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Pit Bull VS. Wolf (not my idea)

Pit Bull VS. Wolf (not my idea)

  • pit bull

    Votes: 92 46.0%
  • wild wolf

    Votes: 108 54.0%

  • Total voters
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wow there are lots of pit enthusiasts/fanatics out there

obviously there are juiced up mutant pits out there; but there's no way an average domestic pit bull is going to take down a wild timber wolf

PS, does anyone else think pits are trendy? do people get pits because they want to show off, not because they want a dog they can accept responsibility for and love for it's entire life? i guess i just don't see the advantage over other dogs as far as a pet goes :confused:

Mister Postman

The Plant Pervert
A pit trained for fighting would win, no doubt in my mind. They are trained to fight one on one and in most cases they will fight to the death or until the other animal submits.

By nature wolves are pack hunters, they rely on numbers to outwit, stalk, gang up on, and eventually overwhelm and take down their prey. Usually smaller prey then themselves. Rarely do they go after prey 1 on 1 without the pack. If they get into a scuffle one on one with a larger animal without the pack they are in flight mode rather then fight mode.
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all praises are due to the Most High
Mister Postman, but as other posters have already noted, wolves not only fight to hunt, they also have to fight 1 on 1, or even 1 against 2 or more wolves to claim their individual rights within the pack; fights over females, territories, food, social status etc... all these are a daily experience for a wild wolf. compared, a pitbull is just a pet on the other hand.

Mister Postman

The Plant Pervert
I've read through and hold my ground that a pit trained for fighting would beat a wolf one on one..

Pits trained to fight will fight to the death. I do not believe wild wolves by themselves have that same drive to fight one on one to the death as a trained fighting dog would. They fight and spat amongst the pack till one submits in most cases not to the death or when man says enough is enough. They kill and hunt in packs, they do not have that same one on one drive the same way a fighting dog would. Wolves meet a larger opponent they use their brains (do I stand a chance against this larger opponent? shall I run or fight?), where as pits or fighting dogs are 100% driven by their aggression to the death or submittal of their opponent. They have no choice once put into that ring but to fight be it a larger or smaller opponent. There are no truer words then "it's not about the size of the dog in the fight, it's about the size of the fight in the dog".

Nor do I believe that a pit bull trained to fight is just another pet pitbull. You know some do keep domesticated wolf, and wolf hybrids as pets too. They are family pets, not the wild cunning wolves of the wild pack you'd think.. Same for pits there are pets, and then there are those trained to fight.
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Well-known member


Non Conformist
Oh Lowrd! lol

Oh Lowrd! lol

DrBudGreengenes said:
The Wild Wolf is a BIG Pussy....
That sounds like somethin an ego driven adolescent would say! LOL! Next you be tellin us yer dad can beat up my dad! LOL! BC

Mister Postman

The Plant Pervert
I wouldn't go into the realm of dads BC.. I mean if you know whats good for you.

You see His dad already kicked my dads ass, and my dad has whooped upon me a few times already, and since I have already kicked ur dads ass a couple times myself ... I'd say yeah, his dad can prolly take ur dad... no doubt:joint: LMAO

But when it comes down to it.. I think he may be right.. The wolf knows when being a "coward" is the best thing for it's survival.. A dog trained to kill on the other hand.... Is willing do die to please his master, and survive to fight again. That's what he's been programmed/trained to do. He's worthy only if he wins.

U see in that video he posted how the sheep was running with the wolf clinched on it's neck?? for a long time too... That would not be the case with a fighting dog. They grab the neck lock on, shake, and pin/kill. Their low center of gravity, shear strength, jaw strength and aggression during a fight is more then most animals could handle. It makes then what they are great fighting dogs.

My friends have a couple pits.. They are amazing dogs that is for sure.. He's got a rope swing in a tree in the yard, and the dogs grab on and hang and he pushes them on that swing sending them flying hanging from their jaws swinging 40-50ft in the air back and forth, back and forth LOL.. Crazy.. I never in my life seen an dog do something like that before. and the dog LOVED it every time it stopped coming back and just hanging in the air from the rope waiting to be pushed again.. I hear this is the norm with pits too. Builds the jaw strength

similar but with less of a swing to it...
you'll never find a wolf that can do that, or even wanna do that LOL.. The dogs get like this through training, and their close relationships/bond with humans. They do as trained/told period, no free will or wild fight or flight instinct.
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Well-known member
B.C. said:
That sounds like somethin an ego driven adolescent would say! LOL! Next you be tellin us yer dad can beat up my dad! LOL! BC

Watch the Video ALL 7:11 minutes of it and the ONLY time the Wolf acts ....with what could be called "Confidence".....Is against the SHEEP....lmao


When the DOG shows up.....the Wolf shows FEAR.....SUBMISSION.

The Sheep Dog on the other hand.....Hits HARD and with confidence...He grabs ,....Shakes....and Punishes with his hold....which results in the DEATH of the Wolves

Wolf meet dog again....


