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Police Arrest Man in Marijuana Garden Shooting...

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Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
The story left in my rep box was even more horrifying. This shit is all too real. This past summer a teenage girl was raped right in front of her Mother during a home invasion in the city we're from. We deal with tons of murders here...it's always over money or drugs. Sometimes weed, sometimes not. There are certainly a lot of tragedies that result in growing marijuana and anyone who wants to protect their Daughter, Son, Wife or fuckin' Shitzu is justified in doing so. If somebody armed comes into your home, they're gonna kill you if they need to...that is a calculated part of kicking in someone's door. The loaded guns in their hands are not just props that they have no intention on using. Death is tragic, but it's more tragic when it's some lowlife street scum taking an innocent grower's life, hands down.


So what other crimes justify DEATH? Do you ever speed....if so...YOU SHOULD DIE! That is something that actually RISKS others' lives, and potentially MINE! I'm not gonna die by some bum ass dude stealing a plant in my yard.

speeding is a civil matter, stealing is an actual crime DICK. there are about 10 laws i seriously follow one of them is thou shall not steal... speeding didn't quite get mentioned sorry. quite frankly you sound like a thief or even sadder as thief sympathizer. did someone steal your spine and set of testes???


speeding is a civil matter, stealing is an actual crime DICK. there are about 10 laws i seriously follow one of them is thou shall not steal... speeding didn't quite get mentioned sorry. quite frankly you sound like a thief or even sadder as thief sympathizer. did someone steal your spine and set of testes???

I would send an insult your way but my 3rd grader can do that. I should register her to deal with this. But thanks for the personal attacks. You attack me but my logic stands. I'm sure your mother would be proud.

It's civil until someone is killed in a wreck. Since when is manslaughter civil?


I cannot advocate what that grower did.

I cannot advocate what that grower did.

From my understanding, the thief was confronted and shot dead while trying to flee. There is absolutely no justification under the law for such action. OTOH, if this was a home invader who had already committed a violent crime, or was armed in some fashion, then there would be justification to use enough violence to halt the intruder's advance. Deadly force is only justifiable when there is an imminent threat to life or limb.

The outdoor theft of property, especially in the nature of a plant, is not justification for deadly force. I say this, but I can assure you that I am not afraid to use necessary force. I have confronted and detained a thief on my property with a loaded weapon. I have also been shot before -- it bloody well hurts like hell. A man's / woman's home is their castle, and an armed invader is fair game to be shot, if needed. But the legal ramifications of using excessive force to deter a criminal are harsh. So is the potential liability for wounding and maiming the intruder, or for shooting the intruder dead.

The best that the shooter in this instance can hope for is (1) a really good lawyer, and (2) a trial by jury of his sympathetic peers.


Trying to have a good day
I think opinions on this will vary depending on where a person has lived.

And as far as "most of the world living peacefully without guns".......where is that?.You must meen the people who are fine leaving the safety of their family and theirselves to other people.


Active member
I think opinions on this will vary depending on where a person has lived.

And as far as "most of the world living peacefully without guns".......where is that?.You must meen the people who are fine leaving the safety of their family and theirselves to other people.

I lived in L.A., Boston, and around the East Coast without guns and so have my family for generations. Others have lived in the same places and swear they need guns to protect their families.

And your argument that people who don't buy guns are neglecting their family is silly in the face of the fact that a gun in the home kills more families then they ever save. Simple facts.

An interesting thing about home invasion is that a big chunk of it done by people they know.


im in the uk but heres my opinion anyway... has anybody thought of dem govment bitches setting this all up....4 robberies in 10 days and a law change so quick you couldnt fart in time.. if i saw someone trying to steal a daisy chain outta my garden im coming for them i dont own guns so i wouldnt shoot.. but my dogs and baseball bat are running screaming like braveheart. i say it was all arranged by the county but then again im quite blitzed... oh yeah and i have deffo seen videos of that guys grows before i have deffo seen that never mind the dogs sign before... guess it goes to show dont post vids of your rather large garden grow behind a 6 ft wooden fence on the internet
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