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Please Pray For Me


Active member
Keep up with the good thoughts m8.
I ave just started taking an anti depresent recently can be a good thing for awhile.
When U dont need them any longer it is possible to wean yourself back off.
Continued Warm wishes and strength to you brother



Very happy to read that your doing much better and on the path to a far better, happier and healthier life

Keep pulling straight up

Wishing you the very best !!!!!



Active member
Herb, if it is any consolation, I am 4 years clean from the dope myself. It takes a shit ton of willpower and a shit ton of support. It sounds like you are ready to take the next step.

Been to detox, been to rehab, been to halfway houses. The one thing they all told me is that I had no control over it. IF I ever drank again(or smoked), I would die in a gutter with a needle in my arm.

The truth is that you do have the power to stop. You just have to want it bad enough.

I won't lie, I still crave it every once in a while. What keeps me clean is what I did to my family and friends that I can't take back. Also, the thought of being a slave is not appealing anymore.

Keep fighting, you can make it.

I'll keep you in my thoughts.


New member
Ask for it from above to be here below and you will never use again for as long as you live.

I pray in my heart and spirit for you to overcome.



Eugene Oregon
God all this support is really meaning a lot to me guys.

Feels like I am just a let down though.. <--- Obviously I haven't been doing well.

I'm praying to every god right now to please save me.


Active member
God isn't going to come down and take your hand and lead you away from this. It is your responsibility and if you aren't strong enough to do it then you wont. You know the consequences of failure. You may be fine for a month, two months, or a year, but at some point your body isn't going to be able to take it anymore. Death isn't something you respawn from, you don't get a re-do. You have to decide, either get up and get out of the situation you are in, or sit there with all the triggers and enablers around you and just wait for the inevitable to be realized. My suggestion is to move. Get out of the city, get out of anywhere that you know you can get what you want. If you need to, go apply for a job as a gate guard in some national park somewhere. But you have to make a choice here and stop waiting for someone/something else to save you. Get out of there. We are all here for you man but we don't want to sit here and have you just waste away.


Active member
Forget about praying, and start doing.
You are the only one who can help yourself.
You either do or die.
Simple choice.

This is the hardest thing anyone hadda gone through, trst me i know..

Late 20' i was just a little wee wee but i saw field and fields of this because my family produce this shit

i lost my father, mother, uncle, brothers, sisters, and everyone around to this crap

i was on it 40 years meself, it runs in the family.

the only way you can get rid of this is to isolate yourself from everything you know and everyone you know for awhile.....

Do this

Pack your shitz

Go to a temple in the mountain

Stay there for awhile, pray with the monks, the monks willnt only clean u, they'll clean your soulz aswell.

If they can help me, they can help you. if you knock, the gate will open!

u really want to get off this ???

you can do it, but only you can do it.



you may have set backs. Give yourself a break for wanting/trying to get clean. You are going to get off the gear-thats the bottom line

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude.

Thomas Jefferson[/FONT]

Hold Your Fire

Finding my way back home
God isn't going to come down and take your hand and lead you away from this.

Right on. :thank you:
No amount of prayer, is going to fix this.
You either do, or don't do.
That, is the bottom line.
Support IS great, however, the strength has to come from you bro'. You have to WANT to kick this shit. We will be here for ya' tho'!
Good vibes and positive karma sent your way.
My hope, is that you kick this bitch out of your life.
Much love. :ying:
Your'e not eating enough friend. That garbage is sapping your life. You gotta take it one day at a time. Don't think about the weeks/months ahead, it won't work. Just wake up and determine yourself to be dry for one day. You obviously had enough courage to start your thread, & admit your wrongs, ok? So that's the most difficult obstacle you already accomplished right there!


Green Mujaheed
HerbGlaze, I'm with you, full on. I alas know too much of that kind of hell you're facing...

Allow me a few insights

First of all, be very carefull about buprenorphine. Sure it can help (actually it helps mostly because you can get it legally, without all the stress associated with scoring dope, having to find money, family and so on). Getting on a buprenorphine treatment is just like shifting from whiskey to vodka, period.
A buddy of mine had a bad time about 10 years ago and sniffed brown sugar for about 2 years, nothing really big. Since that, he completed his studies, got a job as teacher, started a family, bought a house. plain normal & happy life, except that he's still on buprenorphine, been 8 years now. He doesn't really need the thing, but just can't find the courage to stop and face that ugly withdrawal (which is longer than with heroin).
Lots of people fall in the buprenorphine trap, while there are other, faster, possibilities, but it's all good for the labs !

I haven't read all pages of this thread, but seems that nobody mentionned Kratom (Mitragyna speciosa). Ever heard about it ?
This is a tree from South East Asia, and in Thailand it is customarily used for opium withdrawal (although illegal overthere, go figure...) and it works really good (by that I mean that with the appropriate dose, you get rid of 99% of withdrawal syptoms). The best for opiates withdrawal is that one coming from Bali (Thai stuff is too much stimulating and large doses can get you edgy, not what you want eheh...).
Considering your mode of usage (injected white) you'll probably need rather high doses, but really it's worth giving a try, and easily obtainable on the net, and totally legal . Powdered leaves only, extract is not good for that use.

feels like I have absolutely no chemicals in my body left to make me feel happy.

Get some 5-HTP (hydroxy-tryptophane), this is serotonine precursor and very good for depression, will start to bring back some kind of balance to your neuro-transmitor production (and you will need this compound if undergoing a kratom treatment as it sucks on the serotonine stocks). Don't buy it in gelcaps, it's total rip-off, better get a bag of powder. I have a source selling high quality Balinese kratom and powdered 5-HTP, if interested, drop me a PM.

