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PETA has outdone Sea Kittens

Moldy Dreads

Active member
First they try to make people stop fishing by saying fish have feelings and recreational fishermen are evil, now this? Wahaahahah, are Pam Anderson and Britney Spears coming up with this crap?

LONDON, England (CNN) -- Just because they named their new CD "Yes," does not mean that British electro-pop duo, the Pet Shop Boys, will agree to just about anything.
PETA has asked the Pet Shop Boys to change the band's name to Rescue Shelter Boys.


The band has turned down a request from an animal rights group to rename itself the Rescue Shelter Boys.
The organization, the People for the Ethical Treatment for Animals (PETA), sent a letter to Neil Tennant and Chris Lowe acknowledging that its request, at first blush, might appear "bizarre."
But, by changing its name, the band could raise awareness at every tour stop of the "cramped, filthy conditions" that breeders keep animals in before selling them to pet stores, PETA said in its letter.
The duo, which has performed under its current name for more than 20 years, reproduced PETA's written request in full on its Web site.

The musicians said they were "unable to agree" to the request "but nonetheless think (it) raises an issue worth thinking about."
The animal rights group said it was pleased the Pet Shop Boys had drawn attention to the issue by posting its letter so prominently on the band's site. Talking about its campaign on a blog entry, a PETA staffer wrote:
"I think I may have to stick "West End Girls" on my iPod right now to celebrate."
"West End Girls" is one of the many hits the group has had in its long career.
PETA is no stranger to oddball campaigns. A recent one was aimed to re-christen fish as "sea kittens" because "who could possibly want to put a hook through a sea kitten?"



18 and Doh!
Any thread dissing those sissy fanatics has my approval. I hate these people so much. I would never associate with one of them and laugh when they experience misfortune. they make me sick.

have u seen that poster of a guy eating a steak with an evil grin and blood gushing out? The title is "your daddy is a murderer". these people make me sick. I wish guantanamo was still open so that we could send the more extreme terrrorist ones over there. and yes, breaking into labs and threatening people who research on animals is terrorism.


New member
It's proven that a fish can feel pain, which many believes they don't. The ways fishermen treat the fishes are inhumane and cruel. I for sure wouldn't want to get dragged out of my natural environment into a completely alien environment to slowly suffocate for a period lasting up to several hours.

PETA:s goal is good, their methods of achieving them are not always as good.

I dont see why one should have such hatred against people that only want to do good. Don't everyone want to minimize the suffering that's going on in this world?


18 and Doh!
NO the HUmane society for animals the RSPCCA (or sometin) are good. Peta are a bunch of fanatics who wanna take the steak of my plate and stop me from fishing and hunting and than turn my daughter against me with their crazy posters.

ALso they wanna hurt people who have dieses like cancer by makin animal research harder by threatening people and being douches.

PETA are pretty high on my list of people I wouldn't even shake their hand and i mite even spit in their face.

Moldy Dreads

Active member
It's proven that a fish can feel pain, which many believes they don't. The ways fishermen treat the fishes are inhumane and cruel. I for sure wouldn't want to get dragged out of my natural environment into a completely alien environment to slowly suffocate for a period lasting up to several hours.

All fishermen I know brain the fish immediately and hunt for their food. Fish are eaten by bigger fish and feel pain just the same, so your "fish have feelings and feel pain " argument is of no substance. If you were to talk about wasted fish in bycatch etc, then I agree commercial fisheries need closer regulation, but to say anyone eating meat or catching fish are evil is completely ridiculous. There are way more problems in this world than recreational fishermen hunting for food. People getting massacred all over the world and injustices, this is a waste of money and good sense.

PETA:s goal is good, their methods of achieving them are not always as good.

They think animals are more important than humans.PETA thinks nothing of mocking cancer patients to win publicity for its anti-milk message. PETA billboards went up last summer in Wisconsin - "America's Dairyland" that depicted New York Mayor Giuliani with a milk moustache. With "Got prostate cancer?" stamped on it.

In 1999, PETA's co-founder was quick to defend animal-rights terrorists who mailed death threats to medical researchers in envelopes rigged with razor blades. "I hope they frighten those researchers right out of their careers," exulted Ingrid Newkirk. In a letter to The Boston Globe, she wrote, "If experimenters feel afraid now, that's nothing compared with the fear, harm, and death they have inflicted on their victims."

