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Pipeline Gardens--2007


ICMag Donor
Thanks guys, my yield isn't all that bad either, its hard to estimate but somewhere around 2-3 oz I think..... Would have been much more with the jeoprodized plots, but thats how it goes in the outdoors....

Oh yeah, its good alright! Unlike anything else I've had since last year.... You just can't find real herb around here..... except out in the woods.... :D


ring that bell
ICMag Donor
How to "git 'er done", Pipe! It sure is a satisfying feeling! Enjoy every bit!

Wondering if those guys have packed up their tents yet, lol. Best wishes, HL


Aye Highlighter..never thought about that.. :headbange

You still keeping them from their beds at night pipe..


ICMag Donor
That really is the feeling you get with this herb, not so much intoxication as much as satisfaction and positive insight..... I was thinking about how much flavor has to do with the quality and effect of the smoke, and remembered that terpenes are involved in cannabinoid biosynthesis.... Here's some new readings for anyone interested..... :yes: :smoker:
Recent Developments in Cannabis Chemistry
The pure resin, hashish or charas, is the
most potent fraction of the plant, and has served as the
source material for most of the chemical studies.
The family of chemicals that has been isolated from this
source has been referred to as the cannabinoid group. It is
unique amongst psychotropic materials from plants in that
there are no alkaloids present. The fraction is totally nitrogen-
free. Rather, the set of compounds can be considered as
analogs of the parent compound cannabinol (I), a fusion
product of terpene and a substituted resorcinol.

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I can hear by your voice that you are enjoying the effects.. :headbange

Enjoy my m8..


ICMag Donor
Sure am! Glass is a great way to smoke and get the ratio of smoke to air that you want.... To bring out that true canna flavor..... Do you have a pipe, mossy, or just make rollies?

I'll make a rolly every once in a while, but I like to be able to put the pipe down, and take a break for a minute sometimes..... Rollies get rollin and can about drag off your forehead if you're not careful.... :canabis:


ICMag Donor
I don't know though, the one toker seems to give a good blast of flavor if you don't torch the thing.... As long as they're brass and not aluminum.... We must conserve the harvest.... :D
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pipeline..I only do rollies..
I can never manage to keep a pipe a light.. :muahaha:

but..I was thinking of getting a pipe for next season.... :chin:

just to see if my girls would grow as big as paddis.. :smoke:

I spent 7 hours today..grading seed.
1 on the Whore's Coddle..
and the other 6 on the big b.indy.
I gave up when I lost the will to live.
I am going to put the rest in a tub..and use them for scatter in the Spring.

What is that ice maiden?


ICMag Donor
That was a flower from the big powerhouse.... :yummy:

I have a pipe like paddi's but use it mainly for tobacco, although its been over a year or so.... I've used it for smoking herb and they work very well.... I use glass because they're easy to get completely clean, just soak in alcohol, pour in your salt and shake.... Flavor comes through very well in clean glass.... :yummy:

Sounds like a hard days work! :yoinks: I bet you did start dipping into the doldrums..... How many seed do you think ya did? Nevermind if it makes ya queasy.... :D

Scattering in spring will work better than you think.... That was my original method.... Go out with a shovel and turn over a big square of dirt and chop it up well, sprinkle the seeds and rough it over with your finger tips.... Do this just before a day or 2 of rain with good temps, and you'll have a little garden before you know it.... :smoker:


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all this talk about rollies are making me want to roll me one, a big fat one! nice harvest pipe, any plans yet for the upcoming spring?


ICMag Donor
Thanks soxx, not sure about this spring yet.... I will be testing some seed for friends, but I'm not yet sure what I'll grow.... These are tough choices..... :D :chin:

I've got some medely x (sage x deep chunk) from this years harvest..... I'll likely pop a few of those come spring... :yummy:



ICMag Donor
Think we'll be breaking in the bags tomorrow afternoon.... Stay tuned for some phUn! Anyone have any tips for this first timer?


Yup..top tip... :D
Take your camera with you..
and we can learn along side of you.. :muahaha:

Have a great weekend m8.. :joint:

Enjoy the new kit..here is to excellent results.. :yes:

:listen2: pipe..
I have tried adding the Festival link to my signature..but it doesn't work.. :puppydoge
any idea what I am doing wrong
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ICMag Donor
Try using this.... without the space after the first bracket: [ URL=http://www/URL....]VISIBLE TEXT[/URL]

I'll definately snap a couple pics.... I do have a couple tops in there.... A couple due to mold and some BOG Medely popcorn that had dirt on them, I'll shake em off as best I can..... It will take a good amount of time so be patient....


Lots of ICE=)

a rope to hang it...whilst it dripps.

a bong to try it=)
it has to dry too, to smoke right...
24 hrs does it for me.

a 1/2 drill w/ a drywall mud mixer ON LOW...very low..so's not to damage the bags...
HAVE A BALLLLL....ball of hash=)hehehe


ICMag Donor
Thats a good idea to use a rope to let the water drain out.... :yes:

I bought a plastic paint mixer which I don't plan on using now.... I couldn't find those metal mixers like I think you're talking about, but didn't look in the drywall mud section.... I may just use a spoon along with a standard blender with one bit.... Still not sure yet.....

Is it best to mix inside the work bag then? And pour out the trich water into another bucket with the filtering bags? I think I've got it.... Planning on mixing for 10-15 minutes.... :confused: