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Mr. Tony

Active member
I was gonna drop like $500 at weed city

55cm 7mm ice master, double reductions, no pinches, flame polished.

I don't quite have the cheese to smash out to europe ATM

RooR HeaD

I agree a 100% pack a bowl some of those color combos were not a god combo but at the end of it all its a lee so they r still nasty ya know. dont get me wrong i love black and white i just dont like how he incorrporated it as of the lil small squares like that. but thats why i like mine alot the colors r thick not a bunch of small lines connected if u know what i mean.

yea tony def try weedcity i hear thats the place to go if u r american but remember if u call the adam shop u r going direct vs paying a middle man!that layout sound cool u might want to get ice notches man my 55 beaker is way to harsh with out ice i tryed it once with out ice and couldnt smoke the rest of the day cause my throat killed me. just my opion but im not lieing its really harsh with out ice. and the way most of us milk a tube ud understand ya know.

and yea man that was a cool slide u pmd me. is that a alex k or somethign like that i like the grey dicro part.

toob real nice milkage in that viedo!

Mr. Tony

Active member
I agree a 100% pack a bowl some of those color combos were not a god combo but at the end of it all its a lee so they r still nasty ya know. dont get me wrong i love black and white i just dont like how he incorrporated it as of the lil small squares like that. but thats why i like mine alot the colors r thick not a bunch of small lines connected if u know what i mean.

Dude the patch-work is so gangstar.

yea tony def try weedcity i hear thats the place to go if u r american but remember if u call the adam shop u r going direct vs paying a middle man!that layout sound cool u might want to get ice notches man my 55 beaker is way to harsh with out ice i tryed it once with out ice and couldnt smoke the rest of the day cause my throat killed me. just my opion but im not lieing its really harsh with out ice. and the way most of us milk a tube ud understand ya know.

I understand the icemaster has a 45mm outer bore so 30mm inner bore with 7mm. 55cm is barely under 2'. I had a 2' toro straight. And it's no beaker it's just a straight. the 7mm icemaster will have less volume of my old toro.

and yea man that was a cool slide u pmd me. is that a alex k or somethign like that i like the grey dicro part.

Hefe, i just bought two.

toob real nice milkage in that viedo!

my old toob.


RooR HeaD

Thanku so much ruby rod i love that slide so much its my favorite pieace of my collection and i got about 3gs worth of glass so that means alot in my eyes.

love the ribbon work on your pieace man why havent it been used brotha man?

no chi i wish claw is hard to find hes only sold in a few places i guess wish they did. but they r weird about orders they dont due huge orders like ak wanted 5000 worth for annother set and they said no but he also wanted it in a money order which is a no no for a business he says he never got the money order they r out 5gs ya know. your boy still have any small ones maybe id consider a small claw over the internet.

gottcha tony1

Bobby Stainless

"Ill let you try my Wu-Tang style"
Is a Ziggy cheaper,directly from Roor.de? Do you have to go through EDIT?

Got a new tube, inline, and RooR diffy on the way. Ill finally get to see what all the fuss is about.

I almost ordered the Ziggy from EDIT, but went and bought a Water Farm instead. I am going to give hydro a try. My organic shit is on auto pilot, and has become routine...

Nice AC johnny. However, I would consider, keeping your fingers out of the pics...

pack a bowl

hey pack can u link me to these german roors toke city is selling?

yea dude they are only $1,200 for this set. LOL:

what a fucking joke though, proves people will pay anything for some things. I wouldn't pay any more than $300 for all this shit and i wouldn't even do that.

i hate labels but i especialy hate the toke city label.. I would never want a piece that is dedicated to an internet forum... thats just lame as shit (even if it is TC). And everything isn't even worked. Wow a flame polish logo? so is that what you'd be paying $600 for or somethin to even out this package? ha, i dunno whether to laugh at the people who buy that shit or to get pissed how much of a profit someone's making out there from doing barely any work.



those aren't salt SMG? if not, hefe just jacked the SHIT outta his style...though I think Ghost does it much better anyway..

yeah roorhead I'm just used to all the shops round here overflowing with claw,, guess cause he's kinda local. will see what's still clean n hit you with a PM soon..

Mr. Tony

Active member
The TC roor is a mother fucking joke.

$1250 for a 5mm ice master with colored pinches and a crown that I was told was blown in america. If I'm gonna blow that much cheese I want at-least everything to be german. For all that money not even 7mm for have the sexy reductions? Fucking ugly ass label on everything. All that money, not even a fully worked bowl....

I feel bad for those too blown on BHO to realize they wasted their hard earned money on one of those sets.
Awesome Hefe pieces Showmeglass!!!

Heck everyone has been posting awesome glass lately...nice glass everyone...

I totally disagree with you guys on the TC RooR.de....but that's why there's chocolate and vanilla.... I went for it strictly from a collector's standpoint and to support the community. I know some you all have a bad taste for TC, and I'm sure you've got your reasons...but if you're starting off collecting glass or even a baller glass collector...it is definitely one of the sites to pay attention to...

Anyways...keep on collecting!! I just got a package in as I typed this...pictures coming soon...


my bad SMG, didn't mean to come off as rude. still think they look pretty identical to Salt slides, cept for slightly different shaping. At least since they're by hefe, they don't have that gaudy salt sig across the push. different strokes for different folks...

and in my opinion, hell yeah those TC tubes are overpriced. But they're also pretty much one of a kind, so if you really want some nice glass with tokecity label all over it, kinda priceless I spose. That site was my adoptive home after OG so I have some love...but these days its morphed into somewhat of an annoying elitist sheeple society.
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