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plantys outdoor 2010



This year I wont have to trim for others will be having my own grow, good feeling that is.
When Trimming time came around after outdoor we usually don't end till early December.
We would get paid by the weight we could trim more you trimmed more you earned, Fill about a brown paper grocery bag up and half of another in a day. That's the bud de-stemmed chopped down and ready to lay out to dry/sell.
This year I'll be the one having to pay trimmers, thought about buying the salad bowl trimmer to do the small work and get more down (save money)


man its a shame that salad bowl trimmer is 500 buckos, i will get it but i will feel like an asshole. i kinda wish there was someone like vorsprung who blew out the ridiculous cost of bubble bags using equal quality material on this mass copied spin thingy. shit atleast someone who matched price but used better materials.

i like the idea of being able to stimulate the economy with paid trimmers, but i also think that machines like the twister have a cotton gin type effect on the mmj community.
i think the more people involved in this industry, the more informed and understanding public opinion will be. thats not so much an issue up north i guess lol.

good luck Planty preparing for the big push outside! i imagine you guys are like that movie gladiator when theyre waiting to be released into the arena.


More like the scene in 300 where the Spartans are getting ready to massacre the Persians..

Hooking my other 120 sprinklers up tomorrow and spreading straw out and finishing fencing..Planting early next week no matter what


Active member
yeah. me too. black box is getting planted as soon as the smart beds come. the rest go in early next week. weather outlook into June looks like ass.


Luckily I'm an ass man.

Going do 'em up Monday for sure. ......The weather ain't too bad..This time last year around here it was hailing golf ball and jaw breaker size pieces randomly and fucking all kinds of things up!

It's going to be 32 at night tomorrow, 26 on Saturday, 32 on Sunday. I'm going to stick em out on Monday and just spray em down with kelp a little silicon and some yucca extract before they go to sleep and hope for the best.

Line up worked out to being to do 36 bomb threat, 18 D.O.G, 6 Betsy...


Can't wait to wake up and have it be summer time..

They can't wait to hit the yard...


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No topping. I'm not sure if I'm going to cut on them or not yet. I don't think I will.

I have 16 Bomb Threats that were cut on to get the rest of the plants in the green house....


smooth no doubt! watchin ya do the full summer hustle still, and cant wait for this weather to kick on. im still trying to figure out a ton of shit about this outdoor game, but watching a few of you and reading all your posts i feel like im headed in a semi decent direction.....

anyhow, happy gardening.


Active member
shit. that reminded me i forgot to top all my indoor bubbas yesterday... u think that 2 weeks till i start pulling tarp is enough time to make topping worth it?


It depends on how you top them. The way I do it, yes for sure...If you top like Butte[take huge 6-8" branch pieces], no probably not.

The way I top them is by going to the very very top node and just pulling that out so the whole plant bushes out evenly instead of throwing shoots upward it grows more outward


Active member
I will give it a try. Maybe I will do some your way and take a couple of clones (not 8 inch clones) from others...see what works best.


With strains like bubba I like to cut huge pieces when I'm making clones to give myself a head start and a nice structure to grow a plant from...fwiw


Active member
generally, I like to work with nice big cuts. Can't stand ones that are half and inch above dirt... But I need a bunch of plants for my late season replacements because I decided to do a bunch of the ones I was vegging for that in the blackbox.


Good luck with whatever you decide to do. I'm only going to do 1 round in the black box. All Bomb Threat of course...


I'm going to wait till Sunday to put em in since the forecasted night temps for me all week are in the mid 30s....after Sunday though mid 70s during the day, 50s nights, good sun in the forecast.....Had a hail storm yesterday afternoon and its so cold lately that it still hasn't all melted yet...Where's my global warming at.

Edit - I just checked the deeper forecast...going to be 90 by 6/4......Yes...


Active member
Dunno how much stock I put into the 2 week forecast. I use accuweather, and occasionally compare to wunderground or google weather. I check them in detail several times a day... sometimes, every 30 minutes or so. The 7 day forecast is relatively accurate, but the following 7 days seem to change every day.

I want to believe it, but I am not setting myself up for disappointment.


Planty, did you still run supplemental light all around your yard or are you going to chance it? I will be putting some of our clones into their final spots with out supplemental light in the next week. Mostly Mr Nice not the OG. I think they can handle it a little better.