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:::::::Pipeline Gardens 2023:::::::


Active member
Doing better! Keeping them warm today. High of 43F and cloudy, going down to 33F tonight! Will be sunny and 61F tomorrow and back up to 80F Thursday!

Was up past 10PM last night getting these moved to stage 2! Indoor growing is fun. Living in a greenhouse now! :smoke:




A lot of seedlings Nice (y):smoker:
This is how it needs to look. :cool:

GreZz JK


ICMag Donor
Thanks JK-AKtions!! Some of them are for the vegetable garden of course, but should be enough to get a good canopy going! :smoke:

Thats good to hear, I think I should have transplanted them a week earlier. I usually go straight from the germination flat into the ground, but started earlier this year.

You don't want the germination mix to be too hot, so if you start the end of march, I think you about have to go to stage 2 before transplanting into the garden.

I only put a cup and a half composted chicken manure per 2 cu ft for the germ. mix. Recommended rate for container growing is 1:20 ratio which is 11.5-12 cups per 2 cu ft., so this will get them fed. Hope they don't burn.

Learning this year. Next year will be smoother.


ICMag Donor
Planted a couple backup flats with the 1:20 ratio mix recommended for container plantings on the coop-poop label except I used Dave Thompson's Healthy Grow All Purpose 3-3-3 which i feel is a better product. For a 2 cubic foot bag I applied 11 3/4-12 cups fertilizer and 1/4 cup pulverized dolomite lime. Hopefully its not too much for them, but I wanted to make sure they are fed. I usually use about 1.5-2.5 cups of the coop poop 2-4-3 but they don't look very well fed usually. They recently updated the label so we'll have to try it.

Where is @Shcrews? He has experience with chicken manure pellents.

Going to be fun to see if they catch up to the other ones with good weather hitting the ground running next week. Actually supposed to be cooler than average for the next couple weeks or so.
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ICMag Donor
Seedling transplants are perking up and beginning to grow on some of them. Going to be near 80 F today with party sunny conditions. Should see them perk up. I had overwatered them so much the leaves had been curled down and would never orient to to the sun. I think many of them will pull through, but they will take some time to regain vigor.

Will get an update pic soon.


ICMag Donor
Got everything moved outside, looking good, think they're growing again on large majority of them! Looking forward to all the different cultivars! I want that Deep Chunk!!!!

Temperatures and watering correctly. Also be sure to include enough fertilizer to matter. Hope the seedling flats don't burn, I don't think they will. Trying to not to overwater, but its more forgiving when conditions are warm with sun.

Have to learn some things from experience. Can't learn everything in school. :smoke:


Well-known member
Certainly the right time of year to get busy, especially for outdoors. Serious good luck to you, mate. all the best!


ICMag Donor
Hey cola, thanks! Happy Four Twenty! The later you go, the smaller the plants. Want to give them plenty of time to do what they need to do. Going to be ready to plant when the weather breaks, have more frost/freeze coming this weekend into next week! Going to take care of my babies before they get set free! :smoke:


ICMag Donor
New round of seedlings are looking good even in a rich mix. Good so far, would like to see them out in the sun. When can they go out in 60 degree temps? Probably should wait until late this week if they are just emerging. 70F is much better, I will be careful not to let these get stunted if they survive the rich mix. :smoke:

Thanks Vandenburg and Acespicoli for posting these helpful threads!



Not ICMag Donor
New round of seedlings are looking good even in a rich mix. Good so far, would like to see them out in the sun. When can they go out in 60 degree temps? Probably should wait until late this week if they are just emerging. 70F is much better, I will be careful not to let these get stunted if they survive the rich mix. :smoke:

Thanks Vandenburg and Acespicoli for posting these helpful threads!

I would keep them inside for as long as space allows and as long as you're ok with the electricity. Just because the older the seedlings are, the better they will defend against funghi, which are a possible hazard especially in spring.

Edit - I lost a whole pack of Lebanese last summer because I brought them outside too soon lol (maybe 2 weeks old).
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ICMag Donor
I'm using 43 watt 600 lumen incandescent bulbs for the most part. One is high power daylight type LED, and one cfl. Don't mind using the power, but I have to make sure to turn the lights off to keep them on the same photoperiod. It will be worth it to get them a good start. Going to be cool at 60 F or below all week! Unusually cool for this time of year, but it balances out because it was just hot.

I'd like to get them sun sunshine if it gets into the mid 60's later in the week, but leaning toward keepin them at 70F indoors for a while like you said to get them a good start. Will the bulbs be enough. Not a great setup right now. Using some window light too so it seems to be enough! :smoke:


Not ICMag Donor
I'm using 43 watt 600 lumen incandescent bulbs for the most part. One is high power daylight type LED, and one cfl. Don't mind using the power, but I have to make sure to turn the lights off to keep them on the same photoperiod. It will be worth it to get them a good start. Going to be cool at 60 F or below all week! Unusually cool for this time of year, but it balances out because it was just hot.

I'd like to get them sun sunshine if it gets into the mid 60's later in the week, but leaning toward keepin them at 70F indoors for a while like you said to get them a good start. Will the bulbs be enough. Not a great setup right now. Using some window light too so it seems to be enough! :smoke:
Yes it would be enough and you if you can give them a few hours of sun every day or every couple days even better, that way when you bring them outside they will be used to the intensity and won't miss a beat.


ICMag Donor
Seeing a little bit of nitrogen burn chlorosis/necrosis on a small number of the backup seedlings. Going to leave them where they are and see how they do until transplanting hopefully next week. About to make room for round 3 transplants.

Thinking of scrapping a few of the runt first rounds. Some of them may make it, but may scrap them too. I want plants that are on the move since they will be in the shade, they have to get up into the good light quickly.


ICMag Donor
Not scrapping anything! Going to plant them in the garden and see what roots. Most of them are showing good signs. We will see with some sun later next week. Yeah will probably be a couple weeks to let them get some sun on the porch and a good start, a little behind for this time of year but thats understandable with the cold weather. :smoke:

Most of them aren't showing nitrogen burn issues, but I will keep an eye on them and plant another backup flat if necessary with light fertilized mix..

I transplant into the garden at a pretty early stage.

Thanks for the help.

I started transplanting vegetables into 1 gallons so I have 60 1 gal containers to grow along with them. Trying to make room for everything, need more light. Spring can't come fast enough! I think it will break at the end of the week.

2019 a week after transplanting
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