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Pet Peeves - Let's Hear 'Em


Feeding the ducks with a bun.
Hmmmm. Pet peeves.....
I dont like it when people leave a mess in the kitchen.
I dont like waking up the morning after having a party and seeing a complete mess, so Mrs Ahab and I always clean up after the party no matter how late it is.
I also dont like annoying drunks .
People with bad breath are a real turn off also. Brush your teeth or use some mouthwash, damnit.


Hell Ya...

Hell Ya...

genkisan said:
Earth-sucking parasitic Corpo-Nazi slaves, gobbling up the consumerist crap they are fed and perpetuating the malignancy which spawned them.

Very well said my friend...

Viva La OG

I hate when people use too many details in a story, or too many descriptives when they talk (ex: this motherfu*kin, shi* eating, etc etc etc etc etc guy was walking down the street)....Just give me one name-call, and that's sufficient!

And also people who when high, seem like they are on some sort of upper. Super energetic and quite frankly annoying! I like to chill and what not.


It pisses me off when people torch the shit out of a bowl with their lighter instead of quickly lighting it and taking a hit.


New member
Pet peeves... oh dear...

People with signatures that take up 95% of a post ;)

Children who think they're adults

People who don't practice what they preach

Sucking up just to suck up


New member
-I hate when I turn on the radio and I just hear the same "Pop" bullshit I was hearing 10 years ago with a different more annoying beat played by equally untalented "Artist" who make one song n far off the earth.

-When new rappers are just starting to make a name for themselves are down talking to those who are already there.

-When someone gets violent when their veiws are challenge or proven wrong.



Uncle Jesse

Active member
Some saturday night fever should kill that....hehhhehe

actually i heard a nickleback tonite at a fiends not sure thinkit's called " I wanna be a rock star " pretty cool !


-People who think they are better than others (although we are all like this to a small extent I think)

-People who aren't tolerant (not just racists)

-People who look down on me for using (Pot; shrooms and lucy; speed - I get adderall from friends and use strictly for studying)

-When I am trying to study or work, small noises or talking. I need total silence to get any type of schoolwork done.

-People who remain lazy, even when their own laziness makes other people have to pick up the slack and work harder.


marx2k said:
One of my pet peeves are people who find it funny to fuck with you in cliche ways when youre tripping.

Number one, it's not funny. Number two, it's not funny. Number three, it's also not original.

I hate that so much.

I accidentally punched my friend one time while we were doing some H.B. Woodrose seeds when he tried to mess with me by abruptly making screeching noises and putting his hands in my face.

My friends have this habit of scaring each other at random intervals while driving/riding in a vehicle (ex: friend #1 will just scream really loud and wave his hands in an attempt to scare friend #2.) The only problem with that is that friend #2 is driving. I find it so immature and reckless. I'm just waiting for them to run off the road on day and get in a wreck. I don't really go anywhere with them anymore since there have been one or two close calls and they still haven't learned. I don't even know why I hang out with them.

I also hate it when people chew with their mouths open and make the smacking sound. It drives me nuts. I have weird ass friends.


Heres a few of mine.

I hate when people get passed the blunt and then sit there for an hour talking and not hitting the blunt especially when its not theres.

People who are greedy with their herb, but when you have it their quick to put their hands out.

People who are complete assholes to you but once again once ya got herb, looks who a little angel.

People who've been smoking for a while but still smoke like an amateur ex person who takes several hits before actually inhaling

People who torch the bowl instead of just lighting a lil bit and taking a hit

Its insane how greedy people are about weed, I mean come on its just some herb dont be a bitch.
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Active member
Where did I put that?

Where did I put that?

Putting my freakin bowl "away" before the cable guy comes. Havnt seen it in 2 weeks!!!


daisy jane

When people put their trash in the sink when there is a perfectly good trashcan next to it!!

Also, when people put their gum on their plate to eat. Blech!!


Active member
Hello all,

People with disabled license plates park in the H/C stall, get out, walk into the Walmart where they will walk 3 miles by the time they are done shopping only to have to struggle to get to there car because they walked there fat asses too far shopping.



Only 2 Pet Peeves:
1) Earthdog's response.
2) When people start a sentence with "Honestly" and/or "To tell you the truth", "To be honest".... What then, you've been lying otherwise?


>>People who, when they pass you the pipe, leave a nice coating of saliva on the mouthpiece.
>>Folks that don't know the difference between "there, their & they're".
>>People who still don't think FOX news has an agenda.

Bh :wave: