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RooR HeaD

im not to worried about price ive been offered 100 for that slided by 2 friends and 1 friend of a friend! like i said u can get any old roor slide but the ziggy is not an option any more and only 66 were made so it truely is a one of a kind. but at the end of the day its just a slide. so ill have to really think about it. honestly ill prolly just keep it to say i own one lol!

all i can think about it bearclaw glass right now cant wait to go up to 42. i was wondering if any of u have been to 42 degrees what other blowers do they sell their?


Active member
yeah....if thats the case then i may just end up with the darby inline tube and an inline ac... either hops or the worked one at the same shop as the darby....i might be able to get a deal...

edit - how much are those sovereignty bubs toob? are they comparable to a tube? think an inline ac would be good on it? they are frickin sweet.... would be cool if he came out with extra diffusers you could buy... maybe a toro style tree :0

RooR HeaD

was that u pack on the vid? u ever see hashbeans roor shop vid when they fix the broken roor. that is pretty cool to watch! what is that called u need to blow a normal size bong like a 45cm one! latel or something? yea man i love glass i would like to blow but i get upset real quick and it would kill me just thinkin how bad i want to b able to blow the type of pieaces i like aka jason lees and claws! but i understadn u just got to b paicent excuse my spelling lil high here to really get good at blowing glass and it takes time. u just got to have the rigth mentailty i would think!

either who any of u guys hear about that glass skull that deppe blew it was the size of a 16 pound bowling ball. now thats intense. would any of u get a non glass pieace for a center pieace or something? im thinkin of when i get my own place haveing something real nasty blown to keep out as a pieace of art.


Active member
I'll have blown wall lamps and hopefully a set of blown dinner plates :p maybe not use em, just display...yeah...

and u need a LATHE for bong making ;)

and a huge kiln.


RooR HeaD

HUUUUUGE lol if your from buffalo u would get that! a car dealer always say huuuuuuuuugee in his adv. yea man i dont want to use it i would like a real nice center pieace ya know! like a glass blown dog and me or something if that would b possiable. either of u able to do that? if we did something i got a great pic i even had a painting done of it.

Do any of u guys know were i could find one of these fillacellos obv done by claw at your local shops. ill toss u a few bucks for your help!i cant wait for 42 i want a claw now!

http://www.glasspipes.org/Gal18154_evolution_of_ideas.asp let me know guys?

RooR HeaD

ive hit a few nice hand blown strobels toobs but i think most toros and roors r made with a lathe i would assume. honestly a bong is a bong at the end of the day right! its all preference ex for me its roor.des and toros!

Mr. Tony

Active member
the vegas site is just a photobucket account which is a hosting site. can't do the same with gp.org pics.

de should be here soon....

RooR HeaD

oh ok tony that sucks man! i wish gp.org was able to do that so u guys could all see what i link i think u and pack r prolly the only ones who look at those links!

yea man cant wait to see your milk shot ofyour de man! i bet your so excited. i think tony thats why i buy so much glass at times so soon like i bought my lee slide then my lee spoon then my toro then my mnp all within 3 months at most i mean shit i prolly spent at least 4gs on glass in the past 2 years! but what i mean is becaue i love that felling of owning a new pieace ya know what i meant that warm felling u get in your gut when u think about how nasty your toro is or somethign like that.

pack a bowl

no that isn't me in the vid.

deppe holds it down... this pic is ganked from a very wealthy/lucky TCer



Yeah scott comes out with shit and you wonder how the hell is he gonna sell this but before its even done that shits sold most of the time.A friend used to have an elf shoe teapot by scott and it was the shit that man is an innovator and his attention to detail is beyond, Have you every had the pleasure of using /seeing and of his nice pieces i got to see his alien spaceship when he finished it and ive never seen a better piece

Mr. Tony

Active member
the level of glass scott makes is insane. some people really wonder like holly shit how is that guy gonna sell a pipe for $1500-2000 or a basic section bong for $3000 ro a fully worked tube for what's gotta be like $6000-7000.

there are a couple people out there that will buy it but just less that create it.

at that level the market is about at equilibrium

RooR HeaD

DUde honestly i would take toobs toro over that deppe tube in a heart beat. i like deppes fillacellos alot but i dont like all his work. me persoanlly one that tube is ugly as hell and 2 I BETT IT HITS LIKE SHIT! tony is right prolly 6 gs and u could get a banjo toro for 2500 that is just as sick and hits a thousands times better. when it comes to spending that much on a pieace id much rather have something that can function at top level then somethign that looks sick but works like a plastic bong.
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