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PG&E Visitor, says "Your usage is up!" Real or fake?


Active member
Shit Lazy... I still have to go outside to have a smoke & looksee every time a chopper flies within 5 miles of my place... let alone a visit ;-)

I'm thinkin the paranoid existence has got to fuck with us over time... just so caught up in it on a day to day basis (year after year after year) that anytime a bird tweets we think it has got to be the secret agents in the bushes...

I swear the baby across the street stares at me... as if she knows what i'm doing... going to have to keep my eye on her... ;-)

I think it is good for us in a time of Patriot Acts' and the like....sadly.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
if you have a gated property you should get some dogs. i reccomend mastiffs....
Hey Lazyman I didn't bother to read all 6 pages so I don't know if anyone has already said this but have you considered the possiblity that it was a real PGE employee BUT that he's also a ripper?


Overkill is under-rated.
Yep that was posted earlier in the thread, its a possibility for sure. Thanks for stopping in!
You're welcome and best of luck with this brother. Don't sleep on that shit and keep ur eyes open. If u just moved in I would take the babies out and let the spot chill for a month or so. I usually give my new spots a month or so of idle time before I do a damn thing.


Overkill is under-rated.
Well I've decided I'm not really worried about PGE or the cops, since one might lead to the other. The fuzz is welcome to come inspect the joint, I'm sure they'd be impressed but like I said, there are 50 babies in there, nothing to get excited about.

Rippers would be exciting but I also don't have to clean up the mess. ;)