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Piss'ing in the sink saves water!!!



when i was about 12 and living in flat and sleeping on balcony with drop down blind, instead of going all the way down stairs to toilet, used to piss through the balcony, bloke and his misses came home and walked to front door '' next moment loud noises what what what was that ''' i'm all wet'' she had walked right under my young manly powerful stream of piss lol. nothing was ever said, didnt like her anyway,lol.


HAHA! Morning noyd. I have a hippy alcoholic mate. Great bloke. Just can't hold his piss.pardon the pun. 9 times out of 10 he will piss himself. We're all used to this so when he gets to that stage where he's falling off his chair, we'll wrap him up in a tarpoulin or plastic or something :D Initially he didn't believe that he was doing this. Always accusing us of putting his hand in water or pouring water down his pants. One night at a party again he'd fallen asleep in a chair and i knew it wouldn't be long before we saw old 'Puddles' in true form so i got the camera out and waited. Didn't take long. There was half a hamburger under the chair and it was sopping wet from his yellow river. It must have been potent too cos the the pet rottweiler came up, gave it a sniff and turned his back on it in disgust haha. Next morning we told him about it and of course he didn't believe us. Till we showed him the evidence that is :D
To this day he is affectionately known as 'Puddles'



:biggrin: heres another true story, our new publican decided to put afoot rail and small width drain the full length of bar, very long bar, anyway mining town and packed out pay night, pissed as nutes we decided we would check the flow of the drain,lol , so we all pissed in the drain and watched it all flow in the right direction, publican was most pleased and shouted free beer, fuken true lol.:tumbleweed: shit i forgot its not a sink.
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fussy dog kenny, miht have wanted one with the lot.

Could well have mate :D Though thinking back on it, Puddles when he let go was prutrid! He'd drink from sunup til sundown and then some. He'd only eat every so often and when he did it was a super strong curry. Ya can imagine what that smelt like:yoinks:
Wouldnt be surprised if that old dogs is still trying to scratch the stench out of his nostrils! :D


:biggrin: heres another true story, our new publican decided to put afoot rail and small width drain the full length of bar, very long bar, anyway mining town and packed out pay night, pissed as nutes we decided we would check the flow of the drain,lol , so we all pissed in the drain and watched it all flow in the right direction, publican was most pleased and shouted free beer, fuken true lol.:tumbleweed: shit i forgot its not a sink.

Now that what i call a bloody good publican!! :D


i think theres still a law on books in aus that allowes brewery draught horse drivers the legal right to pull up and have a slash.


And if the law doesn't still apply i damn well want to see the subject raised again in parliament!! Draught horse drivers have rites too!!


you mean i only have to stumble 10' to my kitchen sink..instead of 20' to the toilet..
what are your thoughts about pissing in ovens??


Well-known member
I find this topic's name one of the funniest ones that I have read till now. It's also true that I am a beginner on this forum.

I have never pissed in a sink before, because it's quite hard for girls to jump up and do the thing...:D

OK, every once in a while this topic pops up and I always wonder about the mechanics of the deed.:)

Wouldn't a guy have to be about 6' 2" to get the job done?:covereyes::covereyes:

........ but not in MY kitchen of course!;)


OK, every once in a while this topic pops up and I always wonder about the mechanics of the deed.:)

Wouldn't a guy have to be about 6' 2" to get the job done?:covereyes::covereyes:

........ but not in MY kitchen of course!;)
That would depend on how far he actually had to lift to make 'it' reach.

This thread is getting almost as good as the Never Trust a Fart thread. There's some awful in that thread, I feel sorry for some of the gals shown in the videos, grasping their bellies with that look on their faces.


:biggrin: forgot to add legs to table, so theres your answere ad ajustable legs, would suit ladys,lower, hop aboard.:tiphat:


That would depend on how far he actually had to lift to make 'it' reach.

This thread is getting almost as good as the Never Trust a Fart thread. There's some awful in that thread, I feel sorry for some of the gals shown in the videos, grasping their bellies with that look on their faces.
:biggrin: depending on power oh pump.:)


Peein in the sink? That's childs play. I've taken shits in the shower (just gotta poke it thru the drain a bit), peed in dishwashers, iceboxes, the list could go on


Well-known member
The only problems I have with pissing in the sink is when people leave dirty dishes in the sink. Pretty damned thoughtless if you ask me.


Well-known member
The only problems I have with pissing in the sink is when people leave dirty dishes in the sink. Pretty damned thoughtless if you ask me.

..... but why would you have a problem with that?????

After all, this thread IS about saving water, right?:tongue: