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Pipeline Gardens '08


ICMag Donor
Black Indy.... Had 4 left.... My good friend took 2, just a quick pick of a couple diagonal from each other on the pallet.... He got the females!!!! :woohoo:

Its a good thing, his spot has twice the sun as mine.... We ended up with 2 males! :D

Branchy son-of-a-gun

The cows helped out with cleanup.... :D

Erocket x Danish passion from 5 gallon transplant :yes:

Chunky Micks from 5 gal transplant... She needed staking on the last trip out.... No big surprise since so many storms have blessed us....

Bog Medely x Sage Chunk>>>> recovering from animal damage....

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ICMag Donor
Tall plot>>>>>> Scerene.... 12 plants, almost all female! B3/N7 x Erdpurt are taller than me! :canabis:

check out that humidity! :yes:

Teheran devil x erdpurt female

Deep Chunk x (erocket x DP)

Chunky micks with purple nodes.... She's getting shaded.... Hopefully a she.... Sitting behind those B3/N7 x erdpurts! :eek: Hope she's going to be alright.... The leaves are expanding quite nicely.... :confused:

3 early flowering plants at the tall plot, all female! 2 Early Durban, 1 Erocket x Danish passion....

Early Durban

Erocket x Danish passion
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ICMag Donor
Flooded plot... Down to 5 plants, all female....The Bog Medely on the far left with purple new growth was male.... Pulled him out.... One medely female left now, 2 Perun in rear, one flowering danish passion, and one night hail ultra.... :yummy:

Danish Passion :yes:


Night Hail Ultra in front, Bog medely left, Danish passion back right



wow... so massive update. there will be green now on ICMag hehe...
Lovely animals, fun, all your veggies and sacred herbs ofcourse :D
Cheers bro :wave:


ICMag Donor
Thanks grunwald, someone had to paint the place green.... Was starting to get a little too white around here.... :D

Glad you enjoyed! We sure did! :wave:


Massive update lots of living things in your thread that is just Nice bro.


ICMag Donor
Thank you, guys! I appriciate it! Stay tuned for herb garden updates from yesterday. :smoke:

ALF (Mazar x LR) F3 x White Russian


ICMag Donor
The sky is partly cloudy and we're in the mid 80's today.... The cannabis moves up and out..... :canabis:

Danish passion

Flooded plot


DC x (erocket x Danish passion)

Teheran Devil x erdpurt flowering early

Tall plot on the move--6 inches or so over my head! :headbange

Erocket x Danish passion

Early Durban
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ICMag Donor
One chunky micks was broken at the tall plot by an animal. It was laying ont he ground barely attached....No worries, it wasn't the purple noded plant... More early smoke! :woohoo:

Chunky micks front, erocket x danish passion behind

Chunky Micks

Erocket x Danish passion

Bog medely x SAge Chunk still recovering and becoming shaded....

K siders becoming shaded


Oh what a lot you've got my M8..

It is shaping up to be a fantastic season.

flowers and canna and animals...all in one thread..joy.

I can recognise Butter-cup from her Lions head. ha ha

Your lady is getting good with your camera m8..puppy photos are brill..
tell her Hi...

Love the girls going into fast flower but I have to say..
Deep Chunk..Deep Chunk..Deep Chunk has my greedy eye.


ICMag Donor
I know it, I'm so excited.... Caught a near perfect season with a near perfect start! Should be a heck of a crop if all goes as planned....

She is getting good with the camera, I'm proud to call her my girl! Only thing is, its her camera she's getting good with, I still haven't replaced mine.... Lord knows where it is.... :confused:

I hear you on the Deep Chunk, they're all perfect 10's it looks like!

Buttercup's one of the best dogs I have ever seen... Darn proud of her too!

Keeping your family in mind, positive healing-vibes sent.... :wave:

At least she's got good medicine on hand, thanks to you.... :D

Chunky Micks harvested Jan. 16 this year--



Nice update :) But i see you ind the leafs :) Its a cool picture i think Btw in dk why almost dont got any mosquitos this yeah , it have been to cold for the eggs to pop so no mosquitos :) Happy times :)


ICMag Donor
Thanks kallenavndk! Been a moist growing season this year, so the mosquitos are in full effect. How far north are you? Not sure if I understand your whole post.... Must be nice having a summer without mosquitos! :D


Hehe its fair , sometimes i dont take the time too type slow and then my post is hard to read hehe but Yes No Mosquitos this year hehe its Nice ....I live in Dk sout east we call it Lolland, Close to Germany and Polen.


Oh hell pipe..I forgot you lost your damn camera..
if it has been outdoor all this time..I cannot see you using it again...

Have a good weekend m8..


ICMag Donor
Its cool, kallenavndk.... I got the most of it.... :D I always get a kick out of ICMAG's europeans' interpretation of english.... :D You're pretty far north then aren't you.... You get a mosquito free summer, but I probably get something like an extra month growing weather... Always a trade off, I guess...

Yeah no camera still..... I already wrote that one off.... No idea where it could be... :badday: My mom and dad should be getting me one here soon as a gift for my accomplishment... I just need to pick one out.... Haven't made the time yet, and I need to....

More updates on the way... Stay tuned.... It will be a couple days.... Need to do some more deleting... Another 3-4 hours online should do it... :drum: :D

January Chunky Micks



"My mom and dad should be getting me one here soon as a gift for my accomplishment"

What you been accomplishing my m8..

I assume it is not coz you are growing lush canna..
parents tend not to reward things like that...ha ha ha


my Mother was rifling my UK stash last night to see if it would let her get a good nights sleep without pain.

IC's gallery STINKS.
I was in 3 hours yesterday..and I still have 20 pages left.
I keep resolving to post less photos....but you know how it is...

Stench Hound..well..
a bit rough first thing in the morning...ha ha ha

colour match on your ALF's..I got purple too..
and white..
but none of the chicken pox pink..TFFT
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