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Phatty's 2nd Try DWC -Sour Diesel, Mango, MS-


Here's day 21! Vertical space is beginning to become worrisome; Is this from the light being too close?

The curling down...

Anyways here is yet another canopy shot:



Day 22: Tied some branches so they're not going to grow too close to the light. Also noticed some leaf discoloration on some of my mango B, it's like a light/dull green.. and it only occurs on part of the plant. You can pick it out of the canopy though, the color is quite different..

Grow babies grow!


Day 23! It looks like those gnats are getting their groove on in the soil... I neemed the topsoil and ordered gnatrol (for the rest of this run+the future,) and hopefully that will take care of the little bastards...



Day 26: YET ANOTHER issue... leaves are drooping bad from this morning to this afternoon on my biggest hydro girl! Fuck! Check it out:

The things that have changed in the environment in the last day:

1 - My other fan died yesterday morning, prompting me to use this even shittier fan:

If anyone knows a good fan for a tent lemme know ;)

2 - I upped the nutes to 1500

3 - I cut off some big fan leaves with red-purple stems to allow more light to get to the lower stuff

Anybody know what I did to make em droop?

Otherwise it looks good.

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Day 28: The rez is at 1200/about 5.5 ph.. the droopy girl is still sad but everything else looks happy, I see some orange hairs for the first time :D



Day 29: The big girl may have root rot or the fungus gnats may have totally strangled her roots; OR the waterfarm buckets aren't functioning as well as netpots... or I overlooked something else! Gotta love it. Otherwise everything looks good... I tossed in sm-90 and gnatrol will be here soon... I'm pretty much chalking this up as an expensive learning experience and promising myself next time will be better.



Active member
Hey phattybudz!

Seems like I should have been in here quite a while ago, awsome job with the regular updates man. You've got some sweet looking plants man. I hope the gnats haven't done too much damage man, because there for sure looks to be a killer harvest coming to you if you can keep them happy :smile:

BTW, if you're able to get some pics up without that HPS spreading its evil yellow glow that would be cool man, I would really love to see them in a more natural light, it just gives such a better representation of ones plants.

Keep up the gooood work man!



Thanks GG, yeah I know I should take some non-hps pics, it's just kind of a pain. My camera is gone right now, but here are some pics from another camera... seems like it doesn't pic the hps spectrum up as much for some reason. As for the kiddies... the soil ones are doing great and I'm sure those will be fat, but the hydro ones are not doing very well; I just had way too many problems for them to be healthy.. pretty much everything in the book: pests, ph issues, temperature/root rot issues, overfertilization...I'm not expecting to get more than an ounce from all 4 of the hydro ones really. I think the buds will mature but not get any bigger because of the rot/overfert issues.

Day 35:



Day 36: I finally got a non-HPS photo, it's just the smallest soil plant. She looks pretty dank though :D Even though I double-fed the soil ones for like 6 weeks haha.. soil is SO much more forgiving than hydro.

And the hydro buds... haven't grown ANY for a couple weeks now, definitely stunted. Bitches.



Active member
Hey phattybudz! Thanks for filling my request with a non-hps pic :headbange

Nice buds growing from the soil man, it looks nice dank and frosty, well done man! Yeah, soil is defintely more forgiving than hydro(not that I have yet done hydro). Too bad that the ones in hydro aren't doing better man, but one gotta learn it somehow, and by experiencing issues and deffiencies one(or atleast that goes for me) will definitely increase ones effort to avoid it the next time around.

I've just realized yesterday that I've managed to stress my Sour Diesels, probably from a light leak earlier on, and I've found quite a bit of bananas on 4 out of my 6 Sour Diesels IBL, doh, so guess I learning it the hard way too!

keep up the good work man!


Day 38 Tadow... I accidentally snipped off a small branch last week so I left it up to dry, and I just vaporized it... It didn't taste very good but I wasn't expecting it to since it was overferted premature hydro bud...doesn't taste BAD, just kind of like a house plant might taste. haha. I'm still really baked right now though, so I'm happy. I trimmed some branches because I need some bud bad, I'm betting they'll be pretty good after I dry and cure it.. maybe only an 1/8 or so though. I also trained the tall crappy hydro one out of the way so I could lower the light and hit the soil girls at 1 foot.




