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:::::::Pipeline Gardens 2023:::::::


ICMag Donor


ICMag Donor
Forgot to bring extra tags so some of them may have got mixed up. Oh well, we have some tags and planted in general areas. I can see what phenotypes match.

Its a guerrilla grow, so we get what we get sometimes, at least the garden will yield some good medicine. Better luck next year with the tags. Will be planted the graded round 2 germination seedlings, and taking some shots later today! :smoke:
I may try to go out there once it dries a little, and put a tag by each plant that I know what it is. This will increase as the plants mature and show similar traits hopefully. :smoke:


ICMag Donor
@Heavy Dayze and I were talking about my line in a "Smoke with Heavy" session on Discord.

A cross every year gets you that much closer to your goals!!!! Seeing the hard work pay off with God's help! Turning the dials and look what we found.... :smoke:

Terpene expressions range from cherry in the super potent pheno to floral and fruity, overripe fruit, and of couse medical indica pine. Well rouned line at this point. Going to do a proper reproduction next year to be available for planting 2025. Have to sort through all the phenotypes first, takes about a year. Good things take time. :smoke:

Pipeline's Sativa Candy Chunk F12

Sept 2022


Oct 2022






ICMag Donor
Plants are settling in well and are starting to grow even with a couple nights in the mid 40's! The older second round seedlings with very slight leaf tip burn are perking up and growing! Going to have some good variety this year! Temps are going to warm up a little this week into the low to mid 80's for a couple days. Drying out and going to have lots of sun, so it will be seeing some good growth this week!

May transplant one plant into a small gap where a seedling got damaged by animals or something. Everything else is untouched and on their way up!

Now we're talking! Raising some cannabis! They're in good hands now, in the hands of the God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ! :smoke:

Going to be fun to watch! Enjoy! :smoke:







Well-known member
Plants are settling in well and are starting to grow even with a couple nights in the mid 40's! The older second round seedlings with very slight leaf tip burn are perking up and growing! Going to have some good variety this year! Temps are going to warm up a little this week into the low to mid 80's for a couple days. Drying out and going to have lots of sun, so it will be seeing some good growth this week!

May transplant one plant into a small gap where a seedling got damaged by animals or something. Everything else is untouched and on their way up!

Now we're talking! Raising some cannabis! They're in good hands now, in the hands of the God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ! :smoke:

Going to be fun to watch! Enjoy! :smoke:





So cute hahaha 😍


Well-known member
Plants are settling in well and are starting to grow even with a couple nights in the mid 40's! The older second round seedlings with very slight leaf tip burn are perking up and growing! Going to have some good variety this year! Temps are going to warm up a little this week into the low to mid 80's for a couple days. Drying out and going to have lots of sun, so it will be seeing some good growth this week!

May transplant one plant into a small gap where a seedling got damaged by animals or something. Everything else is untouched and on their way up!

Now we're talking! Raising some cannabis! They're in good hands now, in the hands of the God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ! :smoke:

Going to be fun to watch! Enjoy! :smoke:





What if Jesus shows you to not plant so close to a tree's roots?
I mean, I am a believer, but, I would not presume to say they are in His hands (as if He will automatically bless it).


ICMag Donor
Welcome to ICMAG! What do you mean by that?

God is with us, and I have this hope, brother! The entire creation is under God's soverign power the way I understand it. Respect your Maker. :smoke:

My faith is based off personal experience as well as the Holy Scriptures. Thanks for stopping by!


Well-known member
What do you mean by that?
only that I don't try to on my own to to do something and then say: "God will bless it"

As far as your grow, why plant seeds in the bush? and under a tree! You do know the tree roots will compromise the grow, yes?
If you are outdoors, clones, not seeds would be best, no?


ICMag Donor
Whenever I ask anything of God, I ask it according to His good and perfect will. Its in God's hands. :smoke:

When the plot was first opened up a couple years ago, i chopped all the roots out, so its just soil underneath. Believe me, I would not forget doing that amount of extra work! :smoke:

Afternoon shade conserves moisture and helps keep the plants cool. Trees help block the view and help make the plot more secure.

Crystal clear sky with lots of sun today, moisture in the soil, going to be growing! God loves us! :smoke:


ICMag Donor
It was Benjamin Franklin, one of the founding fathers, who said, "Beer is proof God loves us."

I know they grew hemp and from what I remember George Washington may have used medicinal cannabis. Wonder what strains did they have back then?

Drying out and sun is going to get the seedlings going more than a bunch of rain. The plot holds water pretty well being in the woods. They get filtered light throughout the day. Even in the evening, there is some light peaking through. I moved the garden toward the light last year and got better growth on the shady side.

Being very careful to take harvest one bud at a time, to evaluate them and put the seed in the proper category. Seed categories need to be fairly simple, you want some mixture going on to preserve the line, but separating the general terpene profiles:

Have to be diligent, have to be honest, have to be ruthless, have to have a relatively low tolerance to detect differences in flower. The way of the breeder is a lot of work. Trying to move forward with the line and hopefully get it to be somewhat true breeding for these valuable potent henotypes! :smoke:

Sativa Candy Chunk Keepers

Sativa Candy Chunk Medical Indica Keepers

Sativa Candy Chunk Fruity pheno


General unknown 2022


ICMag Donor
Weather is drying out. Will have to water this weekend and next it looks like. But the long term climate forecast looks like moisture will come back around later in June and throughout the summer with above average precipitation predicted!

Thankfully I should be able to get the truck back there to bring in water, and won't have to haul up the hill from the creek. Long on sun, going to help things get on track to where they should have been with the early rounds of planting.

Actually kind of glad the seedlings are pretty young, too old at this stage, and the garden may get kind of overgrown with these numbers. Being so densely planted, the plants can become lanky in growth, so will probably be better timing to have a proper size coming into flowering cycle in late July!

God's grace! We're always learning, always trying to listen to what God has to say.

Stay tuned for some pictures. Well its dry now, I guess I can try to figure out what was planted where and stick in some tags. I was looking at it last weekend, and I think I know what most of them are even though it was kind a patchwork of plants. :smoke:

Isaiah 55:8-11 NKJV

“For My thoughts are not your thoughts,
Nor are your ways My ways,” says the Lord.
9 “For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
So are My ways higher than your ways,
And My thoughts than your thoughts.

10 “For as the rain comes down, and the snow from heaven,
And do not return there,
But water the earth,
And make it bring forth and bud,
That it may give seed to the sower
And bread to the eater,
11 So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth;
It shall not return to Me [c]void,
But it shall accomplish what I please,
And it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it.