These people are sick terrorists.The myth is that PETA pushes the envelope a little in its merciful zeal to fight the mistreatment of animals. The truth is that PETA detests human beings - described by Newkirk as "the biggest blight on the face of the planet" and regards their pain and grief with something like indifference. "Six million Jews died in concentration camps," Newkirk has declared, "but six billion broiler chickens will die this year in slaughterhouses." That would be grotesque no matter who said it. Coming from an outfit that calls itself compassionate, it is worse than grotesque. It is evil.

It should go without saying that we are morally obliged to treat animals decently and to prevent their suffering whenever possible. There is no excuse for testing chemicals or medical treatments on animals when a legitimate alternative exists. Sensitive people might indeed wish to abstain from eating meat or wearing fur. But a line is crossed when "ethical" treatment of animals leads to shrugging off the sickness and death of people.

I dont see why one should have such hatred against people that only want to do good. Don't everyone want to minimize the suffering that's going on in this world?

You stated exactly what they do, they hate people who do good also.This misanthropy extends not just to the researchers but to everyone afflicted with the diseases they are working to heal. Every major medical advance of the last 100 years, from the polio vaccine to artificial insulin to the pacemaker, has required tests on animals. Experiments with animals today will make the difference between life and death, or between crippling disability and health, for countless patients with AIDS, cancer, and brain damage tomorrow. PETA could not care less. Even if animal tests produced a cure for AIDS, says Newkirk, "we'd be against it."

For those stricken with dreaded ailments, PETA has some advice. "Don't get diseases in the first place, schmo," spokesman Dan Mathews recommended in 1994. A few months later, he elaborated: "We have a lazy, sick society," People bring diseases on themselves." (In 1999, Mathews told Genre magazine that he admired Andrew Cunanan, the murderer of fashion designer Gianni Versace, "because he got Versace to finally stop using furs.")


New member
By the way, what's so bad about rescuing suffering animals from an imprisoned life unwillingly serving us humans by getting tortured in different ways?

I don't see what's bad about wanting to take your steak and fish away either. There's big benefits of eating vegan food for both the environment and the animals. Then there's some health benefits as well.

There's several different way of making medical studies without testing everything on animals. There's advanced techniques and software to simulate the biochemical reactions in the human body. The thing with animal testing is that people are used to it and they have a high credibility among scientist and it's an easy way to make a career. There's also ways of testing in cell tissue and other similar possibilities.

Why would you do that, because you think it's okay to exploit other beings to feel good your self while they don't?


New member
All fishermen I know brain the fish immediately and hunt for their food. Fish are eaten by bigger fish and feel pain just the same, so your "fish have feelings and feel pain " argument is of no substance. If you were to talk about wasted fish in bycatch etc, then I agree commercial fisheries need closer regulation, but to say anyone eating meat or catching fish are evil is completely ridiculous. There are way more problems in this world than recreational fishermen hunting for food. People getting massacred all over the world and injustices, this is a waste of money and good sense.
I was talking about large scale fishing. Of course there's suffering and pain in the nature. But then they don't have a choice and they don't make active choices everytime they hunt and eat. It's a reflex. Then they've evolved into a carnivore and cannot survive on anything else. We can and will have to do in the future when there's 12-14 billion of us.

They think animals are more important than humans
I doubt they do. But what they don't do, comes naturally to me too, is not to think that animals are less important than humans and that we have no right to take full control of their lives to our own benefit.

PETA thinks nothing of mocking cancer patients to win publicity for its anti-milk message. PETA billboards went up last summer in Wisconsin - "America's Dairyland" that depicted New York Mayor Giuliani with a milk moustache. With "Got prostate cancer?" stamped on it.
I don't know much about PETA, but I do know that they think that all publicity is good publicity, which I can't agree on. I prefere the ways of the animal right foundations in the UK who cooperates with everyone who wants to make a change to the better for the animals. PETA has a tendency to create a "We against them"-feeling.