Instead of all those dogs agains a boar, why not the other way around?
That's much more fun to watch
Sorry that is a WartHog....but a Cool Vid none the less
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Gamebred American Pit Bull Terriers are not trained to fight or made vicious. Thay are born with the ability through their genes of selective breeding which were perfected in the USA. The training involves getting in shape and making weight, the dogs ability and gameness, it is born with not trained. The desire to fight comes out naturally in the dog, anywhere from 1 year of age to 3 usually. Even a gamebred housedog can "come out" and surprise it's unprepared owners. A break stick is a must have for a gamedogs owner.


Well-known member
bestia said:
Gamebred American Pit Bull Terriers are not trained to fight or made vicious. Thay are born with the ability through their genes of selective breeding which were perfected in the USA. The training involves getting in shape and making weight, the dogs ability and gameness, it is born with not trained. The desire to fight comes out naturally in the dog, anywhere from 1 year of age to 3 usually. Even a gamebred housedog can "come out" and surprise it's unprepared owners. A break stick is a must have for a gamedogs owner.

Bestia.....I know what ya mean.....I had a Dawg Named B.A......79lb dog did not "Turn-on" til he was five...from then til he died of old age at 14...he always wanted to mix it up w/ the young dogs....He was a Great Catch Dawg.

And BTW folks ....I have a Friend in Mn. Gabe Davidson....Has the LAST remaining stock of "Lobo Wolves" in the world (Lobo Wolves preyed on the Bison Herds)....and in 1983 some PETA folks thought it Best to release 6 of them ....in 4 dayz....2 were caught in live traps....and Mn.DNR deemed them a THREAT to be eliminated within 72 hours.

At that point Gabe called ME....and ask for my Help...the Wolves were wearing "Tracking Collars"....and were not hard to find.
It took 3 hours and 3 catch dogs....and Gabe had his stock back in their enclosures....and NONE of them were killed by the State.

2 out of the 4 times the Wolf was down and submitting(Pissing all over itself) By the time we got to them....with only one Dawg on them.

Now remember these were trained "Catch Dawgs"...trained to Catch and Hold whatever they are pointed at...and will "Hold" and "Release" when they are told to.....when the dogs were removed the Wolf could NOT be made to face the Dog again. and they had NOT had the Shit kicked out of them.
Just grabbed and held....and they ALL submitted to the Dogs


Thanx DrBud for some of the cool info...you gotta be willing to change your position in life and not get stuck...but I still vote for the Pit in this case and not much has been offered to swing me the other way...even though I'm in the minority...lol.


Wolfs are way bigger, faster, and have sharper teeth than a pitbull...It would still be a good fight imo...


Non Conformist
DrBudGreengenes said:
Bestia.....I know what ya mean.....I had a Dawg Named B.A......79lb dog did not "Turn-on" til he was five...from then til he died of old age at 14...he always wanted to mix it up w/ the young dogs....He was a Great Catch Dawg.

And BTW folks ....I have a Friend in Mn. Gabe Davidson....Has the LAST remaining stock of "Lobo Wolves" in the world (Lobo Wolves preyed on the Bison Herds)....and in 1983 some PETA folks thought it Best to release 6 of them ....in 4 dayz....2 were caught in live traps....and Mn.DNR deemed them a THREAT to be eliminated within 72 hours.

At that point Gabe called ME....and ask for my Help...the Wolves were wearing "Tracking Collars"....and were not hard to find.
It took 3 hours and 3 catch dogs....and Gabe had his stock back in their enclosures....and NONE of them were killed by the State.

2 out of the 4 times the Wolf was down and submitting(Pissing all over itself) By the time we got to them....with only one Dawg on them.

Now remember these were trained "Catch Dawgs"...trained to Catch and Hold whatever they are pointed at...and will "Hold" and "Release" when they are told to.....when the dogs were removed the Wolf could NOT be made to face the Dog again. and they had NOT had the Shit kicked out of them.
Just grabbed and held....and they ALL submitted to the Dogs
I think yer full shit! lol you would have posted that right from the git go if it were true! What? did ya jus think of this story, after posting in this thread for days now? Nah, you would have posted this -way- before now. I hope yall got yer boots on, cuz the bullshit gettin deep in here! LOL! BC


Well-known member
B.C. said:
I think yer full shit! lol you would have posted that right from the git go if it were true! What? did ya jus think of this story, after posting in this thread for days now? Nah, you would have posted this -way- before now. I hope yall got yer boots on, cuz the bullshit gettin deep in here! LOL! BC

I gave you his FULL name....he lives in Annandale Mn. pick-up the phone and call him.

The reason I never posted it was BCUZ there was NO Death involved.
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DrBudGreengenes said:
And BTW folks ....I have a Friend in Mn. Gabe Davidson....Has the LAST remaining stock of "Lobo Wolves" in the world (Lobo Wolves preyed on the Bison Herds)....and in 1983 some PETA folks thought it Best to release 6 of them ....in 4 dayz....2 were caught in live traps....and Mn.DNR deemed them a THREAT to be eliminated within 72 hours.

Actually, there are a couple packs in Yellowstone that specialize in taking down bison. I saw a really cool show on it last night on National Geographic.



all praises are due to the Most High
all I know is that I had to really put muscle into keeping my adorable dog from killing that mature female pitbull... no way a pitbull would defeat a wild wolf in a 1 on 1 fight... if the pitbull went to try to attack puppy wolves, that pitbull would be roast, it would just take one wolf mom to do it too.

enough said.
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