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Pet Peeves - Let's Hear 'Em



I have another

I work at a restaurant and it angers me to no end how shitty some parents are with their kids, they either have absolutely no control over them, or don't care how their kids act in public. They leaves huge messes on the tables (a regular mess is ok, but I'm talking about disasters with spills, like 25 sugar packets poured out onto the table, spilled drinks, and all sort of other stuff) and then leave five bucks on a $100 bill.

And also people that come in right before we close and stay for over an hour. The place closes at 11, and these people walk in at 10:57. No big deal, they can eat if they want to and the place is still open. I just hate when they stay for hours just talking, especially if they aren't ordering more food. I don't know if they reallize that 10 or 20 people are waiting for them to leave so they can clock out and go home after a 10 hour shift.
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Its COOL to DROOL!!!!!!
pet peeve #1 :
When you are driving and there is that asshole driving next to you, who passes you and steals your two or three car lengths in front of you only to slam on his breaks. Mean while the lane got out of is wide open, the second you decide to go into that lane is when you are cut off again. I call those the "One last pass" guys, sure we all cant drive courteously all the time and weve all been there but if your not making a left turn then stay in yer fucking lane!



I'm so sick of seeing all these stupid ridiculous strain names people come up with. It just makes me think a bunch of 14 year olds were sitting around making names for these strains, but in reality it was probably adults...which is even lamer.

"Dirty Slut"

Can it get any lamer? Probably.


Active member
I hate it when you drive for 3 hours to see a 12 year old boyscout you met on Myspace and when you finally get there Chris Hansen from Dateline NBC starts asking all sorts of personal questions. Then he doesn't even turn over the boyscout. That ruins my weekend every time.

daisy jane

I hate it when people refuse to use proper punctuation. Is it really that hard to throw a comma or period in your sentence??


New member
i fucking hate when people name strains things like green crack, or herijuanna !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yeah, thats good for the cause ! people should fucking grow up.

daisy jane

I also hate it when people talk on their cell phones while they drive....


daisy jane said:
I also hate it when people talk on their cell phones while they drive....

Oh how that pisses me off to. Even more so when they are in the left lane driving fucking 15mph swerving over the yellow line :fsu: :bat: :bat:
i hate it when people chew with their mouth open, when guys itch their balls in public, when people dont get the hint to shut the fuck up and when people know theyre wrong but still try to pretend or lie and say they know theyre right. UGH!


People who end there sentences with a rising inflection as though everything they say is a question.
, when guys itch their balls in public,

That's not fair, Our ball sacks get stuck to our legs during heat and humidity, and as well our penis can go from left pant leg to right. It's not our fault that's happening, and it's damn uncomfortable. You can make sure I'd scratch and shift my package in public or infront of you. To me it's the same as a woman fixing her bra, which I see all the time in public.


Being the ride bitch cause everyone else doesnt have a vehicle OR their vehicle is about to die because they never change/check the oil/water level!!

a "friend" who claims to be doing you a favor by selling you a gram for 20/25$!!!! when you know for a fact that it cost him about 10$ for that same gram.

My biggest peeve. :mad:people that stick half the damn joint in their mouth than pass it to you while it's soaked in slobber. You would think these people know how to hit a joint that's being passed around. CURL YOUR LIPS IF YOUR SHARING A SPLIFF!!:mad:


ICMag Donor
Orderly ques are one of the better aspects of British culture. This is how it works when waiting for a bus:

First person to arrive is the first in the que.
The last person to arrive is last in the que.

There's several exceptions to the above,, we give way to:

- little old ladies
- pregnant women or women with pushcairs
- blind or disabled people.

Otherwise you will hear .. "Oi,, get to the back of the que!" .. if you try and push in.

Social security/social service offices give out little pinted numbers to stop people fighting over who was there first. Just like being at the bingo... lol

Hope this helps.. :D

Btw,, i dislike ppl that dont say please or thank you... manners cost nothing.

Peace all

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