"Six million Jews died in concentration camps," Newkirk has declared, "but six billion broiler chickens will die this year in slaughterhouses."
I can't see why that statement is so evil and wrong. It's true that the chickens suffer and die everyday just to please our tastebuds. It's totally needles and I think that's grotesque and evil.

the last 100 years, from the polio vaccine to artificial insulin to the pacemaker, has required tests on animals.
Sure, but read what you said. "The last 100 years", that doesn't mean we still have to do it. There's new methods which does not include any exploitation or suffering. And it's important that we put some effort in making those methods better and more effective. Just because we've tortured animals to help us get or stay healthy doesn't mean we have to keep doing it for the next 100 years.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
Any thread dissing those sissy fanatics has my approval. I hate these people so much. I would never associate with one of them and laugh when they experience misfortune. they make me sick.

I dont know if any of you caught the HBO documentry on PETA's Founder, but
the opening to the movie is her reading a pile of hate mail about 3 feet tall.
Probably some of the funniest shit ive ever heard....



Domesticator of Cannabis
People Eating Tasty Animals

People Eating Tasty Animals

This is a perfect reminder to sharpen those hooks. Sharp as a tack, sticky sharp no less will do. Do not underestimate pan fish they're scrumptious. Our rivers would have no sport fishing if not for the angling communities.


18 and Doh!
I was talking about large scale fishing. Of course there's suffering and pain in the nature. But then they don't have a choice and they don't make active choices everytime they hunt and eat. It's a reflex. Then they've evolved into a carnivore and cannot survive on anything else. We can and will have to do in the future when there's 12-14 billion of us.

I doubt they do. But what they don't do, comes naturally to me too, is not to think that animals are less important than humans and that we have no right to take full control of their lives to our own benefit.

I don't know much about PETA, but I do know that they think that all publicity is good publicity, which I can't agree on. I prefere the ways of the animal right foundations in the UK who cooperates with everyone who wants to make a change to the better for the animals. PETA has a tendency to create a "We against them"-feeling.

I can't see why that statement is so evil and wrong. It's true that the chickens suffer and die everyday just to please our tastebuds. It's totally needles and I think that's grotesque and evil.

Sure, but read what you said. "The last 100 years", that doesn't mean we still have to do it. There's new methods which does not include any exploitation or suffering. And it's important that we put some effort in making those methods better and more effective. Just because we've tortured animals to help us get or stay healthy doesn't mean we have to keep doing it for the next 100 years.


Moldy Dreads

Active member
PETA's Dirty Secret
7 Things You Didn't Know About PETA

By ConsumerFreedom.com

1) PETA president and co-founder Ingrid Newkirk has described her group's overall goal as "total animal liberation." This means no meat, no milk, no zoos, no circuses, no wool, no leather, no hunting, no fishing, and no pets (not even seeing-eye dogs). PETA is also against all medical research that requires the use of animals.

2) Despite its constant moralizing about the "unethical" treatment of animals by restaurant owners, grocers, farmers, scientists, anglers, and countless other Americans, PETA has killed over 14,400 dogs and cats at its Norfolk, Virginia headquarters. During 2005, PETA put to death over 90 percent of the animals it collected from members of the public.

3) PETA has given tens of thousands of dollars to convicted arsonists and other violent criminals. This includes a 2001 donation of $1,500 to the North American Earth Liberation Front (ELF), an FBI-certified "domestic terrorist" group responsible for dozens of firebombs and death threats. During the 1990s, PETA paid $70,200 to an Animal Liberation Front (ALF) activist convicted of burning down a Michigan State University research laboratory. In his sentencing recommendation, a federal prosecutor implicated PETA president Ingrid Newkirk in that crime. And PETA vegetarian campaign coordinator Bruce Friedrich told an animal rights convention in 2001 that "blowing stuff up and smashing windows" is "a great way to bring about animal liberation."

4) PETA activists regularly target children as young as six years old with anti-meat and anti-milk propaganda, often waiting outside their schools to intercept them as they walk to and from class-without notifying parents. One piece of kid-targeted PETA literature tells small children: "Your Mommy Kills Animals!" PETA brags that its messages reach over 2 million children every year, including thousands reached by e-mail without the permission of their parents. One PETA vice president told the Fox News Channel's audience: "Our campaigns are always geared towards children, and they always will be."

