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Porkies bullshit thread

Crazy story porky. Drinking and driving is no joke. A friend of mine was struck by a drunk driver and pinned to a tree until his life slipped away from him a few years ago. He was just about to graduate and was accepted to a university. Its just negligence driving drunk. Most people don't realize it until they lose someone they knew or loved.


Active member
Crazy story porky. Drinking and driving is no joke. A friend of mine was struck by a drunk driver and pinned to a tree until his life slipped away from him a few years ago. He was just about to graduate and was accepted to a university. Its just negligence driving drunk. Most people don't realize it until they lose someone they knew or loved.

That's sad and fucked up. I've never driven when I'm not in control I used to drink everyday so my tolerance was pretty fair. I never drove if I had more than 5 or 6 which is where I start to get fuzzy.

Anyway I don't do that anyone. Hell I don't even drink anymore because of pain meds though even when I come off of them I won't drink again it's pretty gross
here is an update on the tooth. I had to get a root canal because the break was so high to the gum line and it was a bad break. root canal is not a pleasant experience but no as bad as I thought. the worst part of it was the shots of novacaine on the upper interior of my mouth, holy shit my nerve was tingling and my mouth felt like it was an electrical short. I have to go back and get a crown put on the fucking thing but I still have most of it so not too bad. I have quite of stuff going on with growing and will be posting a lot of updates with pictures! I have installed electrical in my new 10x12 shed and insulated it with r-13 insulation. my next move is to line the interior of the shed with panda film for a moisture barrier and to be reflective. I sealed the cracks in the floor with wood sealant and will also panda film it. if anyone is running rdwc please let me know whats working for you. I did rdwc 5 years ago and did ok with it. I am planning on doing house and garden aqua flakes but any input is appreciated


Sappnin porkie bro ?

Glad the tooth is on the mend man as cold weather and a cracked tooth is no fun


Did you see my super sized jack47 bro?

I think I need a bigger plate for my scales Lol I'm over the moon I done the sweet crew proud mate!!

Autos could be on my bean list for a while yet man !!

I've been up to a little bit of cloning (not with plants tho)

Mrs bgb is due in June (I'm thinking cheech as a pet name as we still don't know if its a boy or girl)

So its all go go grow with my grow grow gadget skills at the moment I'm feeling another room coming on!


Active member
here is an update on the tooth. I had to get a root canal because the break was so high to the gum line and it was a bad break. root canal is not a pleasant experience but no as bad as I thought. the worst part of it was the shots of novacaine on the upper interior of my mouth, holy shit my nerve was tingling and my mouth felt like it was an electrical short. I have to go back and get a crown put on the fucking thing but I still have most of it so not too bad. I have quite of stuff going on with growing and will be posting a lot of updates with pictures! I have installed electrical in my new 10x12 shed and insulated it with r-13 insulation. my next move is to line the interior of the shed with panda film for a moisture barrier and to be reflective. I sealed the cracks in the floor with wood sealant and will also panda film it. if anyone is running rdwc please let me know whats working for you. I did rdwc 5 years ago and did ok with it. I am planning on doing house and garden aqua flakes but any input is appreciated

Root canal and subsequent crown isn't as bad as many say most blow it out of proportion because the general fear of the dentist. I figure it may not feel amazing but it's better than rotten fangs!

I'll have that stuff about coco I said I would for you probably tonight. Going to help a buddy with some stuff today but after that.

Wow my phone bugged out last night. I couldn't post all the pics I took I took pics of all my dope plants. They are dope lol! Really killer.


What sucks is no matter what a bitch says....we can't pimp slapem like we wish we could... That's why they run their mouths!!


I have been growing for over 20 years. I'm new to this so bear w me. I can't post any picks yet so I'm building up some conversation till I can post a few.... Lately, I've been using cocoa.. It did killer n veg, but seemed to fizzle out in bloom??? I was sooo bummed!!��. Right now, I'm running the master kush, banana dawg, purple erkle, papaya, grapefruit haze, purple butters and the bubbA kush 98 and some headband..... I picked up all my strains from foe20 and tko.... Best buds of mine forever it seems!! I think I'm just gonna go back to soil.... I hate having 4 different reservoirs n taking ph n Ppm measurements... I made up a gnarly organic mix and I water out of my koi pond.... Looking forward to some beastly golden nuggets!!!
copperfield nice to have you here! I am currently running soil but am heavily considering a passive coco bucket as a experiment next run. I wish I could give you some advice but im not informed enuff to do that as of now
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Active member
No wonder there are so few ladies on icmag...

LoL there's girls here but they tend to be quiet. My wife's on here. I met my ex on another forum.

I think the pimp slap comment above is retarded though? You wanna slap Copperfield? Probably not women don't want it either
he is referring to my avatar pic I had of porky pig busting a nut on a face, I was high off the shatter and thought it was funny haha


Active member
Ah good sorry buds... I saw it and thought he was seriously talking about slapping a woman.

Lol I was wondering how long that one would last I figured not long...
Here is a mixed cloned room I flipped today for flowering. Alot of different strains but I am loving the white widow and white rhino


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