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Pet Peeves - Let's Hear 'Em

Lil 'o Me

Farm hand
Oh god...... I saw a guy last night picking his nose. Just diggen for gold. Then, his girl comes up from behind him and starts rubbing on his shoulders and leans around him to snuggle. He started carressing her face, with the very hand and finger that was just up his nose. EWWWWWW!


when you're half way through your shower when the hot water runs out while you have shampoo in your hair and soap all over you... FFFFFUUUUUUUU


The cat that loves cannabis
Just about any little thing another person does wrong makes me insane when I'm driving, I wish I wasn't like that, and I try to conciously be aware of wether something in traffic really was a big deal or not, but it's hard.


People that do not know there is a difference in their, there, they're.
People that almost stop when making a turn
People that drive slow in the left lane
School zones flashing when there are no kids out of school yet.
Animal abusers
Dirty dishes in a sink
People that CAN NOT talk and drive at the same time.
How 'atleast' shows up as an error in word processor programs and wants me to change it to 'at least'. Even though 'at least' is the proper way.

just to name a few.


Active member
Me to Kalico kitty. Mybiggest pet peeve when driving is when a car speeds up to get in front of you because you have a 3 car length space. When the driver could have just went behind you where it is wide open for about a 1/4 mile.

I also hate it when stupid people say "what happened" out of context. For example you are telling some one something and they didn't hear you they say "what happened"in a cholo sort of voice. Its like finger nails on the chalk board to me.


I also hate it when stupid people say "what happened" out of context. For example you are telling some one something and they didn't hear you they say "what happened"in a cholo sort of voice. Its like finger nails on the chalk board to me.

Oh man that is annoying. Done with a converstation and someone comes up and says "what were you saying" or "What happened?" Drives me batty.


Active member
People that do not know there is a difference in their, there, they're.
People that almost stop when making a turn
People that drive slow in the left lane
School zones flashing when there are no kids out of school yet.
Animal abusers
Dirty dishes in a sink
People that CAN NOT talk and drive at the same time.
How atleast shows up as an error in word processor programs and wants me to change it to at least. Even though 'at least' is the proper way.

just to name a few.

I'm with you on all of these.


I hate it when people stop by unannounced. I have a buddy from work who stops by on my days off at 8:00 in the morning with his dog and I am usually sleeping yet. He lets his dog run inside when I open the door and it runs wild chasing the cats around.

Or he usually always stops by when im shaving and ready to stop in the shower. Don't people call anymore before they plan on stopping by.


Overkill is under-rated.
I hate tardiness, lack of courtesy, and poor manners. All are disrespectful. If you say you're meeting me at ten, at least TRY to be there at ten or call me and tell me 11. Showing up at 12:30 doesn't impress me.

Oh, and my biggest peeve is people that think they know everything, they really annoy the shit out of those of us who actually do. ;)


ICMag Donor
my 2 biggest are

1 arrogant people:
View themselves as superior
Always know what's better for others
Are incisive in their transactions with others
Never admit their mistakes
Revel in the blunders of others

2 Nepotism - favoritism granted to relatives or friends, without regard to their merit

Confidence is when you think that you can accomplish something without thinking and/or acting like you are better than others.

confident people:
Believe in themselves and in their talents
Are open about their objectives and potential
Are gifted competitors
Aren't afraid to recognize their missteps
Help others correct their slip-ups
I hate people that smack their food in their mouth when they're chewing or "GULP" their water down as loud as they can. That gulping noise irritates the shit out of me. If I can hear you 6 feet away smacking your food while your chewing, are you trying to tell me YOU can't hear it and you're doing it??

Drives me crazy.......


I hate people that smack their food in their mouth when they're chewing or "GULP" their water down as loud as they can. That gulping noise irritates the shit out of me. If I can hear you 6 feet away smacking your food while your chewing, are you trying to tell me YOU can't hear it and you're doing it??

Drives me crazy.......

that crap is nasty! I hate that so freaking much too.

I have another peeve of people putting extra stuuf like repeating their name and Peace out in the end of posts. Most people that do that never really have a positive input so I just get a big ignore list. I can't stand re-reading a persons screen name for no reason other then their inflated ego. My other driving peeve is in heavy traffic the fast and the furoius cars that weave in and out cutting people off for no reason other then the fact that they are furious their cars is not fast and looks like gay mexicans vandalized it.



I hate when people talk in a condescending tone. Seriously, if you have something to say then say it, if not, spare me that passive aggressive bullshit and shut the fuck up.

I hate it when someone thinks they're better than somebody else just because they dont understand them.


I can't stand when people piss straight into the water in the toilet bowl and I can hear them pissing. Piss to the side, let the piss cascade into the water.

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