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Photo Essay: Calcined DE as Rooting Medium

mad librettist

Active member
Sure thing. Try and take less pride in pointing out the mistakes of others.
You could easily have pointed out the topic had changed without the attitude.

perhaps, but I was feeling defensive at the time thanks to stedenko's garbage..

i hope you have recovered from the blow?


Haha, nothing a few more psych visits won't fix. No harm done.
P.s the neg rep on your post wasn't from me.
Last edited:


Active member
I just ordered some of this from the napa website and it checked me out at $0.00 for the 8822.
Shipping is $8 but that's cheaper than what I can drive to the closest napa for.

Below is your Order Summary:
Item: Oil Absorbent, 25 lbs; Diatomaceous Earth
Product Number: XXX 8822
Quantity: 1
Price: $0.00
Item Total: $0.00

Subtotal: $0.00
Tax: $0.00
Shipping: $7.95
Total: $7.95

Wow, thanks for the tip. Did you ever get yours? I just placed my order:



New member
Hey. I am still a tenderfooted amature... but I read the thread and learned a lot! Thank you. I am excited to find a pourous and inexpensive medium to root in! It sounds like a quick rinse and sive of the Cal DE will work really well! Cool! Going to my local auto parts store! I wish I knew this when I was trying to root some tree azalias ^-^* Like the use of willow for rooting hormone... will have to see if it does indeed balance out the PH... cool!

I saw that the thread took a dive into the use of the clay... notably 'kitty litter' which is usually bentonite and an expanding clay...

... just a quick thought on caution... I noticed the mention of creating a cement like soil earlier in the thread... which in my mind would happen if you tried to combine the clay along with the Crystalized DE ... am I right? or do the cracks from the transition of a wet to dry expanding clay medium prevent this problem? Should one avoid mixing these two mediums... not that it was suggested... I just thought maybe another tenderfoot may be inspired by the thread and try out both at the same time, so I mentioned it :)

Thanks again for the awesome information!

Oh... one more thing... Do you clean them to sanitize them for rooting after many uses or just mix into compost and buy more?

Oh... and has anyone used this as a medium for an aquaponic bed? (Not that Im even close to having one yet.. )

Thanks again!

Harry Hoosier

I read through this entire thread and didn't see anything about this being used as an aeration amendment for a worm bin. I suspect it might work rather well.


Can/should the napa stuff be reused? I might have to try this.

You say the media changes colour when wet? That must make it easy to know when to add water to your tray.


Delta9nxs uses turface for cloning and turface plus rice hulls as a growing medium with great success. Search for the ppk thread.

Anyone determined if this is incompatible with neem oil? Seems like the oil would mess up the porosity. Then again the amount of neem I use in an application is so little it may not have any cumulative effect.

mad librettist

Active member
Delta9nxs uses turface for cloning and turface plus rice hulls as a growing medium with great success. Search for the ppk thread.

Anyone determined if this is incompatible with neem oil? Seems like the oil would mess up the porosity. Then again the amount of neem I use in an application is so little it may not have any cumulative effect.

nah, your neem oil will get broken down.


Active member
this has me curious if it would be a good medium to germinate seeds in.
i have some schwag bagseed that would be the perfect test subjects.
i'll post up my findings after i pick up some floor dry. my guess is that i should probably screen the fines out as well.


That would be a good experiment side by side with the same strain.

Compost verses DE for best germination.

Let me see, I'm playing catch-up right now. Do you ever get caught up? Not really...imo...
