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Plants that do not sleep on nights before they need water?

dirt farmer

I notice with my not watering until the plant droops method some plants will stick up there leafs the night before it needs water. I will water this plant tomorrow moring or afternoon. The same night it gets water they will sleep like the others next to it are.

I think the roots know they are about out of water and are busy looking for water not letting the plant sleep.

Okay I am stoned for sure. But why else would a plant stick it leafs up in pitch black everytimes it needs water the next day? All my plants will do it. But the diesels show it the most.

Whats your thoughts?




D.S. Toker. MD

Active member
ooohhh dirt farmer. Its bad, bad, bad!!!

Unfortunately for me, i am a frigging expert on watering and its effects on plants so let me give you some info that you wont read in a book anywhere and there arent any experts but me...... and maybe you after this grow.

EVERY SINGLE TIME A CANNABIS PLANT WILTS, IT DELAYS ITS FLOWERING!!!! Do you want me to say that again because it is so, so, so true. In fact, a plant that wilts consistently over a month or 2 may NEVER, EVER finish flowering. The buds wont develop fully, theyll be spongy and thin and i dont care if you leave the plant in the field until christmas, it just wont continue to mature.

Cannabis requires a high amount of moisture compared to other crops such as corn or sunflowers. It needs 30% more water than corn. HEmp can grow in standing water and is often allowed to grow in low lying areas so it can suck up the mosquito pool.

To deprive cannabis adequate moisture damages its maturation process and the more the plant goes without adequate moisture, the worse the damage becomes. That plant in the pic needs water NOW. It would be my advice to NEVER, EVER under any circumstances, let the plant wilt or even come close to wilting, EVER!!!!. Its fact man. Straight up fact.

Good luck and start watering!

dirt farmer

Thanks for the tip friend.

This plant matured just fine. Granted I do let the plant wilt every time. I can see it start to droop and then a I water it. All my past plants mutured just fine and on time.


dirt farmer

Here is another plant sticking it leafs up at night. I will water this in the morning for I know it will need water the next day for sure. I see this as max growing. Again I have no proof just thinking.

As far as delaying flower time? I do not agree with that. A slight droop has never hurt any of my grows. I think anyway. Who really knows.

Another plant sticking up at night.




dirt farmer

ooohhh dirt farmer. Its bad, bad, bad!!!

Unfortunately for me, i am a frigging expert on watering and its effects on plants so let me give you some info that you wont read in a book anywhere and there arent any experts but me...... and maybe you after this grow.

EVERY SINGLE TIME A CANNABIS PLANT WILTS, IT DELAYS ITS FLOWERING!!!! Do you want me to say that again because it is so, so, so true. In fact, a plant that wilts consistently over a month or 2 may NEVER, EVER finish flowering. The buds wont develop fully, theyll be spongy and thin and i dont care if you leave the plant in the field until christmas, it just wont continue to mature.

Cannabis requires a high amount of moisture compared to other crops such as corn or sunflowers. It needs 30% more water than corn. HEmp can grow in standing water and is often allowed to grow in low lying areas so it can suck up the mosquito pool.

To deprive cannabis adequate moisture damages its maturation process and the more the plant goes without adequate moisture, the worse the damage becomes. That plant in the pic needs water NOW. It would be my advice to NEVER, EVER under any circumstances, let the plant wilt or even come close to wilting, EVER!!!!. Its fact man. Straight up fact.

Good luck and start watering!

So why do you think they leafs are sticking up? You think this hurts the plant? even if I was to water when they stick up and never drooping? What do you think the roots are doing when a plant does this at night?

Thanks friend.

edit: I think a droop is not the same as a full out wilt. Perhaps we are not on the same page?


Active member
EVERY SINGLE TIME A CANNABIS PLANT WILTS, IT DELAYS ITS FLOWERING!!!! Do you want me to say that again because it is so, so, so true.

lol wtf man:D

in my experience plants that have too much water will wilt at night and plants that are just fine won't , in the sun they will look just fine only at night will they droop

that being said some plants just always droop at night and some never

so why? i have no clue but dont worry
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Bush Dr

Painting the picture of Dorian Gray
So why do you think they leafs are sticking up? You think this hurts the plant? even if I was to water when they stick up and never drooping? What do you think the roots are doing when a plant does this at night?

Thanks friend.

edit: I think a droop is not the same as a full out wilt. Perhaps we are not on the same page?

To reduce the surface area and reduce water loss

The roots are struggling to keep the feed solution it's making at the same dilution ..... my fan leave just stick out all the time


I'm always here when I'm not someplace else
It's cause they aren't gettin enough sex. I droop sometimes too when I ain't gettin none.


the shit spoon
I can't see your pics...

But if you got the right schedule and a good amount of perlite, and your plants are healthy they will have that "praise the light" structure of cupped leaves reaching upwards like HALLELUJAH... assuming the strain is vigorous... now after you give them a good watering their points will dip down a lil in lights off...

When you overwater the leaves are drooping during lights on, maybe that's what you're describing... and when they get a lil dry the roots finally get some oxygen and they praise the light... maybe you never take them to the point of wilting... but as i said I can't see the pics...

