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plantys outdoor 2010


Active member
Don't get me wrong. Buttes system works great. I have seen it (or something similar) employed in a number of gardens... Fisher had great success with metal cages last year too... saved his ass in the fall weather, if I remember correctly.

I just have a personal aversion to all the metal... its probably one of those stupidities that will cost me in the end.


Planty why not get another 150gal water tank used only for foliar mixes and feed it to the pump via t connector with a valve. shut off the main tanks and watering feed lines leave open the head valve feeding the tornado mister and viola, insta-foliar feed. with a seperate tank you wouldnt have to fuck with using your mains.
I see what you mean Maad about not wanting to have all the excessive caging around. I would like to find another alternative as well, so I hope you come up with something by the end of next month! lol.

But on another note, ground support... well smartpot support anyway. F'ing gophers...I have a strong dislike to wood products protecting my medium because of the nitrogen it will rob from the soil, but what are the disadvantages for metal under the smart pots? Anyone decide on this one yet?


So none of you guys have decided on your support system yet? The newbie here needs to know the most cost effective, efficient way to hold these ladies up! metal or no metal? I like cages but the pros around here are debating if metal is ok..?

What gives you the idea that I don't have my game plan lined out bud Maybe because I haven't said anything about it. Field fence cages, hortonova..they all work great...but harvesting out of that stuff is a pain. I'm past working harder..I like to work smarter.

I essentially will be building tomato cages out of bamboo to support my ladies. at 2', 4' and 6' spacing. the 2' cage will be a little over 2' high the 4' cage 5' high and the 6' cage 8' high... Green ribbon to the different rungs to keep the mud bud at bay.... and the 3 tiers of support will help to keep all my branches up right and secure in the wind..Bit hard to grasp off text but I will show some pics when its happening..

Worked for the biggest garden I've seen so it should work for mine too..

If I blow it out of the park to the point of needing more, or theres some fucked weather on the way, I'll also be able to come in with hortonova and attach it to the outer most cage and wrap the whole lady in that..but I'd like to avoid it.

The main reason why I'm not putting 1 stake in the middle and wrapping my pots in field fence is because I just hate dealing with the fencing...Doing the 100 x 160 area is already going to be bad enough, I don't want to have to cut 60 individual pieces of 7' high field fence...I'll have to get my script upped due to pain from carpal tunnel ......

Gophers ain't going to eat through a smart pot bud...if one needs ganja roots that bad maybe its time for its gopher friends to do a little intervention.

LocalHero - I could do that, but it just seems like I could get away with putting whatever I want to spray in the tank I already have connected don't you think?

I have a powered atomizer, I'll probably just end up using that.

CaliColi06 - :)


yeah im sure you could, i was thinking you had massive tanks. constantly filled with water. draining or waiting for the tank to drain out might not fit your foliar feeding plan. plus dont u spray for cats and whatnot? ill be spraying weekly with spinosad, monthly with that calcium 25 stuff, random tea sprays here and there i dunno whatever. im just really stoked right now - finally broke my 1lb plant barrier indoors. silver buddah in at 20oz.(maybe more i like to use my crappy kitchen scale on prelim weigh ins cus it under weighs) it sounds fun to have a dedicated tank for foliar feeds that you can customize. spraying out to your orchard in an instant without that finger thumb cramp from squeezing a trigger for 3 hours.

EDIT: ok i get it, you were never planning on mixing in the tank itself. some kind of fertilizer injector system or something right? i dont have that, guy said the pumps i have can pump mixed water.



I hope I painted a good mental image for you. I'm planting my garden soon so you won't have to wait too long. :)


Hey bud, I hate fertilizer injectors. They have their place, but not on my farm.

I have 18000 gallons of total storage. 3000 is at the garden site for the garden and 15000 gallons are for the rest of the property. I have full water rights to a large year round creek and also am blessed with a very productive well, or I would store more water...

To stop caterpillars and other random bugs I use a very very concentrated version of Gnatrol (60mL treats 2500 gallons versus 60mL of gnatrol treating 5 gallons) in a foliar spray. The same stuff will keep the fungus gnats down.

I am saving the Spinosad treatments for emergencies and tougher pests to knock back. I have noticed that when they go out clean and healthy they just stay that way...

I also use the Calcium 25 in my foliar progam, at 1/4-1/2 strength with Vitamin C added.

I figured putting stuff in to my main 2500 tank and using it as my main sprayer tank will be fine...Any thing I put in there could hit the leaves too. I keep it very simple giving them just a high quality fish, a high grade kelp, worm castings tea, and yucca...they also get the occasional molasses blast...as well as a compost tea based on many of the same ingredients...I figured since whatever I would want to put in to foliar would be non reactive with any thing else I'm using I could skip a 3rd tank. I have 2 there already, a 550 for fresh water only and a 2500 for fertilizing...My powered atomizer just has a little switch I have to flip. and other than that it does it by itself. I like the idea of putting a ball valve in to each beds header and running another spaghetti line to a tornado mister(different than the MSGR300 or C Frame Sprayer) from drip works like I said zip tied up to a stake so I could adjust the height of the spray to the plants height...I dont know if I will do this this year..My other thinking is to add another line running all over the garden and run the sprayers off that but i'm really not in to that...


Gnatrol, im gonna have to get that. ive almost given up on fighting the gnats. my yellow stickie cards get pretty full. I thought that was only used in hydro set ups. dude youre gonna hand trim 650. im imagining a dark room with a long table and naked women american gangster style. maybe i need new trim pals.


Gnatrol is bullshit. Google Ecological Labs Microbe Lift BMC...That is what you want. 2oz to 2500 gallons. 2oz of Gnatrol treats 5 gallons.

I prefer a well lit room for my cleaners. :) Makes for better viewing for every one...heh heh heh

I also do not trim. The extent of my involvement in trimming will be with my 14" bar STIHL when I cut them down...

During harvest time I am busy taking trips to town for supplies, making sure every one is on task and has something to work on, cleaning, packing stuff away and generally making it so my cleaners are efficiently getting the task at hand done...

I suck at trimming any way.


Im stilling paying my dues so its hand trimmed by my lady, myself and two buds. the guys actually are eh at trimming. probably cus i test everything on them. lady made canna flour and baked an apple pie. put one of them out of commision for 2 days. tested my first time iso on them and they basically just stared at buds for 4 hours. so far i think the meticulous nature of girls make better trimmers, the guys just wanna rush through it.


My guys work for free so they can smoke whatever or just hang out and learn. That being said, they aren't reliable or hard working lol. Basically its training for when I can pay and absolutely need help. The few pro trimmers I know live up in san fran and cost 250 a day. Managing free help is a lot harder than paid help, but I really apreciate that they're cool enough to come over and lend a hand whenever. I produced a feature film in greece with all interns working for free. One of our actors/assistant producers went and yelled at our hair guy causing him to quit leaving 40 actors without hair or makeup continuity. So yeah, id much rather have paid assistance.


frosts forecasted till the 25th...so if the weather holds up after that I'll be plugging in. Wheeeeee


Holy shit Planty, that's sick. I'm getting Plant(y) envy.
You're californian and this is (semi)legal, correct?!


classy grass
plantys outdoor 2010

BOSSIN' setup bro, really admire the work. Should have great success.

I'm bummed at the forcast...already plugged here. Sherpas will be doing some wiring today! Unreal..


Fish, when are you starting your thread? Don't leave us hanging. Hows the pups?


classy grass
plantys outdoor 2010

Hum, thread's coming..

Lost my big boy :( He got out about a month ago and havn't seen him since. Devestated. This years for him.