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poor mans setup...Deadwood!

Good work brotha, especially for your first grow! AYou're gonna have a couple trees in there! I'd keep an eye on some of those dead leaves and cut them off right away. I like to remove as much necrotic plant material from the grow room as possible to avoid pests. You sure you had aphids and not just gnats?

Thanks rip! i took your advice.. no more zombie leaves i did leave some that were starting to yellow though....hoping they could come back??? also i am pretty sure they are aphids from every thing ive read i even have some white flies in the mix:( (the ones that look like tiny moths)


Active member
what are you feeding your plants at? i mean what are you using and how much i read you said you bought general hydroponics...im not familiar with the go box but i hope it has bloom and micro in there somewhere?

your plants are suffering from a magnesium deficiency, and it might be due to over nitrification locking out the other elements. your leaves are really green, and do they always hang down like that?

aside from that it looks like you are doing well for your first grow. i need to get me some of those mosquito dunks i've got fungus gnats eating up my roots.
what are you feeding your plants at? i mean what are you using and how much i read you said you bought general hydroponics...im not familiar with the go box but i hope it has bloom and micro in there somewhere?

your plants are suffering from a magnesium deficiency, and it might be due to over nitrification locking out the other elements. your leaves are really green, and do they always hang down like that?

aside from that it looks like you are doing well for your first grow. i need to get me some of those mosquito dunks i've got fungus gnats eating up my roots.

stihg...thanks for the input! the go box is kind of aa assortment pack that comes with a grow feed and a bloom feed along with many other nutes i will put a full list on tonight when i have more time.. as far as perkyness they seem to be standing tall at the moment and ever since i switched them to the new light cycle and bloom nute. from what i understand is my bugs will mimic nutrient lockout because they are essentially sucking out the nutes before they can reach the plants...


Active member
Gen organic line with DWC, personally i wouldnt go there, seems you aint got on too bad considering the RA's. what made you go with the GO line? hope ya get it fixed up. what PH/EC you running that @? G'Luck!
Gen organic line with DWC, personally i wouldnt go there, seems you aint got on too bad considering the RA's. what made you go with the GO line? hope ya get it fixed up. what PH/EC you running that @? G'Luck!

thanks for the well wishes! my ph is between 5.5 and 5.7 usually, however i do not have an ec meter yet. things seem to be going good with the go line for me. I had a slight bacteria problem but a little h2o2 and a nute change and i was good to go just gotta keep that reservoir clean ya know!
oh and my local grow store owner recommended it to me. He knows i am a beginner and have a very limited budget so i think that is why he chose go.
ILOVEBONGHITS...ha i get it

ILOVEBONGHITS...ha i get it

stihgnobevoli....so here is a picture of the go box and what it comes with pretty much an all around starter kit....
new growth...not the good kind

new growth...not the good kind

So i noticed today that i had a new hatch of bugs...i tried to take a picture but all i have for a camera is my i phone and they are very tiny but here goes anyway.



Active member
fungus gnats. get some mosquito dunks and crumble 1/4 of 1 into your res.

never used the organics line of nutes before. i stopped using organics after i burned up 2 separate grows using alaska. drops the ph way too low.


Active member
Hey JGS, imo the advice to run GO line in DWC for a novice is 'real' bunk, its not excactly designed for the job, organic-hydro is/can be complicated, & difficult to master. you'd of been better off running GH M/B(lucas), Floranova(bloom), Canna, Ionic, list goes on really. h2o2 is great stuff but is not compatible with any organic line tbh, great for sterilising like you said/done. EC meter is essential bit of kit for hydro. Id re-think the nutes if you wanna run DWC, keep the h2o2! Gnats can be a pita. Im impressed how well youve done with the GO. G'luck mate!
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Scrogerman..Thanks for the advise. I will definitely change/upgrade some things for my next grow, but i dont want to change what these two are used to now, plus it seems to be working really well for me :).
i will keep updating!
fungus gnats. get some mosquito dunks and crumble 1/4 of 1 into your res.

never used the organics line of nutes before. i stopped using organics after i burned up 2 separate grows using alaska. drops the ph way too low.

stihgnobevoli...I am on my second round of mosquito dunks..it seemed to cut their numbers down a bit but they came back with a vengeance. I even tried crushing the dunks and sprinkling it on top of the girls roots by the stem then watering them from the surface so the dunks soaked into the roots and killed the larva.??? any other ideas! I'm not completely stuck on organic I just happen to be so far.


Active member
try giving a rinse in water with some peroxide mixed in, say 2 tablespoons per gallon. empty your res wash it good, and in a separate container dunk your roots and netpots in the water+peroxide for like a minute or 2. not long as peroxide will kill your roots too if you let it soak long enough. then put everything back to normal.
try giving a rinse in water with some peroxide mixed in, say 2 tablespoons per gallon. empty your res wash it good, and in a separate container dunk your roots and netpots in the water+peroxide for like a minute or 2. not long as peroxide will kill your roots too if you let it soak long enough. then put everything back to normal.

my peroxide is a 35% solution... two tbs still ya think? If my math is right thats like .0027% hydrogen peroxide do you or anyone know if that is ok to soak the roots in.. hell its probbably great if they dont soak too long....now im just thinking out loud and realize that is exactly what you said..:smoker:


New member
my peroxide is a 35% solution... two tbs still ya think? If my math is right thats like .0027% hydrogen peroxide do you or anyone know if that is ok to soak the roots in.. hell its probbably great if they dont soak too long....now im just thinking out loud and realize that is exactly what you said..:smoker:
I've been reading alot of posts on Hydrogen peroxide lately. Using 35%, 2 tbls. is ok. I wrote down the info in my grow log, but didn't get the posting. Using 3% peroxide, you would use 1 cup to a gallon. Don't get them mixed up, 35% is nasty stuff.
So i have had a lot of grower friends have asked me for seeds but i just have the two girls...thinking about stressing one to make a hermie. if i have done my research right that should produce feminized seeds? I don't know anyone else with this strain in my area.... just a thought though. i dont even know if you can do that at this stage of their life


Active member
I love your approach! It takes money to get a nice setup but its not point and shoot like a lot of beginners think. I started with an aerotub a decade ago, done dwc and now i'm strictly coco buckets. You live and ya learn; hopefully:) I'll stay tuned like where you're headin!