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Plans for disposing of plants in Emergency

dont you know talk is cheap over the internet or otherwise...i live in the south and i am glad i dont run across you...if you cant do the time dont do the crime...burn down houses and indanger others because you got caught at what you choose to do..way to fight the fight lol...threatin me again...i know this internet shit better than you son...im bored anyway and need a new inspiration...you just mite be it!

The_Leader said:
verm...how long of a rap sheet that numbnutz have and for what. arson...that they would have to Prove wasnt an accident caused by them spooking my cat. i have growing charges in ga and live in tn. life is a very distinct possibility. but iv been to prison and know its a fucking joke. ur senerio has nothing to do w/me. i got fed time w/my numbers, but again i aint worried.

upgrade....pansies? youv no clue. i hope u never find out either. u must liv in cali. come on down south and c what happens.

just sayi
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natural medicator
Has anyone considered that when they figure out (the fire depts aren't dummies about arson) that you set your place on fire with cops at the door, they'll charge you with something like attempted murder of a police, assault with a deadly weapon (wire), and at the very least, destruction of evidence.

The fire idea is just plain horrible IMHO unless you have an unquestionably controlled fire outside the house that you can somehow contain the smoke smell from.

A large food disposal unit attached to your sewage system might be a fairly quick solution. Then again, anything more than 1-2kw worth of lighting and you most likely have too much plant material to get rid of within an hour anyway. In that case, your best bet is breaking down the plant material (to get rid of the plant count), depending on your local legal situation.


upgradeshafted said:
yes everyone accept leader seems to get that..but he is tripping on shrooms and thinks he is a thug lord lol
iv already done the time moron. attack u? u idiot. u know the internet? lol...like i care. fu pansy ass kid. now use ur internet savae to hurt me. u threatened me, not i u numbnutz.

1st tracks...arson means / someone set the fire. duh. get this. arson carries 5 yrs Max here. my second offence, for growing POT, would get me 2O to life. but if ur upgradeshaft? a rat.



upgradeshafted said:
dont you know talk is cheap over the internet or otherwise...i live in the south and i am glad i dont run across you...if you cant do the time dont do the crime...burn down houses and indanger others because you got caught at what you choose to do..way to fight the fight lol...threatin me again...i know this internet shit better than you son...im bored anyway and need a new inspiration...you just mite be it!
lol...son? i got underwear older than you. i mite be the one? im here


Active member
Leader...he had priors for possession of crack and shit like that he was a total scumbag....different situation for sure just like all stories no 2 are the same....if you feel comfortable " burning down the house" ( sung to the beat of burning down the house by talking heads!) then go for it, just hope none of them cops prancin through the door die in your fire or anyone else for that matter, cause then my friend you will have a needle in your arm i am talking death penalty to be clear.......i would imagine they would find a way to put it out and charge you with both crimes.....but good luck, you make our community really look good! nice plants, would hate to see them get all toasty in your barbecue! Shroom on!
first you need to get back to the drawing board on your grow skills...second you should be respectfull of people you dont know...you never know they could be a little smarter than you track you down take those shrooms and tan that little hyde...3 you havent done no time or you would have learned already dont talk shit...keep talking im going to show you what you aspire to be...take a word of friendly advice loose the tough guy act before one comes along and takes your frosting cupcake...and arson to cover up what you choose to do is not tough or manly its pansie ask anyone over the age of 17

The_Leader said:
iv already done the time moron. attack u? u idiot. u know the internet? lol...like i care. fu pansy ass kid. now use ur internet savae to hurt me. u threatened me, not i u numbnutz.

1st tracks...arson means / someone set the fire. duh. get this. arson carries 5 yrs Max here. my second offence, for growing POT, would get me 2O to life. but if ur upgradeshaft? a rat.



oh i get it upgrade is a cop. nice one leo. u go on ignore for being really dumb.

im still here! wheres ur mad puter skills grasshopper. lol what i thought. im not the one hunting ppl down and threatening their cupcakes. what a joke.

im The_Leader. not ur maw.


and socal dont count as the south...lol...get it copper? u got to be leo to suggest someone get busted. no grower I know will go down w/they plants. the motto is stay free and grow weed. 1 grow means nothing compared to NO growing.

yo upgrade...come out the closet...lol...you got a whole house you could grow in...LOL. im running outta pee here but check out my new thread in the den....

grow another day or go down w/ur plants...i bet ur the only fool that votes go to prison w/ur grow destroyed.
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dude i suggest being a man and facing what ever music you play...not a pansie and run from it...if you had a brain in your head you would know were im from...i do you...now you called me a pig your getting close keep pushing!
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dude your 16 get real and grow up already..you have no idea of what a man is..the more post i read by you..the more clear i see you are a snot nose punk kid who needs to be bitch slapped a few times because daddy didnt do it..and a wigger too lol
i suggest if you are good at what you do you dont get busted...but if you do(and it happens) that is life kid you dont put it on someone else or burn down the house over it...you do your time for the crime you committed and either learn how to be better next time or quit committing crimes your not prepared to do the time for..thats called stand up guy and a fnnn man..anything else is a pansie plain and simple kid
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Laura Kush

What the hell? Do you people smoke weed or just grow it?
All this hostility on a cannabis forum...you know what they say about fighting on the intar-nets is like.


Active member
So much hate here.no wonder the cabana is thriving. I keep coming back hoping its gotten better but I see its still filled with egos and defensive people.


all i've noticed is that a majority of the people who are being out of line here haven't been around for more than a year. Just don't take them seriously *shrug* Yeah, theres lots of pissing contests going on, just take it for what it is, fucking hilarious, that these folks have the time and energy to waste on such trivial stuff

keep fightin y'all see where it gets you


Upgrade... nice pictures... I'm real impressed hows the smoke? aside from calming, lol

leader.. take a chill pill, you aren't the first person to grow nor will you be the last or the end all like rez or shanti, keep doin your thing your way if it works for you but don't hate on other folks for trying to offer up alternatives.
im just trying to teach the whipper snapper a lesson...that is all...when shit hits the fan you dont run...you dont put the hardship on another...you man the fuk up and take care of your business and come back smarter and stronger than before and not a rat arsonist pansie...get it...got it..good!....peace
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and how would my shit make you proud? do you think you know me ?...your post perplexes me...please elaborate..did you invent the waterfarm or something?
soomka said:
Nice pictures "upgradeshafted" how are you liking those waterfarms? They make me proud every time:]


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