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Mr. Tony

Active member
I understand the first part, I'm an accounting major...

I don't think they'd be more expensive because he was just using it for the up-stem of the 17 arm percs and the top half of the tube.

pack a bowl

a. all american black rods cost more than any chinese rods.
b. there are no pre-colored black tubes available yet in the american market. aside from 2 new sources that wouldn't be smooth like solid colored black, but black lines instead. also more expensive than chinese rods/tubes.
c.since the tubes already come in certain diameters, if you don't have to spend time getting the desired size, that is saving money right there... time is money...

RooR HeaD

Im sorry packabowl but iam not seeing what u r talking about with that blower of those slides. their nice but 700 i wouldnt drop 100 on any of those. now a jason lee dream weaver ill pay those prices or a bearclaw any day of the week but in no way those arent worth 700 bucks. i guess its more preference when it comes to headie glass but how is that your favorite blower if u dont mind me asking. favorites for me is bear claw their is no better in my eyes i would drop 2gs for a mosaic and its no bigger then your hand thats how much his work is to me. especially when he uses a claw for his sig instead of his name. overall at the end of the day ill b looking at lees and claws when it comes to a new headie.

RooR HeaD

Im with u tony if im dropping serious loot on a bong i want the best glass money could buy thats why i buy roors if i hit a table walkin with it i dont have to worry about it cracking from a a bump but with a cheap shitty bong u do. so thats why i think all this chinese glass should be droped from bong glass makeing. and i understand the whole business side of it and thats the perfect exsample of why i said what happen to the good ol days of glass makeing. it was never about money then just about whos work was the best and whos was the hottest at that point in time. what would u rather have a 2000 dollor headie bong with boro or a 1000 dollor glass bong with cheap shitty glass i would take the boro cause i dotn know about u but im not dropping that much to have it break 3 years from now. but a roor/boro wont.

Mr. Tony

Active member
Dude you don't understand depe's work if you wouldn't even drop a hundred on them.

I might be able to get you come claw if you really want it that badly.

pack a bowl

well roor head, all pipes are borosilicate (aside from soft glass bongs that get drilled)

as for deppe... you really really need to look at this thread:


deppe is beyond human. his precision is absolutely stunning, and more on point than a CNC machine. hahaha seriously, that guy's work is mind blowing, every piece makes me more amazed than the last....

as for claw's fillachellos.... deppe's line work will make bearclaw look like a noob, or any blower for that matter... seriously, check out that thread... i can't explain his work through words.


Active member
Anyone have a good website to buy sweet glass from?
Heady glass that is, not just the same boring blank roor's that everyone and their mom's have
stuff thats interesting, like inline tubes and roors with beautiful worked sections


Active member
For the record, I have never broken a glass bong in my life.

Pipes I cant say that about, I have a bad tendency of leaving them on my lap and then standing up.

Anyways, i've owned a couple glass bongs and they always seem to get broken by a friend...so right now im smoking out of this.

Works great and literally UNBREAKABLE.


Active member
I like using plastic Bear shaped honey bottles for home made bongs.. :D I've got a couple around here for emergency use... no need for them though because my glass collection keeps expanding..

RooR HeaD

You can get Headie/worked roors on everyonedoesit. if u really want something different drop 3 gs and get the 7mm special edition roor with diamonds rubys,24kt gilded gold,opal mouth pieace. check it out

Im sorry gusy i just dont see what u see i guess. i looked at that whole thread and his shit is hot as hell dont get me wrong just not what i like. and claw a newbie compared to this guys im sorry but thats like me saying im a better grower then joesmoe. just isnt happeing at this point in my or his life maybe down the road years later it could happen but at this point in time no way jose. Id go as far as sayhing i would rather have a opas slide over any of those slides posted here. and his work is all over to messy and to much shit thrown in on something like a bubbler is not a good thing to me either.its almost overboard on some of his shit. Claw is the man in my eyes doesnt get any better then that for me. but like i stated headie glass is all preference. u cant go by hes better or thats hotter cause at the end of the day its what u like not what everyone likes. cause mad peps love salts work but in my eyes i hate it. same with ak u either love him or u hate him. i love his shit other say its all over to many bubbles ya know.

But this is the kind of shit i like. heres some bearclaw pics for u to check out. now this is the type of headie shit i like.

http://www.glasspipes.org/Img142575__Img142575_carveheads_010.jpg.asp my fav by far

Those are just a few pics fo the type of shit im into from claw theirs so much more but i could only link so many pics if their to many u wont see them all.

Have u guy ever heard of Ukiah his shit is off the hook. very little work ive seen but his shit is real hot heres a few pics for you. check his headie bong out. shit is sick.

pack a bowl

yea i guess it really just comes down to personal preference. i used to really love bearclaw's stuff then i got kinda bored of it. still amazing, just not my "phase" i am in anymore.


My only PeAcE....

My only PeAcE....

I've had this one for about 2 years now.....I love it. Got mine at a vendor show a while back in tha bay. Was gifted to me by a friend. I really thought it would break afer a while, but it still works like day 1, and is partied with...the whole 9. I have been thinking about getting a nice bubbler for a while now, but I just don't like bulky pieces, or anything that is not portable (reasonably).
Man, I'm not a bong guy, but h o l y~c r a p !!!! There are some of the most elaborate pieces of art I've yet seen here! Awesome guys, lets keep this rollin.

Here is the exact model and color of mine, I named mine Han. :smoke:

My pic isn't working, se here is a link to the same one...gotta love random gadgetry!


  • thapieace.bmp
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Just wanted to post some pics of the Tune pipe that just arrived:


The replaceable filter. Inside it is activated charcoal to filter the smoke.




Damn, terrible focus on these.


Active member
Here is my RooR... 3ft green glass roor with a custom crookneck bend... perfect couch height


and here are thumbnails of the rest of the pics

enjoy -opt1c :joint:
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