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PhilCuisine Schreck, from seed to....

Weird Jimmy

Licensed Patient/Caregiver & All-Around Cool Ass B
ICMag Donor
^^^ Thanks urban. I'll be updating this thread with a sickening amount of photos over the next couple months. I'll probably post one every other day.


hey jimmy im going to follow along on this grow! i saw the shreck seeds on the bay and saw this grow along!!! i grabbed a few packs in hopes of finding a pheno like the original ogre!!! your grow is looking great so far and i wish you luck as they flower! ill be doing mine outdoors as ill have plenty of space to do 20 plants and see how they like growing under the sun! -bluebuds

Weird Jimmy

Licensed Patient/Caregiver & All-Around Cool Ass B
ICMag Donor
excellent bluebuds!!, I can't wait to see how yours do outdoors. It will be interesting to see how similar they are.

.... of the ten, 5 were fems and 5 were males. I cut the males out today. I made an earlier comment that "SE" and "SA" both had an astringent/pungent odor, well "SE" ended up being a male and "SA" a female.

They also got some spider mites from a bastard plant that I brought in from another garden to take clones from (never do that shit again). They're not terribly infested, so I crushed however many I could find with my fingers and then sprayed them with Ed's Zero Tolerance. Hopefully that shit will take care of them, but we'll see.

I'm also starting to get some sort of a deficiency in two of the five. Not really sure what it is, but I'll figure it out.

Weird Jimmy

Licensed Patient/Caregiver & All-Around Cool Ass B
ICMag Donor
The deficiency was N. You can still see small signs of it, but it's no longer a problem. This is my first time using guano teas so it's been a little hit or miss so far.

The mites are now in check as well. The zero tolerance seems to be doing the trick. I've only applied it once, so I'll try it again this weekend.

Here's a pic I just snapped. The HPS light and my camera absolutely do not get along, so I moved three of the five to the oh so familiar table area. I chose these three because they show how different the phenos can be. The one on the left is the smallest and bushiest of the bunch. No heavy odors coming from any of them so far, but this one leaves a lemon pinesol sort of smell on your fingers from rubbing the stem. The plant in the middle has always been the tallest/lankiest of the group. I topped this before moving it into flower because it was a good 4" taller than the second tallest. This one gives a much fruitier smell after a stem rub. The plant on the right is sort of in the middle and looks more like the other two that aren't pictured. Those three (the one shown and the two that are not) have stem smells that lean more toward lemon pinesol. I don't put too much stock in the smell of the stems, but it can definitely give an indication as to what's ahead.



looking good jimmy! those have exploded in growth since last post of pics!!! glad you figured out the defiency! usually a quick fix if caught soon enough which you have. cant wait to get mine and get them started!!! looking nice bro, :dance013: -bluebuds

Weird Jimmy

Licensed Patient/Caregiver & All-Around Cool Ass B
ICMag Donor
yeah thanks a lot man. I'll re-pot them Saturday and post more pics. I wonder if you'll get a tall one like the one I have? That's the one I'm the most curious about. The fruity stem smell is pretty awesome.

Weird Jimmy

Licensed Patient/Caregiver & All-Around Cool Ass B
ICMag Donor
Today is day 11 of flowering. I re-potted them into 3 gal nursery pots. I took lots of pics; 3 different shots of each... you can really see the different growth patterns of them all, lots of variations in these girls.. on to the pics.....

here's the tall one, "SI", root ball first... this shot's pretty blurry but you can get the idea


top view...


..full frontal...


"SF" is the squat, indica looking bush
root ball...


top view...


..full frontal...


"SA" and "SJ" are similar looking plants.. smaller than "SI" and taller than "SF"
"SA" root ball


top view...


..full frontal...


"SJ" root ball

top view...


..full frontal...


"SD" is a little taller than "SA" and "SJ", and it has very vertical side branching. The bean pole of the group.

"SD" root ball


top view...


