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plantys outdoor 2010


looks great Planty! that wheat looks whiter than oat. thats a serious days work bro awesome job. you might need a bigger wheel barrel for taking whats gonna be coming out of that field...


West Coast DOG





Great job bro. You busted ass today. That Betsy looks buff. What's the back story on her again?

Ganja D

Nice bro! You killed it. Holy shit,what are those things spaced out like 15-20 ft from centers?
Congratulations,you made it before June just like you said.



What's up my not-so-evil twin...I'm fucking beat! That was 2 days of work in 1 !! Only needed 1 tall can of Red Bull to get through it. Betsy is a strain I got from my bro on the coast...it came from San D originally and it smells like sour mango baby shit ...I don't know what it is, but it grows like a beast. It does have a draw back..if you leave it in a small pot for too long or piss it off in any way she will want to flower on you. Even with lighting and heat, this is the only strain I had a problem with. Next year I want to have 20 betsy 20 threat 20 dog.. Thanks for the nomination

Ganja D

Thanks buddy!


Active member
Nice. Great panoramic shot. Those bigass plants look so tiny in those huge pots with all that spacing.. Are you still supplementing light?
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PLanty can i see a better view and description of your dripper setup for a pot. are you using a mainline with tees then the about 20in up 90 degree but then what??? this looks similar to what i have done but i am still figurering it all out and i need to soon..... i am getting a large amount of flow at 20 psi with my setup, 1/2 mainline my mistake... i ran some test today with 1 gal buckets and i think my system is going to be able to handle
18x 7 gph sprayers at 20psi... that will end up being about 6 pots with 3 sprayers 21 gal perhour per 200 gallon pot ... am i correct with thee calculations.. am if i need to full water i can run system for an hour or two
any help from anyone thanks you guys rock


Ganja D

The garden is on 16' centers.


Yes they are still getting lit up in the mornings. I will turn the lighting off June 21. I have to set up the supplementals today. I was just too wasted yesterday and my green house throws off enough light that I could get away with resting after 12 hours of planting...instead of opening a 2nd can and workin for 4 or 5 more :) Let's hope they make the pots look tiny soon :)


You should really look through my posts in the Big Plants thread in Tom Hills forum, I've already posted the pic you're asking for and very detailed descriptions..




Active member
Sup Planty......man you're pics make me laugh in disbelief!!! I look and just struggle to even comprehend the work and effort that must go into that!! Seriously good vibes man, the mind boggles....



try comb

Active member
is the west coast dog done middle october?

id need a few redballs to get that much planting done in one day :p

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