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Phatty's 2nd Try DWC -Sour Diesel, Mango, MS-


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hey phattybudz

hey phattybudz

Those are waterfarms your using? Or is it recirc-DWC? Or both? I use recirc DWC, never tried the waterfarms though so I dono how those work exactly.

If you have a fan on your rez to keep it cool (evaporative cooling) you'll need to top off the rez more often and keep a close eye on your rez PPM's.

The droopy leaves are from lack of water OR lack of dissolved oxygen in the DWC.

I think more would help you, but it's hard to tell exactly what kind of system your using.

PH in the 5.8 - 6.2 range is fine. The PH doesn't have to stay spot on 6. It can drift up gradually over a few days/week. It can get as high as 6.4PH and still be ok.

As long as you need to add ph down on occasion your doing ok. If your ph starts dropping to the point you need to use PH up, you likely have a problem. Either overfert or root rot will cause this most times.

I followed blazeoneup's tutorial except I have no feed lines... so it's not actually recirculating, the pump is just running from the controller to the rez


It seems your doing something in between a waterfarm and a recirc DWC? Sorry man I'm out of it or something.

I see the drip rings and I see the drains in the bottom of your buckets.

I turned off the drippers and took the water level to an inch below

So the darker looking bucket on top is full of hydrotron then and your calling that the netpot right?

You water temp range can be Dependant on how much the rootmass is submerged in the water. The more rootmass that is submerged the closer you have to watch your temps.

If only 10% of the rootmass is always under water, your water temps can be up to ~75F at the highest without trouble. If 80% of the rootmass in underwater, 70-72F would be the warmest you would want it to get.

Wish I could be more help. It's hard to tell exactly what you have going there. Looks like your starting to understand what needs to happen though.

The IBL will stretch 2x their height when put into flower. Also don't go above 1100-1200 ppm's with the ibl's.

Hang in there man, it will all come together. There is no substitute for learning first hand.

Couple grows from now you'll look back and laugh at all this. CF


Hey Cabanet,

yeah so... haha, the system WAS a retarded half-breed, but it was missing feed lines for the DWC... I bought the waterfarm stuff from a friend, and we thought we had turned it into a DWC (I kept the drippers because... I didn't know what I was doing.)

So now it's a recirculating DWC in waterfarm buckets, and I'm not using the drippers ATM. Here's pics of the new feed lines, the status of the roots (2 still haven't popped through the bottom, but the rest look similar to these in color and shape etc.)

And also, the 2 droopy plants.

Oh yeah, I ordered a 1/10 HP water chiller but I'm not sure what kind of pump to use for it, I'm thinking another 185GPH ecoplus since they're cheap. The water is getting way hot now that the water is truly recirculating, I'm going to have to ice it until my chiller arrives. (went from 73.2 to 74.3 in about 20 minutes, not sure where it's going to stop...)



Dr. Doolittle
Warm temps will cause all kinds of problems, warm temps will cause lower o2 levels to make the plant look droopy for sure; your issues are with micronutrient problems, first I would get to temps stable.

pH can drift a bit, but you don't want it to drift up and down all the time


Bottle of ice is keeping it at 68 right now, and the ph is pretty stable since I'm not evaporating the rez. Chiller gets here on friday.

Do those roots look ok? Anything else I should do in the meantime?

Thanks! I am optimistic about these ones and my new set-up with the chiller... :jump:


Dr. Doolittle
Roots are perfectly healthy! THere is not much you can do for now until you get that chiller......

Once you get the chiller in, wait to see if she has any other problems as she has some micronutrient issues right now..... warm temps will cause all kinds of issues; so I would get the chiller and go from there......


Thanks again stitch...

Those fucking asshole fungus gnats are breeding! I see them on my roots now...I upped the gnat killer. How long should it take to slaughter those bastards? And is there anything I could have done differently to avoid them in the first place..?

*edit* Checked your guide out again, I'm thinking maybe I didn't clean out my buckets well enough or I left a door open, I dunno. I have this urge to rip them off my roots and crush their souls...
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The Chiller is installed! The water is now at an optimal 68 degrees! They are not looking happy, but now that I've got the temps under control hopefully they'll perk up (also assuming the pest issue gets under control...) I threw the HPS up also, and I'm going to put them into flower in a week whether or not they're healthy probably (Time constraints...)

Thanks Archivist, sounds like I'm doing all I can to murder em' then.

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Well, they look pretty much the same (uploading is temporarily disabled for some reason so I can't post new pics,) and I'm bummed out I don't have more time to nurse/veg them.

Anything I should do to help them out before I throw them into flower on the 1st?


you might be better off starting fresh
my buddy set up a hydrohut mini in his room to use for mothers and every plant in the room got the sickness
(ones not even in the hut)
he kept 4 Kush plants after removing the hut and after 2 months they never recovered;
while newer plants in the room are doing fine
just a thought...


Well, these ones definitely recovered from the sickness; the yellowing stopped and many of the leaves regained their green color completely...I think the problems they're having now are unrelated.

And, even if they were FUBAR, I wouldn't have time for a new batch because I've got to be out of my place by the end of june. So I'm going to throw em into flower before the 1st and hopefully they will be done in 65-70 days... I need to have everything out of my place or at least drying by june 14th.


glad to hear ur plants are doing better now :jump: you will be :joint: in no time.i hate that the hydrohuts are doing that to everyones grows. i always seemed to make my own hut, i like to be surrounded by things i make myself im weird like that.