Frankly I'm not certain what you're talking about your plants sleeping etc...

If you were wilting your plants at all, it would be sending at least one fan leaf into "shut down mode", where it pulls the plug, drains them of nutrients energy and moisture even after you've watered them, it made its decision and cut the cord on those particular leaves...

So are you noticing any sacrificial leaves?

D.S. Toker. MD

Active member
The plants are pretty df. Im not sure why they stick up . I know why the droop though.

For about 6 of the last 10 years, we've had serious drought between early July and the end of Oct. Not a drop of rain and the only moisture my plants got was what i poured on them. I saw the same effect cover about 20 different strains of weed.

There just wasnt any question that the plants that recieved more water matured faster ans sooner, while those that recieved less water were slower and less mature at harvest.

Those that only got watered occassionally and demonstrated wilt for at least a couple of days a week NEVER finished. I grew one strain, Mikado, that was a 45 day strain and finished late sept. When drought finished with it, it had nickle sized buds on Oct 1 and nickel sized buds on November 10. I saw that happen time after time with plants that were too far out for me to water easily or regularly.

Scoff if you want, but its fact.


I am not seeing from your pics any leaves that are "sticking up". To me that means like in my pics below. The plants in my pics are doing this because they are properly fed and watered, not because they need water. Personally, I'd never intentionally let a plant wilt then water it. You can open your grow up to all kinds of problems doing that. A healthy plant is a happy plant. If anything, the droopy plants in your pics look like the are over watered to me. All in all though it looks like you are going to get a great harvest.

Reach for the sky!


dirt farmer

For info I have 30% perlite mix. On avergae in this heat I water every 2 days. plants to stick up the leafs in the sun as well.


dirt farmer

I am not seeing from your pics any leaves that are "sticking up". To me that means like in my pics below. The plants in my pics are doing this because they are properly fed and watered, not because they need water. Personally, I'd never intentionally let a plant wilt then water it. You can open your grow up to all kinds of problems doing that. A healthy plant is a happy plant. If anything, the droopy plants in your pics look like the are over watered to me. All in all though it looks like you are going to get a great harvest.

Reach for the sky!


Do you have a night shot? Thanks friend?

dirt farmer

I can't see your pics...

But if you got the right schedule and a good amount of perlite, and your plants are healthy they will have that "praise the light" structure of cupped leaves reaching upwards like HALLELUJAH... assuming the strain is vigorous... now after you give them a good watering their points will dip down a lil in lights off...

When you overwater the leaves are drooping during lights on, maybe that's what you're describing... and when they get a lil dry the roots finally get some oxygen and they praise the light... maybe you never take them to the point of wilting... but as i said I can't see the pics...

Frankly I'm not certain what you're talking about your plants sleeping etc...

If you were wilting your plants at all, it would be sending at least one fan leaf into "shut down mode", where it pulls the plug, drains them of nutrients energy and moisture even after you've watered them, it made its decision and cut the cord on those particular leaves...

So are you noticing any sacrificial leaves?

The leafs always stick up in the Sun. it's the night time I am asking about. Thanks friend.

dirt farmer

The plants are pretty df. Im not sure why they stick up . I know why the droop though.

For about 6 of the last 10 years, we've had serious drought between early July and the end of Oct. Not a drop of rain and the only moisture my plants got was what i poured on them. I saw the same effect cover about 20 different strains of weed.

There just wasnt any question that the plants that recieved more water matured faster ans sooner, while those that recieved less water were slower and less mature at harvest.

Those that only got watered occassionally and demonstrated wilt for at least a couple of days a week NEVER finished. I grew one strain, Mikado, that was a 45 day strain and finished late sept. When drought finished with it, it had nickle sized buds on Oct 1 and nickel sized buds on November 10. I saw that happen time after time with plants that were too far out for me to water easily or regularly.

Scoff if you want, but its fact.

I can see that in a drought for sure. But I am not letting my plants wilt. I see a droop and I water the plant. Far from wilting friend. Here is my grow thread if you want to check it out. https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=219614

This plant loved my watering methods. Or so I thought. I love learing anything I can. Not trying to argue any point here. Just looking for answers about the leafs sticking up and not resting at night. Again thanks guys.



Do you have a night shot? Thanks friend?

No, but I'll take some tonight and post them. Mine stay the way they are at night. IMHO you are over watering, I could be wrong but that's what it looks like to me. My plants are on 3GPH drip emitters and only get watered once a week for 8 hours during the night. I'm in Sacramento and it gets seriously hot here and my plants are thriving on my water schedule.


Active member
The leafs always stick up in the Sun. it's the night time I am asking about. Thanks friend.

i think what he meant is that plant that have slightly too much water will point their leaves upwards in the sun and droop at night

that is what i experienced with my plants

if they get too dry on the other hand they will droop during the day and point the leaves upwards at night(or when it gets darker/cooler)


guys, the plants are putting their leaves up like that in case they can gather any moisture that is present in the cooler night air, and to catch the dew and (if there's enuf) run it down the trunk to the roots.

it's been extra-hot this year where you guys are, hasn't it?

I think you might be a bit hard on yr plants re watering them though, Dirtfarmer. but I bet they stink!

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