Ideally, after the withdrawal is completed, it would be nice to take some tryptamines or a combo beta-carbolines/tryptamine, so as to "reset" the brain (although no 5-HTP should be taken during the week prior to the tryptamine treatment, at all).

Take care and keep up the fight !

Irie !

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
I pray for people dealing with cancer or some other horrible health condition. Not some pathetic sap who has no will power. Shit coke ain't even a drug. I had a ball a day Tweek habit for almost 8 years. Meth is far more addictive and I quit it on my own. No 12 steps. No religius intervention. No pity sympathy. You want to quit - than fucking stop. But you ain't going to get any remorse or sympathy from me. Especially if your stealing from your family to support your habit. At least I sold meth to cover my use.


Eugene Oregon
I love you guys, seriously every single person on this forum has never done anything besides care and support me.

Anyways, tomorrow I am going to a town near mine and getting on a suboxone program and then attended meetings with a friend of mine who recently has stopped the same habit. So I have a buddy of mine going through the same thing right now but hes farther into it then I am so it will be good to have his support when im going through what he had to deal with. I think God has seriously answered my prayers today folks. I cried for hours on end today think of how low I have gotten. I lost my family, friends, my love for cannabis, skating, creativity, sense of humor, love for basically anything I once held close to my heart. The time is now my friends. Please pray for me, I love you all..




This is scary stuff. You need to make sure you do your part to keep others off of that stuff. Good luck bro

GreatLakes THC

an Arthur P. Jacobs production
No amount of prayer, is going to fix this.
You either do, or don't do.
That, is the bottom line.
Support IS great, however, the strength has to come from you bro'. You have to WANT to kick this shit. We will be here for ya' tho'!
Good vibes and positive karma sent your way.
My hope, is that you kick this bitch out of your life.
Much love. :ying:

Herb, I think you're still fooling yourself. You could have kicked it by now, but you're still using. Tomorrow you'll still be using, just in a different way. You've got to believe in yourself and stand strong. The time is now Herb. Just do it. Also it's nice to have a friend in recovery, but don't forget what it's about right now. You've got to work your shit, and they have to work theirs. Don't get sucked down by people "farther into it" as you say.

GreatLakes THC :joint:


Green Mujaheed
Anyways, tomorrow I am going to a town near mine and getting on a suboxone program and then attended meetings with a friend of mine who recently has stopped the same habit. So I have a buddy of mine going through the same thing right now but hes farther into it then I am so it will be good to have his support when im going through what he had to deal with. I think God has seriously answered my prayers today folks. I cried for hours on end today think of how low I have gotten. I lost my family, friends, my love for cannabis, skating, creativity, sense of humor, love for basically anything I once held close to my heart. The time is now my friends. Please pray for me, I love you all..

THat's one step forward, taking the matters into your hands, deciding to do something, that's good. The suboxone program should help you to stabilize psychologically and get back to a rythm of life somewhat normal. But don't forget that you're replacing one dope with another, and that at some point you'll have to stop that shit too & face the withdrawal (unless you decide to opt for kratom).

Just do it.

hmm, easy to say, but it's another thing to actually do it.

Don't get sucked down by people "farther into it" as you say.

I think he meant that his buddy is farther into the sub program, since he started before him, not deeper in the shit.

Irie !


I pray for people dealing with cancer or some other horrible health condition. Not some pathetic sap who has no will power. Shit coke ain't even a drug. I had a ball a day Tweek habit for almost 8 years. Meth is far more addictive and I quit it on my own. No 12 steps. No religius intervention. No pity sympathy. You want to quit - than fucking stop. But you ain't going to get any remorse or sympathy from me. Especially if your stealing from your family to support your habit. At least I sold meth to cover my use.

Man I try to cut you slack since subrob vouches for you but I can't...too often you just say ridiculous crap that shows how ignorant and small-minded you are but this tops it all. Tweek has no where near the physical w/d symptoms compared to H or other opiates...People who cold turkey tweak sleep and eat a lot with anxiety. People who cold turkey H have cold sweats, aches, nausea, depression, anxiety, insomnia and a long list of other problems. Saying one drug is more addictive than another is ignorant given the infinite amount of variables in each individual circumstance but glass is not easier to quit than H that's for sure...Across the board people say that quitting coke/meth is easier than H...Take your crap somewhere else man; this guy is in a hard situation and looking for support...What do you do? You belittle him and his struggle and in the process make yourself look offensive, mean and self-righteous...

All that being said, stealing is never acceptable, in any form, to support a habit. Also, you are correct in that it requires will-power but this isn't the only thing...you can have all the will-power in the world but if you don't have support and productive activities to raise your self-esteem/endogenous neurotransmitters related to happiness than you will NOT be able to quit. Telling someone to 'sack up' and just quit doesn't help at all and in fact just makes things worse. People need to want to quit and this doesn't happen arbitrarily because someone wills it...it usually happens when they hit rock-bottom. If it doesn't, then they die. This doesn't mean people can't quit before hitting rock-bottom but this is, sadly, usually how it goes =/

Glaze, I assure you your doctor is wrong (as I and others have previously stated) that cold turkey off H will kill or harm you. It is perfectly safe and impossible to die from it. This doesn't mean that things like bupe and benzodiazepines can't be used to effectively manage/taper physical symptoms. However, given that many people take drugs to escape their reality, too often these drugs end up replacing the H and then you are looking at w/d off of subs (way longer half life and way harder to kick than H) or benzos (you can die from w/d off of benzos and the physical and mental w/d are worse than opiates IMO). Just be careful and try and stay positive through all of this.

Being physically dependent on opiates chemically neuters you. Most people's lives become wholly consumed by the drug and push all people away that care for them. Frequently they stop all activities too (as you pointed out above). If you want to fully realize your potential, you need to get off for your own sake and those around you. Best of luck man and keep us updated.