"glad to hear ur plants are doing better now"

Thanks but, better is kind of relative haha... they're not yellow but they are droopy, stunted, infested with bugs, and some have taco leaves...I imagine I'll get something from them though...

Just applied 1 million nematodes to medium/water and neem oil to foliage. Hopefully that will murder those bastards..


One of the newer leaves on the MS is NOT liking my new nute solution... it's twisted all the way around itself like in the exorcist...I think it's nute burn and not heat because it's 75F and the light is 18 inches up..I'm going to add fresh water tomorrow morning and hopefully that will bring it down enough.

Also still not sure on the taco-ing, maybe that's nute burn too? ppms are at 1085 right now...


I also have a new ph question & made a thread in indoor hydro: "I've got a hanna ph meter, and when I put it in my controller bucket I get a different reading depending on how deep it is... at the top the ph is less, and it gets higher the deeper I go. In my buckets I get readings from 5.8-5.9 depending on how deep I put it, and with my liquid test it's in between 5 and 6...I calibrated it recently and it reads the buffer solution correctly. So what am I doing wrong?"

I'm also thinking about putting in 420W (105X4) CFLs more into my flower room and making a 420W or 630W veg chamber... :headbange Maybe I should fix these problems before dropping more $ though...


Ok, I moved the light up to 24 inches and the taco leaves have gotten better, so I think I solved that problem... shouldn't I be able to get the light closer though? The droopyness is also getting better, except on my biggest baby which is kind of a bummer, but I'm hoping it's just because of the bugs and hopefully the nematodes & neem oil will take care of that...oh yeah and I had my first flood last night... haha, I came to my place with my girlfriend to pick up my shrooms, and peeked inside just to check on them, a hose got kinked when I was moving them around I guess and caused a bucket to overflow, dumping about 2-3 gallons on my floor. Good thing it's waterproof, but man what a bitch that was.

fresh pics of the hydro babies and my new soil babies I got from a buddy... are the soil ones old enough to tell sex? I haven't figured that part out either but they're probably not all girls...going into flower tomorrow because of time restraints.

Twisted leaf MS:

Soil babies (clearly much healthier than the hydro ones I've been raising...)

and a broad view of all 10 (hopefully 2 soil ones will be female and I'll pull 2... I think there should be room if I flower em small.


I repotted the big soil ones I have, and my friend gave me some more soil babies! so now all my empty space is packed with soil plants, and I threw up an extra 210W of fluoros because they're off to the side/not getting much light... will this be worth the extra wattage? I think I over-watered the 2 soil ones in the back :nono:



Great job buddy!

Keep up the good work and keep the pics rollin my man!


Thanks man, but I'm a terrible parent so far haha... you can see the glaring difference between the hydro babies I raised (bugs,droop,small stunted leaves,) and the soil ones my friend gave me (which were nice and dark green and perky until I overwatered them... )

I'm just hoping I can get SOMETHING out of this and learn more for next time.


Lowered my ppm because a few people thought my stunting and light green-ness might be from overferting, so it's 980 right now and I'll probably drop it a little more, or wait until the water drops and refill with plain water, I'm not sure.

Picked up Liquid koolbloom for my soil babies (not gonna waste it on my hydro patients this time,) and I'm gonna get molasses for them too. Next time I'm going to stick to the lucas formula and get liquid karma, koolbloom, and sweet for the hydro.

They seem to be doing alright... although I'm pretty sure the ph was too high when I watered the 2 biggest soil ones, I wasn't sure if I should try and correct that and leave them a bit overwatered, or just wait till tomorrow or the next day and add the correct ph, so I'm gonna wait instead of trying to flush. Soil definitely seems easier to me, but I'm going to give the buckets another try next time for sure, and just fill the empty space with soil ones like I'm doing now.

Design idea: I'm using waterfarm buckets instead of pre-made netpots, so there are a lot less holes for the roots to escape down through, I'm wondering if this is contributing to my stunted-ness. I'm thinking I'm gonna drill a shit-ton more holes in my net-pot buckets before the next round so they have more traveling space... not sure if this is really a problem (since there are so many other variables that have gone wrong,) but it can't hurt.

*edit* Oh yeah, I found a way to keep my temps a bit cooler (open the window before I leave for the day,) so it's staying in between 65-75 woot.
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Well... there's good news and there's bad news.

Good news: I think I have all females, the soil kiddies are doing real well; I think I've got their nute/water schedule pretty solid, and 4/6 of my hydro buckets are looking healthier. Check it out!
Bad news: I'm almost out of hash...and 2/6 of my hydro buckets are on their death bed! I am 95% sure this is due to overfertilization (I think they're more affected because they're smaller and have a smaller root system?), and while I'm sad because I think they're going to die, (I might just pull them in order to get a soil kiddy in a better position,) I'm stoked because this time I know what I did wrong and next time it won't happen! The tall stringy one has these yellow leaves w/brown spots (not crispy so its not heat, right?) and the shrimpy bitch is getting the brown spots on the edges but no yellow YET so maybe it's got more hope...Check it out:

Am I correct in my diagnosis? Should I pull the plug on these poor suffering babies? The roots look healthy but other than that... :badday: