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Political Discussion in The Speakers Corner....

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
I said "rational response" -- not a pathetic attempt at a desperate sixth-grade knee-jerk deflection.

Acknowledge the stone fact: That Venn Diagram is YOUR guy. Per the Left Party. Right now. Now deal with that (if it is possible for you).

PS: No deflection.

That's our president.


Well-known member
Not reason for mass immigration but good talk.
plundering resources & politically destabilizing the global south where most of these migrants come from has no effect on the situation?? sure it does. they come here for work and a more stable life, the exact things the west steals from these lands.... and then the cartels, gangs, political corruption is the end result of what ends up filling the power vacuum.


Well-known member
To produce the average electric vehicle you need to excavate:
12 tons of rock for Lithium
5 tons of cobalt minerals
3 tons of mineral for nickel
12 tons of the mineral for the copper

You need to move 250 tons of land to obtain:
12 kg of Lithium
13.6 pounds of nickels
22 kg of manganese
6.8 kg of Cobalt
100 Kg of Rams
200 kg of aluminum, steel, and plastic.
The environmental cost of battery disposal is yet to be determined

The Caterpillar 994A used to move this earth consumes 1,000 liters of diesel in 12 hours and moves around 250 tons of dirt to remove materials needed to make ONE Tesla battery


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Well-known member
the CIA and our government at the request of corporate interest coup foreign governments and install brutal dictators. One famous example was done on the request of United Fruit Co. (now Chiquita Banana)

So Hai

Well-known member
plundering resources & politically destabilizing the global south where most of these migrants come from has no effect on the situation?? sure it does. they come here for work and a more stable life, the exact things the west steals from these lands.... and then the cartels, gangs, political corruption is the end result of what ends up filling the power vacuum.
Of course but no one would have been let into this so called west unless the borders of our countries were opened.


Well-known member
The biased bs about China being a bad entity is just a twist in the Psyop that the Rothchild banking industry, IMF, WEF plays ..

China's agrarian fiscal base disappeared in 1972 with huge investments from Kissinger cultist Nixon .

You think the financial power China wields today in this capitalistic world we all roll in has not touched our politicians over the last three decades ....
Like yaknow the players .. Pelosi, .. Bush thugs, Biden, obummer ... more

China is more capitalistic in its endeavors than the US and Europe are today, .. and why would they give up their golden goose that supplies the West with their cheap products only to go into a WW3 scenario .

Trump understands capitalism ..


Brother Nature

Well-known member
God damn, this thread has gone weird... Imagine joining a cannabis growing site to solely disseminate right-wing political propaganda.

Some people live sad ass lives...

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