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  • Yes, I want to make the best Dry Sift

    Votes: 185 82.2%
  • No, I'm happy with my sub par Dry Sift

    Votes: 40 17.8%

  • Total voters
This thread is for Sam the Skunkman to see that there are many of us that truly would love to know how to create the 99.9 pure dry sift, not to make their own device and sell it, but to make it for ourselves. Like you have said Sam, the yield is 1%, so I don't see how it would do well commercially. Instead, only the true connoisseur would be interested in making it. They would be willing to buy the materials needed, and create it for their own personal use.

If you agree with me, please vote, that way Sam will see the numbers. Also, if you have something to say to Sam regarding how much you want him to release this knowledge, feel free to do so.


I somehow think Sam is not going to give a fuck, but I agree I would love to know how to do this.


Active member
Yup would love to know:)
I was astonished when Bubbleman showed me the pics of Sam's hash.

I agree that it might not be profitable with a 1% yield of even the greatest hash but I'm pretty sure that it could be profitable to sell the equipment to do so, or selling the story to Hightimes, whatever...


Life is one big grow........
i understand Sam......

And Bros, SAm offer us a his sooooooooo large knowleg about MJ and trims and and and .......and he takes his time to wirte here......



Wow, let the man be.

Yeah it'd be nice if he would share but I guess he has his reason not to.

BHO removes only heads, leaving stalks n trichome shells behind. Very nice dry sift is mostly only heads with a very little bit of green matter and few stalks in there as well...it bubbles. I don't see how this would be much superior to either of those, and I'm guessing it's more labor intensive.

It's nice to have the best, but you can have very near the best quite easily.


I somehow think Sam is not going to give a fuck, but I agree I would love to know how to do this.

maybe but maybe not we live in a world where "the old ways" and traditional knowledge are being lost at an unprecidented rate. Just think about all the landrace and heirloom strains that no longer exist. Think about all the handy skills your grandma has that you never learned. It is up to the keepers of knowledge to pass it on or let it be forgotten and be a thing of the past. While it is up to the future generations to soak up this knowledge and learn the traditions... Perhaps this thread will shed some light on this aspect of the situation.:2cents:


Active member
I voted no... although I'm not happy with sub par dry sift I smoke full melt bubble and oil instead and it's not sub par by far haha. Let Sam have his secrets I think he's shared enough by giving us all skunk bud and thereby revolutionizing indoor growing. If Sam is able to do it that means it's possible so figure it out on your own there has to be a way. It's not like if Sam was to pass away suddenly this knowledge would be lost. With the way things are progressing there will be pure dry sift in the future with or without sam releasing his secret.


Active member
the quest to go higher! i'm sure there's a chemical process to remove almost all of the thc only, no? can only imagine a 100% thc only substance, probably all you would need to inhale just a little tiny bit to be smashed out of your mind. maybe a draw the equivalent to 1 quick sipping of a hot spoon of soup. slurp. that's it. you're see'n double for 6 hours.

the more people process thc into pure concentrated forms, the more i'm thinking it may shift the public's view/thoughts about it being a hard drug. maybe its best not to know how to do this, unless thc has a limit like 100% alcohol, and that's it, you can't concentrate its potency any more. even hash and bubble and all that stuff..been told from the experienced its a different level, not sure if i'd be interested in that level, but only in its efficiency/effect i kinda like the idea..small/tiny amounts to get where i want. no waste. i'd try it once for sure..i hope it don't lead to harder stuff tho, LOL



Active member
Well I can say from experience xOOx that it is definetly another level when you regularly are using high quality concentrates. After awhile it is very hard to get any kind of effect at all from smoking buds. You basically have to smoke bubble or oil cause your tolerance adjusts to a much higher level of THC. I don't ever really smoke buds anymore just once in awhile with a friend. For me it's concentrates everyday all day. I don't see it leading me to anything harder as I've been on this concentrate only diet for several years now and it's great no need for anything more really. They have to be high quality bubbly concentrates though or I'd rather just have some good bud. Crappy concentrates are harsh!


Had I read Bubbleman's thread first, I would have voted no. Yes I would love to know Skunkman's secret, but only if he wanted to share it with me. So I'm appreciative just to read about it, see nice photos (thanks for sharing those Bubbleman), and thankful to have something to ponder myself.

I N Hail

Growing Grower AKA Wasted Rock Ranger
Sam's giving so much to us ,Why not keep a few to him self he share's so much.
I think he might tell us when HE FILL"S THE TIME IS RIGHT(


I N Hail
It's just the fact that I've known about his secret method since 2006.

3 years later, and still no news...

In fact, I forgot about it, until Bubbleman's thread...

Don't get me wrong, great dry sift, bubblehash, BHO, QWISO, etc... they are not "sub par" in that they aren't amazing... It's just the fact that with Sam's method, as you can see, you're getting pure trichome heads... It hasn't been through water to wash away any flavor, no solvents to extract, etc... it's just pure greatness...

