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Phatty's 2nd Try DWC -Sour Diesel, Mango, MS-


DUDE!!! holy shit, look at these roots!
It's the one in the middle front here: why is it that this one is exploding while the one next to it only has 2 little strings? Different strain, different size, different nute needs? Next run I'm going to have all the same age/strain and I'm going to drill a shit-ton more holes in my waterfarm buckets for the roots to come through, I think that might help a bit.

What's up with these droopy lower leaves?



Two fuckups today!

Fuckup #1: Wasn't being careful enough, knocked over 2 soil plants, bending the shit out of the main stem of one of them (of course the bigger better one,) but the other is ok. This spilled dirt all over my carpet, which prompted fuckup #2

Fuckup #2: I'm obviously pushing the threshold of how much power I can run in my room; I plugged in a vacuum cleaner across the room and after about 30 seconds everything turned off... my heart stops, my plants are suspended in darkness and fear...! Then I run downstairs, switch the main breaker, call a friend, freak out some more, locate the breaker box (...across the hall from my room!) and flip it back... everything looks hunky dorey now except for that bent-ass stem, i used duct-tape and a skewer to hold it up, I'm hoping it will make a come-back...

Other than that everything looks great, except for the 2 shitty ones. Tallest one is 16.5 inches Can't wait for dank buds!



Wake and bake pics woo!

The healthy ones are explodifying and it's making me very excited. All the new growth looks good on hydro and soil... I'm getting that dark green I wasn't getting before. My ppm has stabilized at 1069 and my ph went from 5.9-5.6 overnight, I'm hoping that bounces back up on it's own...

The one I dropped seems to be doing just fine, and my tallest one went from 16.5' to 18' in a day! I'm seriously considering pulling the 2 stunted ones though, because they don't seem to be doing anything but taking up space at this point (completely stunted, no new growth at all for weeks now.)

:jump: :jump: :jump: :headbange :headbange :headbange


Good job man, looks like they are recovering nicely. I would say think twice before you cull the small ones. If they are not growing very fast then it's probably because they are stressed or not getting enough light. I would recommend you lower your hps to 26" from the tops. Once the plants get over their stress they can surprise you at how fast they grow. As an experiment once I put a rooted clone directly into a recirc DWC in flower cycle. Here it what it looked like on day 1, day 10 and harvest day.
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You mean raise to 26 inches? Because I've got it at 18' over the tallest plants right now.

Whoa, yeah that one looks like it recovered well... I think the problem is that the rest of the plants want/need a higher nute level now, and that the 2 weak ones can't handle it, does that make sense?

I had to chop 3 soil males today, this made me pretty sad because of the loss of buddage, but also stoked that I didn't have any trouble identifying them. There's one more soil one I'm unsure of, the rest I know are female... so now that I have the space I'll definitely leave those suffering girls in there in case they pick back up but I'm not gonna get my hopes up :)

Here's day 8 of flower:


dark room size

dark room size

hey phatty,

I'm glad to see that your plants have recovered... what size dark room do you have bro?



Thanks Dank, it's a dr120... and it's pretty damn full.. I might get another one when I move to a bigger place they're pretty nice :headbange

Here's day 9: The 2 tall ones are over 20' now! I'm actually worried about not having enough headroom for them...!

Every day I'm more stoked and less patient haha...





whats going on with you hydrohut? any new info



I ditched that thing. I didn't want to bother sending back the canvas because people were having problems with the replacements. I almost sold it on craigslist but my morals got the better of me... so I tossed the canvas and now I'm saving it for when I have a bigger space; I'll use the frame if light-proofing's not an issue, or make a new canvas from poly paper.

Day 10! I installed my carbon scrubber (PHAT filter of course!) I'm not sure that its installed correctly but it doesn't smell anymore so I guess its working.

Check the babies though: they're looking really happy for the most part even though I'm having a little ph-balancing issue...when I add nutes my ph 7.2 water goes to like 6.5, then i toss in ph down and it goes down to 5.8 or whatever I want it at, then it rises slowly the first day, and goes down fast like 12 hours later (5.9-5.4 in 8 hours)...I think its the stabilizers in the tap water? I need an RO filter but I'm breaking the bank as is.



Haha phatty is my cats name muahaha

your plants are lookin good and man i love your quote... thats basically my out look on life.. if you can't do the things you enjoy. whats the point?


Day 11: my ph is all screwy, its dropping from like 5.5-4.9 overnight. I made a thread and did a bunch of searching; I added 5 more gallons to the res and then upped the ppm... not sure what it's actually at now because its lights off, but I dumped in 25/50 micro/bloom. Hopefully that will stabilize it...

They don't seem to be worried about the ph though, look at these fuckers! The biggest one is now 23 inches, and the last one I was worried about being male has pistils! woo!



Day 13: I believe I identified the cause of my ph issues (along with the stuntedness of the 2 that were doing poorly.) R-R-Rooooot rot!! Check it:

So hopefully that will be it... I'm going to probably flush and refill w/hydroguard to try and get rid of any drifting microbes from those bad roots...should I use sm-90 or something like that even though the others aren't showing any signs?

Check em: They didn't even seem to notice their sisters' plight: The biggest one is now 2 feet... I think I'm going to have to find a way to raise my light more/lower them...

Mango B top bud forming:

*Edit* Ph/ppm seems to have stabilized, I have it at 6.0/1200 right now, I'm gonna toss in some koolbloom
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Day 14! The queen has risen to 26 inches, and now I'm getting super worried about having enough vertical space... I've only got about 3 inches left if I want to keep the light at 18'...!

My ph seems to have stabilized, but I'm keeping my eye on the MS plant... it looks healthy but I think it's stunted (possibly from the same root rot the others had just not as severe,) and I think maybe I should treat it with sm-90 just in case... I think I'm going to just keep an eye on it over the next 2 weeks and treat it if it gets worse.
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Day 15: Added hygrozyme (concerned about the roots on the stunted MS,) and I'm getting more worried about the vertical clearance, some leaves at the top are taco-ing, which I suspect is from the light being too close...biggest baby is 28 inches now :D



Flower Day 17: All is well in the garden!!! Except that tiny MS plant in the bucket is being dwarfed by her neighbor sisters... she's been stuck at 12 inches for weeks now, and her roots look the same. I wonder if I should leave it or pull it out to check for bad roots inside the bucket.... bah!

The opressive girl in the middle is spreading her shit all over town... and she's 30 inches at her top now :D check it out:

sour diesel top:

Man I'm stoked now... I can't imagine what they'd look like if I hadn't put them through all that bullshit early in their life! I plan on doubling this yield next time. :jump:




Day 18 My main girly is 30 inches now... still worried about her dwarf-neighbor, I think she's not going to do very well. I checked the roots, and SOME looked kind of bad, but I think I may have done it more harm than good by checking because I tore off some good roots too. Oh well.


Day 19: Tadow! Big girl is at 32 inches, which means she has more than doubled in size already..! She's blocking light from other plants so she had better do damn good. I wish I had a time machine.



Things are looking good PhattyBudz. I'm on day 18 and pretty much on par with your growth, just for reference. :) Take it easy.