..full frontal...



looking good jimmy! those are going to explode with growth now!!! what are you flowering them under? cant wait to get my beans!! -bluebuds

Weird Jimmy

Licensed Patient/Caregiver & All-Around Cool Ass B
ICMag Donor
They're under a 600w HPS, so they should do well. I can see some flowering starting to happen so I'll start taking closer photos if my camera will cooperate.

Weird Jimmy

Licensed Patient/Caregiver & All-Around Cool Ass B
ICMag Donor
Here's the latest pics. Day 17 of flower. I tried to take some macro shots. My camera is not really built for that though, so I used a trick I read here on IC. I held the lens of a cheap magnifying glass against the lens of my camera, and it works surprising well. The shots came out a little blurry, but I don't think it's anything that the steadiness of a tripod couldn't fix. I wish I could remember the persons name who originally posted that trick, cause they deserve credit.

Anyway, here are some random bud shots from three of the five plants.








Weird Jimmy

Licensed Patient/Caregiver & All-Around Cool Ass B
ICMag Donor
Day 25. Prior to growing these, I had been growing the same clone for so long that it's been really fun not knowing what to expect. You can see again from the first two pics that anything from a towering sativa-type plant to a squat indica-type plant can be found in the schrecks. The two really sativa leaning plants have both been a little sensitive to nutes.

Here's a bunch more pics for everyone that's been following along. The flowers are filling out nicely, and "SA" and "SJ" are really starting getting covered in trichs. I've had my eye on "SA" since she was baby so I'm super excited to see how that one turns out.














Weird Jimmy

Licensed Patient/Caregiver & All-Around Cool Ass B
ICMag Donor
It's been a while since I've posted anything new so here are some quick shots I took of two different plants. I'll post pics of the rest of them sometime tonight after I water them. I'll only be giving them a mixture of humic/fulvic acids, eklonia kelp, compost tea, black strap molasses and a couple other things; no complete nutrients though. They seem to be a little sensitive to nutes. They're at day 38 today.

Judging from the way they look and the way they're starting to smell, the Schrecks have been well worth my time.





Weird Jimmy

Licensed Patient/Caregiver & All-Around Cool Ass B
ICMag Donor
here are some shots from the really tall one... I'll post pics of all of them next weekend sometime






Looking lush there Jimmy, the girls look real happy. I think they are going to reward you bigTime for all the love you give them. I really like the look of the shorty pheno.

Keep up the good work bro:tiphat:

Weird Jimmy

Licensed Patient/Caregiver & All-Around Cool Ass B
ICMag Donor
Looking lush there Jimmy, the girls look real happy. I think they are going to reward you bigTime for all the love you give them. I really like the look of the shorty pheno.

Keep up the good work bro:tiphat:

hey thanks a lot man. I've never had a shorty like that before. It's super bushy.

I'll post more pics tomorrow.


those look incredible jimmy!!! they sure have put on some weight since ive last seen them!!! ive been a way for a bit so ive been catching up on posts!! they look awesome! what are there heights? -bluebuds

Weird Jimmy

Licensed Patient/Caregiver & All-Around Cool Ass B
ICMag Donor
hey bluebuds.... as far as my experience with them, they can range from about 4.5-5 Ft to 18"-20" tall, and everything between. Just depends on what phenos decide to show up.

3 of them hermed for sure; not quite sure about the other two. The ones that hermed, definitely have active pollen as I've already noticed a couple seeds on a few of the buds. I don't know if they hermed from user error (light leaks possible) or if it's just in the genes? I'm leaning toward thinking that it was caused by genetics. I've had a few crops of g13haze in the same grow space with no herms at all. There is trainwreck in these, and I've always heard that strain can pop bananas pretty easily. Anyway, I could care less about the herms. The pot still looks killer.

here's a new pic update. This is the tiny one at day 53 of flower. I cut it down a little early yesterday (I need the smoke!!!) and the trichs are all cloudy but not yet amber.





Weird Jimmy

Licensed Patient/Caregiver & All-Around Cool Ass B
ICMag Donor
great job jimmy... cant wait for more pics

thanks man.... I'll post some dry bud shots in a few days, and later next weekend or sometime the following week I'll post more pics like the ones I put up today.

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