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Please send some blessings, prayers, well wishes, whatever you got for my son.


Wow. Thanks so much for the kind words and support you guys have sent my way for both my son and my family. It's a very hard, emotional, and worrisome time for us all.
I spent about 7 hours today doing some serious yard work. Not an easy thing for me to do with my disability. So I seriously over did it. Had to do something to clear my mind and to get some thinking done. Totally exhausted now.
I clicked on this thread and had tears welling up in my eyes after the first couple of post. Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart for sharing, the advice, and mainly for just being there,
You take care of your self..

turtle farmer

Oh Resinryder, so sorry to hear about this.
I wish I had something brilliant or comforting to add...There is a lot of good advice here already, not to mention a ton of support and love!! Stay strong Resinryder!!

Love and strength to you and your family;

well said natty
many prayers for you and your family,resin


I hope your son finds the help he needs from himself and the people that love him. I would like to offer some advice. It may sound weird. Try talking to his friends especially the ones you don't like. It may give you some insight into your son. It may also be a way to reach him through his peer group.


brother i can just set here and dry my eyes a bit,, being a father and now knowing what its like and what that love u have for ur child is like and then on hte other hand my past was me being ur son(minus the drugs), just the kid who everyone expected so much of and let everyone down,,,it took a long time and some hard time to wake me up and see what i was missing being a dumbass,,,i hurt my family more than i ever hurt myself,,,i dont condone jail or anything like that but in my case it was the best thing that ever happened to me,,,, besides my family and kids,,,,i hope u stay by him regardless and i also hope his time will have the same affect on him as my time had on me,and i wish his mother the best, i know it was very hard on my mother,,,peace and love from me and the wife


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
sad to hear ryder, I suffered a serious 8.5 yr cocaine addiction w/over 6 yrs of that being freebase/crack. I wish I knew which 'easy' words to tell you but I know none, as far as I know you have to really want to quit to do it. I wanted it bad and it cost me plenty but I turned my back on the white devil Aug. 1st of '88 and never looked back.

it's not easy looking at jail in a positive way but if you're on that path you'll wind up in only one of three places, jail, the hospital (& I don't mean for treatment, hospital means real efn' sick) or the cemetery; did your boy maybe get lucky here?

I can understand your frustration, pain and disappointment bro, I'll pray that the judge & DA find some redeeming quality or character in your son and allow reduced charges for a 1st offense. I hope you find some solace soon brother.......


Senior Member
ICMag Donor
Oh Resinryder, so sorry to hear about this.
I wish I had something brilliant or comforting to add...There is a lot of good advice here already, not to mention a ton of support and love!! Stay strong Resinryder!!

Love and strength to you and your family;
RR..best wishes..^ ^ I'll go with what Natty said..DD


Active member
I wish your family love and happyness. I hope your son doesn't get the book thrown at him, but most important is I hope your family can get back to normal soon. Hang tuff, warm fuzzys to you.

Big D

Good vibes RR! My heart goes out to you and your son. As an ex heroin addict myself I can say that maybe jail is the best thing for your son right now... give him time to detox and think about his life. I know it is tough, just stay positive..... jail sucks but its better than being dead and it's better than the day to day life of a heroin addict. Peace be with you my brother!


Active member
Prayers and hope for you and your son in this stressful time....

If I can do anything to help let me know....

:ying: kind regards from guineapig :ying:


well, I feel powerless to help from such a distance. I guess that's where you're at too, resinryder. feeling powerless, frustrated, angry with the system, and dare I say, with yourself?

just so you know, if any of my boys was in the same situation it would rip my heart out too.

I understand the chinese words for crisis and opportunity are the same, but with a different tonal inflection. my point is that every crisis also presents an opportunity. this crisis may be an opportunity for your son to turn his life around. albeit under some nasty circumstances in gaol. life in gaol is still life tho'.
the question is are you equipped to WAIT for change? it's time to appreciate what the Buddha did under the Bo tree.
Aagh! I AM frustration!


Kiss My Ring
pain is not always physical nor exclusive.
but it does subside.
sharing your pain.
hopefully this is the beginning of recovery.
peaceful thoughts your way.

Old Soul

Active member
Hey rr, missed this thread somehow. Lots of love and good vibes go out to you and the family, you're always in my prayers. If you ever need an ear don't hesitate to call.


Active member
sorry to see this

sorry to see this

Hey there RR , Sorry to read this about your son. I just now read it as I havnt been here in a while. There is nothing I can add that hasnt already been said here except to give you my support and let you know our thoughts are with you !
peace bro


Damb bro,
you know my heart goes out to you.
My brother was hooked on crack since 1986 until just recently. Three years ago, he got tired of stealing from me and my parents, burying both of my parents while he was in hand cuffs and living a fucked up life. He used to tell me to my face that he just wanted to run a crack house and he would be fine. that was his goal in life. over 20 years of grief for me and my family. and all of the sudden he cleaned up, its been three years or so and we are tighter than ever, you met him on my last trip.
i pray your boy is tired of the shit and comes back to you
im in tears right now for you, literally, must be the bud.


my thoughts goes to the resinryder family today. please hang on to the positive sides of life after all