Day 40... sm-90 kicks ass, I think I'm going to use it instead of hydroguard/hygrozyme because they're more expensive and don't stabilize my PH like sm-90 does... plus sm-90 is anti-pest as well! And it smells good.

I'm Building a new canvas for my 4.5x4.5x7 HH poles today, my friend is going to throw up my new 1k in it probably... should be pretty sick :D


Day 42/start of week 7!

I only took this pic of a soil baby, not sure if this is def, overnute, or ph, but I think it's overnute.


My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
hey phatty
man if ya dont mind i have a few suggestions.
maybe you should hang your hat on the hydro for a couple of runs and do soil. you seem to have some luck there. and after you recoup some of the money yo spent fixing all those problems and actually get some weed to smoke, consider running the buckets again.
i think you rushed into a growing method that requires skill(you are unskilled) that comes with experience. at the begining you were unsure how to sex your plants.. why then would you try to run an expensive hydro system, especially with unsexed plants. systems are for girls bro(proven clones). you are unabl to diagnose sick plants still and have many silly light related questions about distance and thinking that the light is causing those probs is to me unbelievable that you are trying to grow hydro with so litle knowledge in so many areas. i am not claiming to be an expert, and reading my comment can take from its tone( picture me saying this all nice and polite as a friend), i just hate to see people waste prescious time and hard earned money on multiple failed attempts. i think you should spend at least a year in dirt with 1 or 2 strains, learn them and their habits and read read read hydro threads and get that knowledge, dial in your enviroment with the soil grow and let it rip with the dro when you know whats up. if this was my run i would have yanked them all and just did the dirt.
as of now, you are feeding to high ppms. the root rot can spread through your system to other plants,it circulate remember...makeing other plants sick later possibly. lighting- if the backof your hand is not to hot under the light then a plant can be that close, with a cooled 600w light, about 8-12 inches ca be tolerated(8 if ther is fan blowing heat upward and away) it wil not make your leaves "taco". that is prob a micro prob or i bet a cal-mag prob of some sort.

first soil attempt- 3 gal container

first dwc atempt- 1 gal container(yeilded over oz)
i wound up like tis cause i spent 2 years learning and reading religiously before i ever got a seed wet. i basically spent more time learning about growing and cultivating weed than i did on my bachealors degree. i tried to get a phd in thc, but there is nothing like practice(practice and theory are very different) i dont mean to say at all you aRE wrong for trying, i just think you rushed your self and possibly cost yourself mucho money and aggrivassion. you have taken all the chalenges in stride and said it your self, chalking this run up to an expensive learning experience, but before you do another one at least consider my suggestion, cause you got skills in dirt i cn see that for sure, they look dank! learn the strain other than that you are lookin great there. i just hope you don take this as shit talking or aggressive hating, i merely mean to help, and filling you full of shit isnt gonna help. i may be brutally honest at times, but at least honest and i see your potential fo sho. just slow down a lil. crawl b4 you run. my 2 cents from a friendly concerned perspective.
ps. dont hesiate to tell me f' u or mind my own. its cool to be honest wit me and i wont get all defensive in your diary that is not what i am here for, just to try to help and offer advise when i can. :muahaha:



You're blunt but right, I know I should have just done soil to start with but I didn't know that then. At this point it feels like a challenge I want to overcome though, and I'm going to try another run with only 6 buckets and soil plants filling the extra space in august or so. I'm willing to suffer the consequences if it doesn't work out.

I feel like every major problem I've run into I have a solution for, the majority of the problem was with how hot the water got, and the overferting, other than that they were doing wonderful. So now I've got a chiller and a nutrient gameplan (which I will stick to.) I'm confident the next run will go much better, and I'll still be doing about 6 soil plants in the hut too probably.

Day 43:

I chopped the pathetic ones that got zapped by the root rot, I might get like a quad of smokable bud from them... they weren't getting any bigger and they were taking up prime real estate. Here are the hydro survivors... they are actually looking dank, the first one looks REAL nice considering the stress it's taken...

And the soil girls close-up: