I don't know anyone that sells more than an ounce at a time, and there's no price difference between buying 4 quarters or 1 oz.

We never know what strain it is, but I'd call it mid-grade. There's probably even way better weed on the west coast than what I'm used to -- I can't afford to smoke almost ever at those prices so my tolerance is very low. It's not beaster, but it's definitely nothing to write home about. We take what we can get, basically.

Granted we're not in Cali, and Shotwell is a douche who should just go work for Wall Street since that's what he's about.
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Well-known member
dood it pisses me off that the guy who lost his club or whatever.. they were talking about how they were moving LBS for 400 a zip .. and how they cared so much for the health of their patients.. well what about the patients that NEED it and can't afford it? Fucking assholes...No excuse to ever sell weed at that price

um... except for the fact that it is still federally illegal (a schedule 1 narcotic equivalent to heroin or cocaine)and people still go to prison for great lengths for selling Cannabis, be it medical or recreational, $200/oz or $400/oz.

It pisses you off that someone would take that risk and operate at a market price in which customers support? Get a clue. If the market didnt support a retail price of $400/oz an ounce then there wouldnt be cannabis getting sold at $400/oz. Period. It's shotwell's job to determine whom is truly sick and NEEDS cannabis and who is just a "medical..:wink: :wink:..recreational" user.

Maybe you should open a dispensary of your own where you can provide meds dirt cheap at a retail level to patients in need. Employees, security, tax liability, brick and mortar expenses. Never mind the heat and exposure from the federal government who wants to end you.

Shotwell had 8 years hanging over his head, and there is no telling that additional charges wont be brought up. He is in every right to charge what he'd like for the service he is provided.

Tell me sneaky, what price do you feel is a fair price to charge for an ounce of cannabis considering the possibility of long federal prison sentence despite having paid all of your taxes on a state & federal level. What price is that? Don't forget you've got employees to pay along with a multitude of other expenses.

Gimme a break.

Shotwell might come off as bit douchey, but I really don't understand all the hate. Sure... he's out to get paid, but profit aint a dirty word and he's provided a service to the people of his city with a place to purchase their herb. That sort of how business works.

People think that just because cannabis is state medical (see means of defense only if busted) that growers should put all of their labor into it and just throw it from the hillsides for all to partake.

sick or not, the entitlement in this country truly is a joke.

Let the negative reps fly. So Shotwell wants paid for the work/risk/investment he puts in. Who cares?
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Game Bred
I see a lot of hate on shotewll from people who havent the balls to accomplish half of what he has.
You can almost hear them cheering the Leo on.
Good for him!
I hope he continues to risk everything and gets handsomly rewarded for doing so.


I agree with you about being paid to work and market prices being based on demand. I also appreciated that Shotwell had the weed analyzed to make sure it was worth what he was charging.

My main beef with Shotwell was when his guys backed down from doing the run up to Trinity County with him. I think the way he spoke to them was shit. They got scared off by heat HE brought onto it. They were the ones to be "holding the bag." If he went off on me like that it would confirm I was right to not mess with him.



Game Bred
I couldnt believe he tried to convince them to go after they flaked!
Had it been me I would have not tried to contact them and sure as shit would have never offered them work again.

But when that moron showed up to do a large run in a "got hemp" tee shirt I would have deleted him from my contacts and just been done.
He deserved to get his ass reamed for that alone.
If someone is to scared or stupid to make a run you dont want them.
Cowards and dullards need not apply.


I couldnt believe he tried to convince them to go after they flaked!
Had it been me I would have not tried to contact them and sure as shit would have never offered them work again.

Agree completely. That's how a grown-up handles that. Not flaming out on him. If you're a soldier, be a soldier, you know? If you can't run with the big dogs, stay on the porch.

But when that moron showed up to do a large run in a "got hemp" tee shirt I would have deleted him from my contacts and just been done.
I thought the same exact thing. Not what I call discrete. But the culture over there is really different from what I know, or at least seems that way on this screwy show. I was actually considering maybe moving up to No Cal, but after watching this show I don't think so.

If someone is to scared or stupid to make a run you dont want them. Cowards and dullards need not apply.
Exactly. If he doesn't want to do it, then he doesn't. That's all there is. Shotwell's response was a dealbreaker IMO.

Also, Mike Boutin shouting at his wife. I wouldn't take that shit from him one on one, much less in front of the neighbors, never in front of a TV camera. Mind you, I also wouldn't run out there and show my butt like she did in that situation in the first place. But I'll be damned, she obeyed. Maybe that's why I'm happily single, if people think that shit is normal.

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