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Tutorial Organics for Beginners

Clackamas Coot

Active member

Thanks to both of you gentleman. I've been looking and looking for anyone/someone who has actually used this product and I appreciate your input - BIG TIME!

I decided to cut back on the amount of the mineral mix that I've been using and will apply the 1-2 tablespoons per gallon as recommended by the Down-To-Earth soil 'guy' - that seems to be a save amount to start off with. I am NOT a hi-dose kind of guy at all.

Again - all of your input was good, solid advice and I'm most appreciative for both or your input.



Clackamas Coot

Active member
Hey CC ~ I hope you don't mind me asking a couple questions :eyelash:
Let's go!
I think that I'd read somewhere you mix up equal amounts of the powders mentioned above. Is that true?
Correct - that's the formula that I use based on Steve Solomon's COF deal.
Also, for us little container gardeners, how much of your powder mixture do you, or would you add to one gallon of fresh soil-less medium, as well as a recycled medium?
On the 'lime' deal I add 1/4 cup of my mixture to each 5 gallons of my potting soil mix.
Thanks for your presence here, oh Jedi of organic info.. sincerely.
Thank you for your kind words. I hope that the information is helpful.




A foot without a sock...
Question :

While at the gardening center today, I came across a product I've never seen previously.

Fafard Shrimp & Seaweed compost


(best picture I could find)

Anyone have any experience or recommendations about it's potential use ?


SSM :joint:

Clackamas Coot

Active member
DO NOT TRY THIS A HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!

Either grapeman or Vonforne mentioned using warm water to dissolve the K-Mag (whatever) product.

I only had the 'regular' product available - i.e. pretty large chunks. Definitely NOT granular or a powder by any stretch of the imagination.

So here was my experiment - I took 1 tablespoon of the K-Mag product and put it into a pan with about 1 quart of water. I took it to a boiling point and within a few minutes I had 'almost' a pure product - minus about .5 grams of product that did not dissolve.


It will probably kill your plants thereby ruining your entire garden! It may even make your neighbor look with lust in his eyes at your pet dog. It will probably cause you to go impotent or at least uninterested in coitus.





Question :

While at the gardening center today, I came across a product I've never seen previously.

Fafard Shrimp & Seaweed compost


(best picture I could find)

Anyone have any experience or recommendations about it's potential use ?


SSM :joint:

I have never used this product but I have used Fafard under the name Majestic Earth that I bought at Lowes. I liked their peat better than most.

Use it take notes and let us know what your experience is with it.

Thanks for the post man.


And CC.....it rains a lot here in my part of Germany also. This morning it is - 5 C and raining. That is why I am on the computer at 8 in the morning instead of working. :)


A foot without a sock...
I have never used this product but I have used Fafard under the name Majestic Earth that I bought at Lowes. I liked their peat better than most.

Use it take notes and let us know what your experience is with it.

Thanks for the post man.


And CC.....it rains a lot here in my part of Germany also. This morning it is - 5 C and raining. That is why I am on the computer at 8 in the morning instead of working. :)

Hey, Thanks for the response, Von :tiphat:

It looks like good stuff.

I just figured that I use Fish/Seaweed as a supplement, so why not add it to my mix ?

I'll report back with any success/drawbacks when I use it with some sample plants. :ying:


Crustacian shells have a compound known a chitin. It's all kinds of help to the plants.


Thanks for the link, Proto :yes:


Active member
Do you fellow use ay type of root accelerators?

I've been using H & G Root Exccelator in Hydro and is soil previously with noticeably results and I see that it is now classified "organic".

Just checking with the gurus.

Clackamas Coot

Active member
Do you fellow use ay type of root accelerators?

I've been using H & G Root Exccelator in Hydro and is soil previously with noticeably results and I see that it is now classified "organic".

Just checking with the gurus.

Kelp products will definitely give you rapid root growth for any plant and it's particularly effective for transplants. Kelp products minimize the 'transplant shock' paradigm as well as maximizing root development.

And it's inexpensive to boot.



Active member
Nothing is written in stone. Use the one product for now and see how it works that way.


youre right nothing is written is stone, but i would like to get it as close as i possibly can to the actual tried true method.
would you just recommend using the 1-0-2 powdered kelp for now? it really isnt that too far off from the rec. 1-0-4, but im just worried about causing deficiencies. what could i use to substitute the little bit of what i still need? please help me out here. i really cannot find good solid information.



Kelp products will definitely give you rapid root growth for any plant and it's particularly effective for transplants. Kelp products minimize the 'transplant shock' paradigm as well as maximizing root development.

And it's inexpensive to boot.

arent mycorrhizae and willow water also good for the roots?
i mixed a batch of lcs #1 and am gunna use guano teas. do i still have to let it sit for 2 weeks? for the lime to break down, or is it not a big deal since im not adding dry ferts like bone meal


Active member
i mixed a batch of lcs #1 and am gunna use guano teas. do i still have to let it sit for 2 weeks? for the lime to break down, or is it not a big deal since im not adding dry ferts like bone meal

it is rec. that you let the soil sit at least 2 weeks, a month at best to get everything going in it.


Active member
Well shit. I normally clone at a 95%+ rate into soil.

I got my bins mixed up in the garage and cloned into my LC#2 mix with dry ferts, instead of straight roots organic with dolomite.

I'll have to start all over again. Yes kids, it's a bit hot. Especially since I've been cooking it out there for 8 weeks or so.

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