5) PETA has used a related organization, the PETA Foundation, to fund the misnamed Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM), a deceptive animal rights group that promotes itself as an unbiased source of medical and nutritional information. PCRM's president also serves as president of the PETA Foundation.

6) PETA runs campaigns seemingly calculated to offend religious believers. One entire PETA website is devoted to the claim-despite ample evidence to the contrary-that Jesus Christ was a vegetarian. PETA holds protests at houses of worship, even suing one church that tried to protect its members from Sunday-morning harassment. Its billboards taunt Christians with the message that hogs "died for their sins." PETA insists, contrary to centuries of rabbinical teaching, that the Jewish ritual of kosher slaughter shouldn't be allowed. And its infamous "Holocaust on Your Plate" campaign crassly compares the Jewish victims of Nazi genocide with farm animals.

7) PETA has repeatedly attacked research foundations like the March of Dimes, the Pediatric AIDS Foundation, and the American Cancer Society, because they support animal-based research that might uncover cures for birth defects and life-threatening diseases. PETA president Ingrid Newkirk has said that "even if animal research resulted in a cure for AIDS, we would be against it."

They are basically a terrorist funding group.


lover of all things hashlike
living in a farming community for the past 5 or so years, ive come to love the relationship between humans and our domestic animals.

there will always be a correct and incorrect means by which to operate a farm.

happy, healthy animals that are locally raised and butchered are hands down the best eats for me.


Cannabrex Formulator
Having the misguided asshats at PETA represent the very valid argument for vegetarianism is akin to having Marc Emmeroid represent all us pot smokers.......

Good message, wrong way to convey it.


New member
1) PETA president and co-founder Ingrid Newkirk has described her group's overall goal as "total animal liberation." This means no meat, no milk, no zoos, no circuses, no wool, no leather, no hunting, no fishing, and no pets (not even seeing-eye dogs). PETA is also against all medical research that requires the use of animals.
Of course it would be ideal if we didn't eat any animal products. Animal parks that preserve endangered species and give the animals a natural habitat is just a good thing, but zoos are often cruel too, just as cirkuses are. We don't need wool or leather, there's better alternatives nowadays. There's alot of suffering behind the wool products, the same goes for leather with the killing part. It's strange that they don't want pet animals, some animals I can understand. Some animals thrive as pets, but some you can never domesticate or give them something equivalent to their natural habitat(like birds for example). On that I can agree with them, but I don't see anything wrong with having a dog or a cat as a pet. Except that they eat meat :p

Despite its constant moralizing about the "unethical" treatment of animals by restaurant owners, grocers, farmers, scientists, anglers, and countless other Americans, PETA has killed over 14,400 dogs and cats at its Norfolk, Virginia headquarters. During 2005, PETA put to death over 90 percent of the animals it collected from members of the public.
This isn't strange at all. Many of the animals they pick up are sick and wounded and have not chance to live a decent life. It's alot more humane to kill a suffering, dying dog than it is to keep it alive until it dies by itself. But that's tricky dilemma. Perhaps the dog wants to live until it dies by itself due to its surviving instincts.

But then I've learned a couple of new things I didn't like about PETA. I've never donated to them myself but I occasionally donate to a animal rights foundation in my country. I can't say that PETA is totally wrong and idiotic. They do it for a good cause but as I earlier said, their methods are wrong.

happy, healthy animals that are locally raised and butchered are hands down the best eats for me.
Why not healthy, happy living animals? :p


Active member
Its PERFECTLY natural for humans too raise,hunt,kill and eat other animals!!!
Thats the part PETA cant relate too.Matter of fact,there is nothing on this planet more natural!!
I dont need an alternative to fur,I want the real hide.I dont need an alternative to wool,I want the real fur(you do realize sheep arent killed for wool).
Anything these PETA assholes can come up with is stopped with that simple fact.
It is in the natural order of things for humans to eat lesser animals,period.
Until there are no lesser animals,I need no substitutes.

Its ok for fish to eat fish,or a bear to eat a salmon,etc,etc.........but I cant!!!Get real,PETA is a buncha assholes!