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Plants that do not sleep on nights before they need water?

I guess saying that it is hot out is relative but where I am at it is a furnace. With that being said, my small garden would falls over dead if I don't water them every day. I tend to agree with D.S. Toker on this.


Active member
hmm i didnt read everything above me, so my bad if i repeat something. but as to the always watering, I had a plant before i was using as a mother, i always let it dry out completely, couple times bad, then i would soak it and wait again, with the same strain (from seed) i put them both outdoor, the mother did better of course cause it was alot bigger, but if i was to take a branch or 2 that would be the same size as the seed one, i would say it did the same. so i dont think it hurts them to much, prob does stress them out, idk. im NOT and expert! Iv never checked plants at night, so i cant say i have ever seen any drop at night, but if i had to make a guess why some arnt dropping, i would make sure no light is leaking onto them, if i can think of anything else ill write.


Do you have a night shot? Thanks friend?

9:15 PM

dirt farmer

Thanks for all the Post guys.

Over watering I do not think so. If I let the plants droop before each watering I do not see how I could be right?

Yes it has been really hot. I have to water my potted plants every 2 days or they will droop/wilt in the 30% perlite mix. On colder days it will go to 3 days plus. On hot days the plants in the ground will go 3 days on average with the same 30% perlite mix.

So if I take D.S. Toker. MD expert advice I need to set my pots and yard up like swamp and water daily regarldless if they need it or not? I always understoof MJ does not like wet feet. So if I did take the advice given in this thread I would be watering my plants daily even though they do not need it. I am thinking this would be overwatering and have the claw in no time. Do people really grow good buds in swampy wet water? Thats new to me for sure.

I am perfectly happy with my water methods. I am thinking the roots are working over time seeking and searching for water growing as doing so. Probably wrong but this what I am thinking. At this point nobody will change my mind on how I water. But I am not so pig headed that I will not listen and learn or even consider other points of view.

All of are plants will need water the next day at some point. I was just wondering if others noticed there plants doing the same thing and there thoughts on it. Again thanks


weed fiend
Midnight, get those plants on some Ambien, half-strength. They need some sleep.:) j/k

Nice plants, guys. Might humidity have anything to do with this?

dirt farmer

Midnight, get those plants on some Ambien, half-strength. They need some sleep.:) j/k

Nice plants, guys. Might humidity have anything to do with this?

I thought the same thing. But clearly in my case all my plants with 5 different strains stick there leafs up the night before they need water or will drop/wilt the next day at some point. If watered that day the leafs will go in the down possition at night. On average the next day after water the are back up. So about every other day they act different at night.


Well-known member
Invest in 2 tensio meters. (soil humidity meters, try> Blumat)

Measure at about 50 to 60 cm deep and at 18 cm deep underneath the surface.

Sometimes they will feed and/or drink from under, sometimes from above, sometimes inbetween, just where they like it the best for that peticular moment.

After working and observing for a sufficient long period of time with these meters you will find the answer yourself.

It is all just a little more complex as it seems on first sight ;)

Sorry for not giving a straight answer as to how and why. (since I would have to think about and elaborate on it, but for wich I'm not in the right mood atm.)

But I did work a lot with those meters and at different depts, and after making a chart and grafic of their daily water intake in combination with their responding behaviour I am positive that this aproach will explain it all.


the idea that light is lifting some of yr plants is a good one. but why are there droopy ones too?
I return to my idea that plants seek night time moisture and suggest a plant that doesn't is a stressed plant that CAN'T!

and I put large saucers under my pots to extend watering during hot weather AND to create the swamp-like conditions referred to above. have never lost one in thirty years.

which goes to show how many different green pathways there are to follow ...