This thread is for Sam the Skunkman to see that there are a lot of people that would really love to know his method. Or perhaps he can give us some hints so we can try to figure it out ourselves... Maybe we can even help him?

I know patents take a while, but we haven't heard anything from Sam, if he even submitted it yet... I'd at least like to know what his plans are for this method...

I agree with MedUser as far as concentrates being a way different level.

Let me give you an example.

I'll be perfectly fine smoking buds. Then I'll make a good amount of oil. Enough to be able to top all my bowls with not just a drop, but a big glob.

My first time smoking a bowl saturated with oil, I will get very blazed. I'm a daily smoker. Since oil is pretty strong, especially when you saturate a bowl with it, for the first day or so, I'll only need to smoke a few of these bowls, to get where I want to be.

Usually by the third day of smoking buds/oil, when I smoke my bowl, I will get high, but it doesn't seem to get me really blazed like it first did. I then start to think that maybe oil isn't that strong, but I'm always proven wrong, when I smoke some with my friends. Most of the time, they have never experienced oil before, and get extremely extremely blazed, like their first time even smoking.

Then I realize that my tolerance must be pretty high.

The smart thing to do, would be to save some oil for the future, and only smoke it on special occasions. But that's not what I do. I simply top bowls with it, until there's no oil left. This is not a smart thing to do, because like I said, I'm a daily smoker, I don't like going days without smoking...

When I run out of oil, I will start my days like usual. When I pack a bowl of just weed, the weed will be done, and I will be wondering where my high is.

I then have to smoke only one or two bowls per day, before my tolerance returns. Either that, or get a different strain, or make more oil.


Active member
i wish i could give you my low tolerance, i never seem to be able to get this immunity to thc. maybe its just the smoking habit. i don't do the entire day thing. just once a day sessions..seems to stay in my system and not tempt me to be in the high zone. but i can understand if ones in pain, you have to remain in the effective zone all day.. but for a paxil like effect there isn't a need to be 24/7 in it. i don't use for pain. stress relief, mood enhance, creativity, and eye pressure reduction..so the 24/7 buzz isn't needed

good luck tho. i'm curious anyhow

I'd just rather be high, than not. It enhances every aspect of the things I enjoy in life. Before I started smoking, I was very bored with the world, suicidal, and miserable. I've had many terrible things happen in my young life, that don't need to be discussed.

Cannabis gave me something to live for. I love the smell of the plants, their dried and cured buds, etc... Nothing is more relaxing to me, than exhaling some great tasting weed. It's the perfect aromatherapy. Nothing is more relaxing to me, than feeling the warmth of the high. I love the way it makes my mind work. It lets me get lost in great thoughts, and ponder things that normally I wouldn't have the time or attention span to pay attention to.

Because of my daily use for over 3 years, I can't sleep without being high. I don't think this is insomnia. I think my body is just used to having a large amount of Cannabinoids before bed. I'm sure if I stopped smoking, after a week or two, my sleep would return to normal, but I have no desire to stop.

Being high just makes me feel relaxed, comfortable, and normal. That's why I smoke. Before I started, and when I'm not high, I feel uneasy, depressed, bored, miserable, lonely, and suicidal.

I don't act that way though, I usually keep it inside, and on the outside I appear to be a normal person. But when I'm high, I don't have to pretend that I'm feeling okay. It's obvious :)

It also gives me an appetite. Due to whatever chemical imbalance, or environment, that causes my Negative Emotions, it ceases my appetite. Over the past 4 years, I've lost a dramatic amount of weight, and I never needed to lose weight in the first place. I just lost the desire to eat.

Certain strains change that for me. I will go in the kitchen, and cook amazing things, and eat them, and then make something else. It helps me stay healthy, and definitely encourages me to eat and stay positive.

So while to some, I don't have a "legitimate medical reason" to use, for me, it is definitely my number one medicine. In fact, I have been on Paxil for 6 years, and it never helped me the way Cannabis helps me. In fact, I have been slowly weaning myself off of Paxil for the past year, because I see no need to use it, when Cannabis is an instant help.

I've even unfortunately turned to other means of dealing with my problems. While a temporary fix, it made my problems 10x worse in the long run. And cannabis helped me get over that addiction, and let me realize that she is all I need, and won't cause me physical harm.

I N Hail

Growing Grower AKA Wasted Rock Ranger
When i first read this thread i was like no way and i going to vote for sam to give up his secrets
But after reading that u knew it and enjoyed it also , And did not post it outta respect for sam, +rep. YES i would love to learn something new

I've voted

I N Hail


^^^^I dont think he actually knows the method I N hail, he just has known that sam has been working on a dry sift method for 3 years.

I don't think he will post his secrets, BUT he should and he even stated he WOULD in earlier posts after he got it dialed. So maybe we just have to wait....still....

I N Hail

Growing Grower AKA Wasted Rock Ranger
thanks caligreen

I went back and read to make sure i read it right he did say he knows it .So i thought if he was just trying to up his ego he would have just posted how to do it ,No matter what sam would think. I tend to believe to take a man for his word. and i've been wrong a few times

I N Hail