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My Birthday Present.. a Cobalt Blue Glass Beauty named Marge Simpson

My Birthday Present.. a Cobalt Blue Glass Beauty named Marge Simpson

Marge is 22 inches tall. She is made of 5 mm glass. Marge has a triple diffused glass downstem. She has 2 Triple Tree Perks. The perks have triple diffusion on each tree limb. She has lovely indented ice catchers.

She is the best birthday present ever. First toke made me sorta sick...snuck up on me! LOL I love it!


Active member
lola if im looking at this right. you have WAY too much water in the top perc. the water on both percs just go slightly above the slits.


On 29 March 29 I placed an order for about $250 worth of bits and pieces. On the 30th the WeedCity site showed that my order had been sent to the store owner, that an invoice had been issued, and that payment had been received.

It's now April 4th and I keep hoping that soon it will show that the order has been shipped.
It's now April 22nd and WeedCity still has not responded to my inquiries about the status of my order.

Is WeedCity having problems?

Bobby Stainless

"Ill let you try my Wu-Tang style"

Marge is 22 inches tall. She is made of 10 mm glass. Marge has a triple diffused glass downstem. She has 2 Triple Tree Perks. The perks have triple diffusion on each tree limb. She has lovely indented ice catchers.

She is the best birthday present ever. First toke made me sorta sick...snuck up on me! LOL I love it!

Nice tube! 10mm! Wow.

Moldy Dreads

Active member
I don't own one yet, but IMVHO no one touches this guy's work, I see these pieces once a month and drool, all are glass.
These are mostly from his "African Line":






I can dream, one day I'll own one or two...

The wall mount below and metal pieces above are to hold them, functional sculptures, that's what I call art....


Glass Bongs, Roor scmoor, this is a real bong:





You should see his "Stripper" line boy oh boy,..


Mr. Tony

Active member
i could get the materials that go into a roor for under 25$. fuck roors.

Rock on JAG (guy who made all those beauties)

Yeah but do you have the skill to do the lathe work? If you can provide me the quality of a custom german roor I will gladly pay you a few hundred dollars.

pack a bowl

i can't say i've ever used a glass lathe. i've used manual and cnc machining lathes though, lol.

still, roors are pretty damned basic compared to toros and even illadelphs.

Mr. Tony

Active member
i can't say i've ever used a glass lathe. i've used manual and cnc machining lathes though, lol.

still, roors are pretty damned basic compared to toros and even illadelphs.

I'm don't want anything more than the best quality simple 3 piece tube I can buy.

If I wanted something other than that I'd get a toro fixed stem or a circulator perk.

If I wanted super nice work I could spend $5-700 on an FYC or $3K on a scott deppe tube or many others from that category.

I've used many high end tube, ( as well as off brand bongs ie, illa, ads, blue dot..ect ect( in terms of quality*)) and the german roor straight was the best I've hit imo.


Good eye Mr. Tony, I went back and looked at the ad! It's 5 mm glass! I like it.

Moldy Dreads

Active member
Yeah but I can get a german custom foor for between 3-400, I bet those head pieces are over 600 from the blower and probably like $1.5k in a glass shop.

or one just as good for $150 without the brand......OK so the ROOR comment wasn't the best comparison, but Jag makes Roor-like glass pieces too, and I personally like them better.

Roors are fun, just overpriced IMO..

Mr. Tony

Active member
or one just as good for $150 without the brand......OK so the ROOR comment wasn't the best comparison, but Jag makes Roor-like glass pieces too, and I personally like them better.

Roors are fun, just overpriced IMO..

Who has the quality control of ROOR DE? Find me a quality tube that is just as perfect as a german roor for $150 .

What does "Roor Like" entail?


Active member
Glass on Glass joint ^ lol

a $150 tube is not going to be anywhere near the quality of a roor. I know, I have owned a few 120-150% tubes and just got another a couple weeks ago... and neither will those 'headie' tubes you posted Moldy Dreads. One of those isnt even a pipe, and the other would have so much fucking drag it would be useless.

Not to mention that having a completely worked tube w/ no clear spaces isn't exactly the brightest idea.

Drag = stale smoke
Drag = shitty

I highlighted every place on that tube thast creates drag. You do the math.


Worked headie tubes aren't a bad thing, i'm just saying that one sucks. and ive seen way, way way better artists :p of course thats just OPINION

pack a bowl

the true beauty of JAG's work is that the reason people buy it is for the art, not the function.... so he could care less about marketing to a crowd like you swisha.

and your drag diagram is fucking retarded.

By the way that is a pipe, dumbass. And this is jag's OLDER work, he only makes better and better shit as time goes on.


A $150 tube doesn't "come anywhere near the quality of RooR?" You guys must be high as kites :)

I'll show you two EHLE's right now for about $150 that are 5mm, 14.5 and 18.8 joints, as tall as RooRs, with the SAME design as RooR, heavier than comparable RooRs, 3 piece, glass on glass, ice pinches... I mean seriously what is the difference ? Can you glass fiends help me out?

EHLE, 5MM, 18.8 joint, Ball bottom, 3 piece, glass on glass, heavier than comparable RooRs... $160

EHLLE, 5mm, 14.5 joint, straight tube, 3 piece, glass on glass, heavier than comparable RooRs... $117 !!!!!

Someone please tell me how those two bongs "aren't even close to RooR?" Instead of throwing out some wide sweeping comment like nothing compares, why don't you give some supporting evidence? It sure as hell isn't because their quality is above and beyond even the quality of the Mona Lisa... RooR's break too and a lot of people talk about it... do you know how pissed I'd be if I spent $250-$500 so my bong could just chip?

But seriously, what's wrong with those two EHLEs? Is being heavier, using the same glass, and the exact same design, and also being cheaper equal to "not comparable"? What am I missing?


Active member
the true beauty of JAG's work is that the reason people buy it is for the art, not the function.... so he could care less about marketing to a crowd like you swisha.

and your drag diagram is fucking retarded.

By the way that is a pipe, dumbass. And this is jag's OLDER work, he only makes better and better shit as time goes on.

Good glass artists know... Function > Form

p.s. that is a vase, not a bong. There is no downstem/gong joint anywhere on the piece.

annnndddd yeah, learn your shit before you try to argue with me kid.


I see a yellow knob on the top of the blue pipe bowl. The downstem looks like green ribbed glass to me. I think it is a bong. I guess you have to suck on her head....?
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